Our President, Barack Obama, was a member of a radical communist party, called the Illinois New Party and/or the Chicago New Party, which has Chicago Mob and Black Communist Activist roots. He admits receiving Marxist training (Marxism is the ideology of using law as a means of oppression and control). Obama has friends whose terrorist organization bombed the US Capital, the Pentagon and the State Department, killed policemen and plans to kill 25 million people. These people may be agents of Cuba or Russia. Obama has surrounded himself with socialists-communists of similar backgrounds and has built and is building a shadow government of communists-socialists-progressives-radicals to bypass Congressional and Citizen control. As elected leader of our country, he regularly meets with large labor unions led by known communists. He worked for an international communist organization, ACORN, now under investigation by the FBI and others. As a marxist-trained socialist and apparent narcissist, Obama's primary goals are to eliminate capitalism and replace it with a socialist-marxist-communist program, perhaps under the direction of the Soviet Union who has been our enemy for over 50 years. Obama's policies are leaving our nation open to attack and infiltration by communists and terrorists of dictator countries and his initiatives will collapse the US financial system as it forces us to obtain huge financial loans from other countries like communist China. Obama made the Top Ten List of Corrupt Politicians in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, with "Dishonorable Mention" on the 2006 List. Without any doubt, Obama is a Communist.
The 111th Congress' US House of Representatives was led by a majority of Progressives (i.e., documented Socialists and Communists) and most remain in the 112th Congress. Its Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, was also a Progressive-Socialist-Communist who made the Top Ten List of Corrupt politicians in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. Of the 435 House members, at least 80 were Progressive (Socialist-Communist) Democrats, about 59 are members of the New Democrat Coalition, and about 52 are Blue Dog Democrats. Some identified as non-Progressive Democrats were actually socialists bringing the total to over 100. There are Criminal Communists (RINOs) in the Republican Party, too.
As CBS News reported, Progressives follow Mao (NBC report example: Congressman Bobby Rush). Below you will see Progressive Representatives, involved in crime, corruption and blocking investigations into their progressive associates and their crimes. Progressives attempted to enter and refocus our US census and voting process via ACORN. Many of these socialist/communist US House of Representatives members travel to Communist Cuba frequently and meet with the Castro brothers and associates of a US-convicted Cuban spy ring. They have changed US laws to allow enable money transfer, travel and better communications with Communist Cuba and many openly praise mass murderers Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. They are working to make it easier for illegal immigrants to enter our country so they can expand their control of America via labor unions. The goal is transforming tens of millions of illegal aliens into communist union members who will vote as a block and increase communist transition funding via annual union dues. Their policies are not "freedom of religion", but rather "no religion". They are implementing budget-busting initiatives to redistribute wealth and convert the USA to communism. Their current policies are collapsing our US financial system. See voluminous details on each Socialist Member of Congress below.
Progressive-Socialist-Communists control the US Senate. In both Houses of Congress, RINOs (Republicans who behave like Socialists or who are Communist Sleeper Cells) aid Democrat and Independent Socialists.
PROGRESSIVES IN CONGRESS AND GOVERNMENTUntil 1999, a communist group, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) hosted the website of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. DSA members have direct ties to the Communist Party of USA, radicals, terrorists, corrupt unions and crime organizations.
America's Communist Politburo... Our New Illegal, Unconstitutional U.S. Gov't
Click on 12 Photos Below to Find Out Who They Are
6 Communists, 4 RINOs (Liberals), and 2 Conservatives.... Balance (Including Obama): 11 Commies to 2 Conseratives
Equals 85% US Communist/RINO Takeover
Both "Conservatives" (Hensarling,Toomey) Voted for the Unconstitutional Patriot Act - Absolutely Must Watch!!
RINOs: Camp (TARP, GM), Upton (Global Warming, More), Kyl (Ineligibility, Much More), Portman (Debt, Glass-Segall Act Repeal)
Stop The Unconstitutional, "Communist Politboro" Super Congress Now or America is Doomed!
