A Collection of Information Available to the public. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." This IS IT ~ TIME to reclaim our Freedom from an out of control Tyrannical Government. LIVE FREE and Fight the Good Fight To Keep That Right.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Let Go That Ego, Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the right, Come together, The USA will have its MIGHT
We can all agree, the Obama election was a big fiasco. The Democrats with Obamanation "stakeholder" stamps on their forehead include Al Sharpton and subsequent minions, Mayor of NYC Bloomberg ? , yes, and I'd hate to label the terminator as an obaminator, but if he accepted an invite to the Immigration/Border Control reform meeting of late, then yes, AL waaahz baaahk... And not in the greatest of company. Clowns to the left, they're "stakeholders"... OK, investors, those who have something to gain, a personal interest, and a special knowledge on the subject at hand.
Someone please put Al Sharpton on the New Mexico/Mexico border and see how long that ass hat lasts. He'd be jumping on the mule train so fast his hair wouldn't have a chance to get a veto in... as if he or his hair has veto power.. actually, that hair is fueled by some power Japan may want to look into.. The USA? not so much.
So come together, right now, as we need to, and put all the egos aside. OBAMA = FAILURE.. Perfect time for the Obama Roast, ha, more like an Obama BOAST. This should be good...
"my FELLOW Americans" Mahalo? yeah, ok.. What a week. Good one, Mr. Prez... What's coming next, here it comes, all doubts to rest....DA DA DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!! OH good, his official birth video... Give me a break... A stork cartoon... Brilliance at it's distractive best...
Wow, The cringe factor --> Through the Roof. What an utter embarrassment. Obama read his script as if it were the first time he laid eyes on it, obviously seething with anger at the surface, it was so clear he was filling with rage as he read the self effacing jokes that is what the correspondence dinner is all about.. C'mon, Seth Meyers is your keynote speaker, it's basically a roast. Seth didn't skip a beat, as it was obvious someone else wrote HIS jokes.. as they bombed, he laughed even harder, seemingly to be relieved he was just delivering someone else's material... HOW EMBARRASSING the situation can get when ego mania rules. Saving face often smears it. Narcissism keeps one from the ability for levity, or any ability or desire for one to make fun of oneself.. Part of the sick disease.. Dis - ease.. un ease, an uneasiness with oneself, so extremely uneasy that anything but putting on a phony face, portraying a shiny image of perfection is excruciating.. HAHA!!! THAT'S funny...in a sad scary way.
Anyone who can't see the humor in human nature, their own imperfections and must hold onto their image is clearly in need of psychological treatment, for their own good, and if they're Presiden of the United States, for the good of THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
This man's incompetence, yes, he already took full credit for nixing Osama Been Hiding way too long for that to be worth a blink of an eye... and still his incompetence and traits that make him so clearly, OBVIOUS in a GLARING way, unable to hold the position of Commander in Chief. He even dithered when he broke into programming... no coincidence right in the climax of the Apprentice, Trumps top rated show, keeping everyone on pins and needles, or full blown panic, for over half an hour before sucking himself off in the most arrogant, credit stealing self aggrandizing, delusional diatribe of his (non) greatness and accomplishment, that they have yet to prove. No pictures, no body, no proof.. Produce, prove, and eliminate doubt.. and do the same with this Bin Laden rumor... YOU STUPID STUPID EGO MANIACAL NARCISSIST ... God Bless OUR TROOPS!!! Justice will, however, be served, when the White House Door hits Obama on his booted ass. Can't wait to say BUH BYE.. to Osama/ Obama, both in a tag team, or at least one.. the latter preferred.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
American Thinker: Obama Thinks You're an Idiot: Is He Right?
April 22, 2011
Obama Thinks You're an Idiot: Is He Right?
By James LewisSaturday, April 23, 2011
Will Audacity Be the Theme? It will have to unless Obama gets a lobotomy
* Will Obama wear the Flag pin showing his patriotic "love" for this country and its people?
If so ~ How will he explain his change of a staunch unyielding stance he took while giving us a clear indication, hard, fast evidence that this Bum is ANTI-AMERICAN?
If not ~ Will the Media snap out of it and give him grief for it THIS time? Will he admit that it's symbolic of his resentment for this nation, and Western civilization, hence the subsequent returning of the bust of Winston Churchill to the U.K. and the endless list of anti-American action and inaction that kept us shaking our heads for the first half and into the second half of his term? He will HAVE to admit to his resentment and desire to destroy this country for everything it was founded upon and all it stands for. Weaken us, break down our economy, build up a super power Government, coalesce with thugs and conscienceless scumbags. The Immigration reform meeting that left out every Governor of every border state and all members of government in all border states, period..inviting AL SHARPTON?!! Michael the mayor of NYC Bloomberg, Arnold Schwartzenegger, and Bozo the Fucking Clown!! Are you fucking kidding me? ok, calm, breathe.. The educated idiots, E.I. (Lenin called them useful idiots) who follow the pied piper into the sewer of disease, illness, despair, disgust, and destruction.
What has he done? Rewind to 2008... The grandiose Hopey Changey thing he proclaimed like a prophetic savior... "Beware the Prophet who speaks so perfectly and seeks a Profit"... His gain, Our Pain. MY GOD, what other evidence does an ignoramous need?... (wow, this storm is crazy, the power just went out for longer than a flash.. it's wicked out there, yeah, the weather too)..
Had to post before I lost a connection, which I did, but it went through anyway.
This absolute atrocity really gets me and thank God, so many others, so worked up and outraged by disbelief that this could be happening in the United States of America. Thank the Angels above that an entire movement has jumped on board and kicked it into high gear by the thousands, hundreds of thousands.... It was just a mere several hundred when I first woke up from my ignorant bliss, my dream world, to this insane night mare. I put these thoughts down as they come, when I'm up for it, as sometimes I can't get it from my thoughts through the CNS to the tips of my fingers.. sometimes it flows effortlessly... So I leave these small thoughts, the tiny drops in a bucket full of gallons of poisonous liquid Obama is trying to force us to drink.
Remember... This man has waged fiscal warfare against the United States. He ignored, completely disrespected and IGNORED the Oversight Committee's subpoena of the documents that should hold on record where our trillions of dollars have gone... No receipts, no answer, no clue, no impressive metropolis with an underwater world or airspace highway of Jetson style air frisbees. What the fuck did that thieving lying narcissist spend our money on. Him and Pelosi went on a binge spending spree and kept NO records?!! BULLSHIT!!!
This man waged internal legislative warfare with the GOP, putting the guise of the Tea Party dissention with the Republicans as the reason for a stalemate. This psychopath's refusal to give in, compromise, and put a hold on his love affair with spending money on God only knows what and also caused Standard and Poor's to report (regardless of Obama's request for them to keep the information out of the public domain, CRIMINAL, like an inside trader) an impending negative rating on our dollar and our economic standing, basically a AAA rating to a negative, which means fuck the debt ceiling, we won't get a stick of gum on credit. Mexico won't trade a peso for a buck, we'll be a third world country.... The weakened, sick, divided we fell, spot of useless land...
The storm is blowing like an omen in the dark. I don't like being too close to the windows, which is what my place is surrounded by--- picture windows, big windows all around it. Going to the center where it's safe.. Actually, the right side of center is the best place to be right now. God Bless, good night.
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