Obama and Hillary are Bringing Communists Back in Central America Hillary Says the U.S. "Commends" Communist Dictator Hugo Chavez for Supporting their Efforts to Return a Communist to Honduras |
Communist Hillary Clinton Naturally Says... Communist China is No Threat to U.S. |
Hillary: We Welcome Dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood
UN and Hillary Clinton Implementing Islamic Overthrow of America
Commie Weiner's Wife and Hillary Clinton's Pet Tied to Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood - More! |
Mother and Brother of Hillary's Pet and Weiner's Wife are Prominent Members of the Muslim Brotherhood - So Much for National Security!ANTHONY WEINER'S SPY WIFE AND HILLARY PETProbable Lesbian Hillary Clinton Says State Department “Instrumental in Sealing Deal” for Lady Gaga’s Gay Pride Gig in Rome
Hillary Clinton Refuses to Rule Out Working with Islamic Terrorists |
BILL & HILLARY CLINTON STOLE $2 MILLION!Part 2 - Listen to Hillary Admit to Election Funding Felony Caught on Tape - She Destroyed (Marvel Comics Known) Stan Lee's CompanyHillary: Calling Muslim BrotherhoodHillary Clinton is Promoting Muslim CivilizationCommie Clinton Hosting Islamic World Forum for Islamo-Communist Obama in D.C.
Hillary Clinton's State Dept is Sending Senior Official to Attend Conference Advocating Iranian Theocracy |
Hillary Clinton Supports Middle East Terrorist Dictator
Hillary and Hugo... the Marxist Love Fest Continues
Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner's Ties to al Quaeda |
HILLARY'S AND SOROS' ADVISOR IS A RUSSIAN SPY! - Spy Also Tied to "Caught Hiding Secret Documents in His Socks" Sandy Berger, Ex-Commie President Bill Clinton, and His "Good Friend" GOP Senator Richard LugarFBI Says Russian Spies Got Close to Hillary - What Idiots, She is a Russian Agent!
Hillary's State Dept. Defends Traitor Who Stole/Released Largest Quantity of US Secrets EverHillary Clinton Chats with Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez at Inauguration of Brazil's New Communist President- Dems and Obama Helped the Communist Get ElectedHillary Clinton: 'I'm Trying to Increase the Number of Visas’ for Iranian StudentsHillary Clinton: Anti-JewHillary Clinton to Communist Brazil: Obama Sends $10 Billion of U.S. Tax Dollars to Brazil for Drilling New Oil, While Quashing America’s Drilling Rights
Hillary Clinton Adviser Compares Internet to Communist Mass Murderer, Che GuevaraHillary's State Dept. Chief Spokesman Fired
Hillary Clinton Pushing Sharia - Invites Muslim Brotherhood to the TableMuslim Brotherhood's Infiltrated Highest Gov't Positions ...Hillary Clinton Says Islamophobia Should be Prosecuted by LawHillary Clinton and Communist EU About to Transform Syria in Another Muslim Brotherhood / Al Qaeda Stronghold, Like Egypt and LibyaCommunist Hillary Clinton wants Peace Deal with Militant Islamic ExtremistsHillary Clinton's Role in the Waco MurdersHillary Clinton's State Dept. Wasting Hundreds of $Millions of US Taxpayer Money to Refurbish Foreign MosquesCommunist Hillary: Says She's for Women's Rights AND Women-Beating TalibanHillary Insults Israel
Hillary Clinton is a Danger to IsraelHillary Clinton on Syria: Astounding Lies, Zero LegitimacyCommunist Clinton: We Want Rebels to Win… We Just Don’t Know Who They AreHILLARY CLINTON COURTS BRUTAL OUTLAW NATION - Earlier Today, AP/MSNBC Referenced Myanmar's Brutal Outlaw Regime in This Article. After Drudge Picked It Up, Those References were Purged.Hillary Fights Hard to Keep Taxpayers Funding Foreign Abortion, Pakistan and CubaIs Hillary Clinton a Lesbian? If Not, Why Does She Spend All Her Time with Anthony Weiner's Wife? - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7Financial Exec to Plead Guilty in Hillary Clinton Fundraising SchemeCheck Out Hillary Clinton's Communist, Terrorist, Black Panther NetworkDick Morris on Hillary Clinton's Wikileaked Actions: She Trying to Blackmail Foreign Officials... It's How Communists WorkHILLARY CLINTON, CIA AND ULTRA-RICH INVOLVED IN WORLD BAIL-OUT SCHEME - This Worldwide Plot Seems So Big, We Don't Even Know How to Describe It!
Another Hillary Clinton Union Boss Funder Goes to Jail: Bribes, Racketeering, Perjury, Union Money for CocaineFCC Marxists (and one working for Hillary Clinton's State Dept.) want 500% Budget Increase to Enable Gov't Control of Airwaves
Hillary Clinton Demands Europe Appease MuslimsComrade Clinton Gives $150 Million to Terrorists
Hillary Clinton Lets Jailed Spy’s Intel Agent Wife Visit from CubaTraitor Commies Obama/Hillary Set US Up for UN Rights Council ScrutinyCommunist Hillary Clinton's State Department Wishes Happy Birthday to Iranian Mass Murderer and US Enemy, AhmadinejadAnother Rare Communist Saul Alinsky Video. Alinsky is Hero of Obama and MSNBC's Chris Matthews, as well as College Thesis Topic of Hillary Clinton
HILLARY CLINTON'S STATE DEPT IS CREATING A SMALL OVERSEAS ARMY!!More Wealth Redistribution: Hillary Clinton Gives $500 Million to Pay-Off Taliban Jihadi (Isn't that Funding Terrorists?)
Hillary's State Department Cover-Up: Illegally Destroyed Obama’s Mother’s Passport ApplicationHillary Clinton Skewered for Preaching Karl Marx. Hillary was a Lawyer for the Black Panthers.
HILLARY CLINTON Announces She's Spending $63 Billion on Her New Centerpiece...Global Eugenics and Population Control Thanks for Asking If We Want to Pay for Abortions Around the Globe. Hillary's No Doubt Been Caucusing with Whack Job Science Czar, John Holdren |
Commie Clinton is Talking Like Communist Again.
Fast Communist Russian Spy Swap: Kept Hillary Clinton Out of the PressUNBELIEVABLE!! Hillary Clinton Adds U.S. to State Department’s List of Slave Nations. But She's Right... We're All Slaves to our Current Communist Government.
Hillary Clinton Grovels for Forgiveness from Ecuador’s Marxist President and Hugo Chavez AllyListen to Hillary Communist Clinton Talk Like Karl Marx , Saying, "The Rich are Not Paying Their Fair Share"and Tell You Her Desire to Tax The Hell Out of Us. She then Praises Socialist-Led Brazil and Says We Ought to Be Like Them. Obama's Commie Government Now Openly Preaching Marx in Public.
HILLARY CLINTON: "We’re Going to Take Things Away From You on Behalf of the Common Good"Hilliary Clinton Gives Away Our Top Secret Nuclear Weapons Strength to Russia.
Communism / Socialism Quotes & Info - Including Three from Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Admits She is a Progressive
She Met and Studied Saul Alinsky
Internship At Marxist-Run Law Firm
Hillary Communist Clinton: The Ugly American KillerLawsuit Filed to Disqualify Clinton
The Clinton Scandals
Big Liar Competition
Hillary's Lies
More Hillary Lies
Top 10 Hillary Lies
Hillary Clinton's 1969 Thesis that Examines the Tactics of Radical Community Organizer, Saul D. Alinsky. More:1, 2, 3Hillary Clinton is a CommunistObama/Hillary to Muslims: Keep Using Children as Soldiers in Terrorist-Spawning CountriesGovernment Employees for the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Racist OrganizationClinton State Department Working With 'Advocacy Groups' to Prepare 'Human Rights' Report on U.S. to Give to U.N. Going to Progressive-Governed Detroit to Find Problems to Report.
Self-Admitted Progressive Clintons and James Carville are at War with The Tea Party Part 1, Part 2Still Angling to Give the United Nations Control of the United States of America. Says: "We Have a Lot to Learn" About Energy Policy from Other NationsClinton, Obama Fundraiser Admits $292 Million FraudHillary Clinton Donor: Jailed 12 Years for FraudChina Human Rights Off Limits for Hillary Clinton. Maybe That's Why Hillary is Dressing Like a Communist.Hillary Loves Brazil Because George Soros Loves BrazilHILLARY CLINTON: OBAMA SUING AZHillary Clinton's State Dept. Says Chelsea Clinton Can Receive Wedding Gifts from Foreign OfficialsCommunist Hillary Clinton's State Dept Achieves Goal After 10 Years in Afghanistan: No Christian Churches RemainHillary's State Department Hiding Ground Zero ImamHillary Clinton Talks World Government at the Council On Foreign Relations
Barack and Hillary: Ideologically IdenticalRed Diaper Baby in NewsCommie Clinton Missed the Memo... Wears Chairman Mao Outfit
Bill "Adulteress Oral Sex in the Oval Office President" Clinton Wants Weiner to Resign
AH HA!! THE SMOKING GUN!!Bettina Viviano Heard DIRECTLY Out of Bill and Hillary’s Mouths They Knew Obama was Not Eligible! ...GOP Made a Tit-for-Tat Deal with Dems to Hide John McCain's Ineligibility ... Two People Killed to Hide The Facts McCain was Ineligible, Too, Because He Was Born in Panama. Both Parties Broke Law and are Now Committing Treason! |
VIDEO! Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not EligibleCorsi: Bill Clinton Said Obama IneligibleWhile Investigating the Murder of His Brother by Bill Clinton's Administration, Man Discovers Eric Holder May Have Given Explosives to OKC Bombers... Before You Poo-Poo This Story, the Man was Awarded $1.1 Million because the FBI Destroyed Evidence and Lied About His Brother's Death.Sexual Predator, Bill Clinton Still Gets a Pass from FeministsAdulterer Newt Gingrich Defines Clinton's Impeachment for Felony PerjuryTHE CLINTON MURDERS
Ruby Ridge - More Clinton MurdersBush and Clinton's Role in Gun and Drug Running
Gov't "Gunrunner" Activities have been On-going for DecadesCOCAINE: IS THE CIA A DRUG CARTEL?Cocaine Use and Cocaine for Arms Nothing New for US Presidents or CIA - Bush - Bush & Clinton - Bill Clinton Cocaine Use? - Jennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Offered Her Cocaine - Obama Admits: Used Cocaine - Bush:Alleged Use of Cocaine - Fast & Furious: Guns for Cocaine
Impeachment... Lessons Obama Learned from Clinton's Crimes and Communist Dealings
BILL CLINTON: KNOWN DRUG & GUN RUNNERBill Clinton Lost Nuclear Codes: Maybe Carter, TooClinton-Gore Let Chinese Spies into US Nuclear Weapons LabsWHERE'S THE $BILLION? $1B in Haiti Aid Exclusively in Impeached Bill Clinton's Hands is "Missing".Our Bet: Money will go to Funding Communism.Impeached Perjurer President Campaigns 'for Everybody that Helped Hillary Run for President' Against ObamaBILL CLINTON
- Let's Dedicate GZ Mosque to Muslims Who Died on 9/11
- Let’s Do Climate Change to Reduce Social InequalityGlass-Steagall Act: Stated that no single institution or bank holding company could engage in both commercial banking and brokerage/investment banking. It was eliminated by Bill Clinton and allowed massive theft of our nation's wealth.Bill Describing How Progressives Can Rule for Decades
40 Years of Progressives
Bill at Global Progressive Event
Bill Speaking to European Progressives
Bill's Bio Says He's a ProgressiveImpeached President
Bill Clinton Had His Own Van JonesThanks to Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, Elian Gonzalez is Now a Communist.Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue ICE for Rights ViolationsBill Clinton Collected $50K per Month from MF Global ...Wherever There's Crime, You Find Slick WillieCommie Clinton Now Denies He was the Sestak Go-BetweenNetanyahu Says Bill Clinton Lied - Who'd Have Thought?Bill Clinton Recommends "Progressive, Value-Added Tax"On Obama: "A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Getting Us Coffee."
Why We're Screwed... Who Repealed the Glass-Steagall Act?... Answer: Lots and Lots of Crooked Communist TraitorsClinton is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Whose Goal is to Create a One World Gov't
Clinton-Gore Bankrolled North Korea's Nuke ProgramObama Sends Clinton to Communist North Korea
The Clinton Scandals
Dead People
Sex Scandals
COMMIE BILL CLINTON: LIARClinton Library Withholding Secret Notes Kagan Wrote about Paula Jones SuitBig Liar Competition
Bill Clinton Attended Bilderberg Group Meeting
Progressives Charles Schumer, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s Role in Horrifically Killing 76 Innocent Americans on US Soil with Tanks, Bullets, Poisonous Chemicals and Fire.Janet Reno Told Clinton She Stays On or She'll Blow the Whistle on the Waco MassacreSecrets of Skull and Bones Society Blow Wide Open - Members Included Both Bushs and Bill Clinton - Hint... They're Promoting CommunismBill Clinton Gassed and Starved Thousands of Children but has the Nerve to Lecture Tea Party Protesters on Violence & CivilityClinton's FBI Let 1st World Trade Center Bombing HappenClinton / Holder: Long History of Terrorist SupportKagan Helped Cover Up Bill Clinton ScandalsClinton-Appointed Michigan Judge Upholds ObamaCareClinton Judge Impeached By CongressCommie Clintons Supporting Jailed Racist RapperCommunist Clinton: "They have Us on the Brink of Socialism"Herman Cain Makes Mincemeat of Bill ClintonTaiwanese Animators Score Again: Funny Video of Clinton Taking Over for ObamaCommie Bill Clinton Wants US/UN Internet Truth AgencyCommunist Bill Clinton Gags on "Quasi-Socialists"Arkansas Names Airport After Communist Murdering Crooks, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Impeached PresidentFOX HOST? - COMMUNIST BILL CLINTON? - Standby for High Theatre, Commie Propaganda and New Sex Scandal
In the Middle of Falsely Claiming that He Wants to Cut Taxes by 20%... COMMUNIST JOE BIDEN CALLS FOR A MINIMUM GLOBAL TAX! He and Obama Have Already Given America the World's Highest Corporate Tax |
COMMIE JOE BIDEN: THE TALIBAN IS NOT OUR ENEMY ...Joe's Enemy is AmericaJoe Biden’s Communist Solution for Euro Debt Crisis: A Huge Obama-Style BailoutCOMMUNIST BIDEN WANTS TO TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNSAdmitted Progressive (Communist) Joe Biden Drafted the Core of the Patriot Act in 1995 … Before OKC Bombing ...Allowing Permanent Detention of "Terrorists"JOE BIDEN WAS THE FATHER OF THE PATRIOT ACT (Unconstitutional Gov't Phone Taps) - More: 1, 2, 3Communist Loon Biden Says More Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Not PassedIn Speech to Cops, Communist Biden Mocks Rich Getting Their 'Porsche Stolen'Joe Biden's "Hate Men" LawBiden Admits Gov't Subsidies Increased College Tuition
Commie Joe Biden: New Stimulus Needed ‘Even if We’re Growing at 8%’ and Have ‘3% Unemployment Rate’… Mid-Numbing StupidityBiden Says Obama Responsible for Economy and American People are Rightly Mad - Oops! Forgot to Lie!Communist Biden: Communist China is No Threat to USBecause Blowing $1 Trillion Wasn't Enough: Buffoon Biden Calls for More Stimu-Less... The Guy's a ClownBiden Buffoon Goes to ChinaBuffoon VP Does His Own Communist Apology TourMore Biden Buffoonery in Communist China
Biden to Union Socialists: "I've Stayed with You"... You Keep "Barbarians from the Gate"White House Press Secretary: Don’t Listen to Anything Biden Says - The man's an idiot, one heartbeat away from presidencyAdmitted Progressive Joe Biden - Rape MongerCommunist VP Biden Calls Tea Party "Terrorists"Biden Dem Rally: Draws 200Biden Lies - Says GOP Spending $200 Billion on AdsJoe Biden: "It’s Just Too Hard to Explain Our Failed Policies”Stimulus Funded Amtrak CEO Drives to Biden Station Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony After Train Breaks Down. Naming Amtrak Station After Biden is an Absolutely Perfect Monument to a Guy Whose Entire History has been Overspending, Taxpayer Waste and Overpromising
U.S. VP, JOE BIDEN: LIAR & CROOK and in charge of STIMULUS. Joe, You Earned this Video. |
Joe Biden Calls Wealth Redistribution "Fair"Joe Biden Admits He's a Progressive
VP Biden Says He Called MF Globl Criminal Jon Corzine for Advice
"Proven Commitment to Progressive Issues"
The Commies Say He is Progressive
PATHETIC BIDENJoe Biden's Big Lie of the WeekJoe Biden Thinks Brussels is Capital of the Free World. Why US VP Joe Biden Says Capital of Socialist European Union is Capital of the Free World ("Must Watch" Videos)Progressives Charles Schumer, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s Role in Horrifically Killing 76 Innocent Americans on US Soil with Tanks, Bullets, Poisonous Chemicals and Fire.Biden: A Gaffe Every Time He Speaks
Village Idiot Biden Says He's a Member of the Cracked Head Club... Or was that Crack Head?Joe Biden Transparency"Washington is Broken"Biden Snubs Israeli Press. Does Interview with Arabic Al Jazeera TV instead.Biden: "You’re the Dullest Audience I’ve Ever Spoken To"Joe Biden's Big Lie of the Week: He's a ZionistLYING JOE BIDEN: Unemployment is Unacceptably High, But the Stimulus WorkedORDINARY GUY TELLS JOE BIDEN TO LOWER TAXES. BIDEN THEN CALLS HIM A SMART ASS.
Supreme Court Justice Kagan’s Role in Obamacare Defense - Oust Usurper Obama and Socialist Kagan is UnemployedCommunist Sotomayor: Not "Illegal Aliens", but Instead “Undocumented”Racist Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was a Member of the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Group for Six YearsCommunist Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayer Lied to Country on 2nd Amendment. No Surprise,Communists Lie.
Sonia Sotomayer is a Member of the Communist Group, La RazaCommunist Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer Says Court is Where Policy is Made
SOCIALIST JUSTICE KAGAN PROPOSES FEDERAL "BOATLOAD OF MONEY" OBAMACARE BRIBE - Hey, You Commie Joke of a Judge, That's Our Money, Not the Government's!Elena Kagan is Breaking Federal Law ,,,GOP SilentFed's Sued Over Kagan's Obamacare RoleDOJ Email: Kagan was Involved in Obamacare
KAGAN: 'Two-Month Gap’ in Obamacare InvolvementSocialist Kagan: 3 Reasons to Recuse
KAGAN: PERJURYSUPREME COURT JUSTICE CAUGHT LYING!1 of 2 Fake U.S. Supreme Court Judges, Elena Kagan Can Be Removed from the BenchFAUX U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, ELENA KAGAN49 Congressmen Demand: Investigate Elena Kagan’s ObamaCare Lies
Kagan: Recuse She MustBut Won't... Commies Have No ScruplesVideo |
Socialist Supreme Court Justice Kagan: Crafting Obamacare's Defense
Socialist Kagan Appointed to Supreme CourtEthics, Criminal Complaints Filed To Disbar KaganSocialist SCOTUS Justice Candidate Kagan's Alarming Record (video)
Papers Prepped to Disbar Elena KaganSocialist Kagan’s Work to Make Constitution More Shariah-CompliantRINO Lindsey Graham Is Lone Republican to Vote For Kagan. Graham Needs to be Investigated.
KAGAN:- She'll Ram Shariah Law Down Our Throats- Do We Have to Get Rid of Republicans, as Well as Dems?
Senators Demand Kagan Recuse Herself from Obamacare SuitShe Must be Barred from The CourtProgressive/CommunistProgressive/Marxist
KAGAN: Morally Blind and Deserving of This RippingAgainst 2nd AmendmentSenator Sessions on Kagan: "Filibuster is Not Off the Table"
Elena Kagan’s Appointment Could Usher in Sharia Law and the Demise of America
I'm Not A Socialist and Can't Remember All The Dumb Memos I WroteAdmires Nazi Lover
Nazi Freak Show
Socialist Ties (The Middle Years)
Unqualified and Dangerous
Evasive Lying Progressive
Lying Her Pearls Off
More Lying
Filibuster Justified!
Socialist on the High Court?The Case Against Confirmation by Orrin Hatch... But Will He Filibuster?
Why Filibustering Kagan and Exposing Ineligible Obama is ESSENTIAL! We're One Progressive-Communist Justice Away from America Communist by Law.
SINCE WHEN DID WE PERMIT SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN OUR CONSTITUTION TO BE APPOINTED FOR LIFE TO INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION? Progressives are Slower-Moving Socialists / Communists, So Appointing Kagan is a VERY BAD IDEA. Kagan is an Admitted Progressive. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11. She's a Socialist. She Believes Precisely as Communist Obama Does When It Comes to the Constitution, and Obama Admits He Does Not Believe in the Constitution. Now and With Kagan, We Likely Have Four Life-Time Communists in the SCOTUS. If They Get One More -- Checkmate -- America Becomes Communist by Law.
Elena Kagan's Hero (watch video)
Defied Federal LawSupported Cloning People
Senator Sessions: Kagan is Pro-Terrorist and SocialistKagan Supported Policy of Reverse DiscriminationSupported Late Term, Partial-Birth AbortionObama Withholding Kagan DocumentsKagan, Marxist Lawyer
See Al Gore's Own Dedicated Page
Commie Carter's Cuba VisitCalls for the Release of Cuban Spies Who Killed Americansknown as the "Cuban Five" Also Bashes U.S., Supports Cuba |
ISLAMO-COMMIE CARTER TRUSTS THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOODJimmy Carter Sends Condolences for Brutal, Mass Murderer, Dead Communist DictatorVIDEO: CARTER, OBAMA BOTH SAID AMERICA LAZYCommunists Obama and Carter Sound the Same - ListenIslamo-Commie Carter Cheers Hamas-Fatah UnificationVIDEO: Commie Carter Trashes America in Communist North KoreaCommie Caster Accuses US of Human Rights Violations in Communist North KoreaJimmy Carter Meets with "Old Friend" Fidel Castro2nd Worst Living President Visits Communist Cuba for 3 DaysCommie Carter to Visit Commie CubaJimmy Carter Plans to Visit Comrade Kim Jong-il in Communist North KoreaCommie Carter Consoled Helen Thomas after Anti-Semitic Remarks FiringTerrorist, Islamic Extremist Iran Founder, Jimmy Carter Says Obama's Muslim Brotherhood “Not Anything to Be Afraid OfJimmy Carter Sued for Lying - Communists LieCan’t Be Good… Jimmy Carter Says Mubarak Must GoMiddle East: Carter ReduxPoll: Confidence in Gov't at 35-Year Low, Back When Commie Carter was PrezCommie Carter: Losing Reelection “Biggest Failure” of My Presidency, Taught Me “You Should Never Let American Hostages be Held for 444 Days in a Foreign Country"Department of Energy: Commie Carter’s Colossal Failure!
Commie Jimmy Carter: Communist North Korea Deserves RespectJimmy Carter, Korean Communist DupeEx-Prez, Commie Carter Breaks Word About Not Stigmatizing the Jewish State (Israel)
Commie Carter: Thinks We Need a Gay PresidentCommie Jimmy Carter Melts Down, Blasts BirthersEx-Prez, Jimmy Commie Carter's Mental CollapseJimmy Carter Attends Radical Leftist Protest Against JewsCarter Slammed by Israel for Supporting HamasBill Clinton Lost Nuclear Codes: Maybe Carter, TooCommie Carter Shills for TerroristsDouble-Duped Jimmie Carter: From Soviet Communism to Radical IslamJimmy Carter Worried Because He Can't Work with TerroristsCarter Wants Obama to Remove Hamas from Terror ListThe Progressive Virus and Their Run to Create a Marxist US Government Part 1 - Jimmy Carter and Michael MooreJimmy Carter Meets with Communists Under Pretense of Freeing Prisoner. Who'd He Really Meet and Talk About?
What They Want You to Think: Dear Leader Snubs Jimmy Carter
Dems: Carter-Obama Comparisons Grow
FLASHBACK: Commie President Carter's Humiliating Fatal Helicoptor Crash Debacle. See the Video. Listen to Former Worst Prez Ever Admit DefeatOne of Worst Presidents Ever, Jimmy Carter, Thinks He's "Superior"
Gallup Polls: Communist Obama Numbers are Now Down with Jimmy Carter's and DroppingNew Billboard: Obama Worse Than Carter
COMMUNIST PELOSIWe Need to Address "Fairness" of "Ownership and Equity" in US |
2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
2008's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians
2007's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians
Communist Pelosi Calls Avowed Communist Van Jones “A Leader of the Future”...She's His Leader TodayCommunist Congresswoman's Personal Wealth Grows as US Peasants Suffer the Great, Great Depression"60 Minutes" - Investigation of Pelosi Stock'60 Minutes' Ambushes Communist PelosiHOW PELOSI GOT RICH - Claims She's No CrookPelosi Made Over $220,000 in Couple of Weeks via Insider TradingHOW PELOSI GOT RICH OFF VISANancy Pelosi and Congressmen to Headline George Soros' Communists-Planning-to-Destroy-America Love Fest - It's All Out in the Open Now. Why Aren't These People in Jail?Lying Communist Pelosi (D-CA) Claims She “Cut Bush Deficit By More Than Half”Communist Pelosi's Mega Lie Du Jour: Dems Lost Election Due to George Bush
Communist Pelosi Lies Like a Dog - Her Highest Priority has been Running Up $5 Trillion in Debt to Destroy AmericaCommunist Pelosi Gets the Boot (Big Time!)
Communist Pelosi: We'd Have Shoved Obamacare Down Your Throat No Matter WhatDELUSIONAL PELOSI: FOOD STAMP PRESIDENT IS 'BADGE OF HONOR'Pelosi Wants Gov't-Controlled BusinessesPELOSI ON CATHOLICS: "THEY HAVE THIS CONSCIENCE THING"Communist Pelosi: Vacations at $10,000 per Night Hotel - Hands Us the Bill (Scroll Down for Article)Pelosi Spent $2.1 Million on Air TravelCommunist AFL-CIO Chief Praises Pelosi for Helping Drive ObamaCare “Down the Republicans Throats, Out Their Backsides”2009 - Pelosi Accuses Tea Partiers of Attending Nazi-Sign Rallies. 2010 - Top Pelosi Staffer Leads Nazi-Sign Rally9-11 Families: Nancy Pelosi Has Lost Her MindCommunists on Open Display at America's Future NOW! Some Well-Known Attendees: Congress Members Donna Edwards, Keith Ellison, Alan Grayson, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Udall
New Documents Detail Pelosi's Abuse of Air Force AircraftPELOSI EXPOSED AS TOTAL LIAR BY POLITIFACTDeranged Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits Fastest Way to Create JobsFEC Complaint Lodged Against PelosiGovernment Employees for the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Racist OrganizationPelosi Considering Rewriting Her Own Ethics Rules Because Black Caucus Members Keep Getting BustedNancy Pelosi: Least Democratic House Speaker Ever in HistoryPelosi Being Heckled by Code Pink MarxistsCommunist Pelosi: Forcing Catholics to Act Against Faith is ‘Very Courageous’More Evidence of Communist Rule: KOMEN FOUNDATION CAVES:Shall Fund Obama-Supported Abortion Group Planned Parenthood... Communist Pelosi Calls It a "Big Victory"Pelosi, Conyers Want Communist Changes to ConstitutionHa! Ha! Ha! Nancy Pelosi Fighting the War in Iraq
Pelosi's $2.1 Million Commuting CostsCommunist Pelosi: Cares More about Illegals than Your KidsPelosi's Big Fat Communist Lie Du Joir: More Unemployment Benefits will Create 600,000 JobsNancy Pelosi's Communist HeroPelosi and Marx on "Freedom"Pelosi’s "Expert" was Her Business Partner and Son's BossNancy Pelosi Begins Positioning that Jobs will Never be the SamePelosi Wants to Pre-Tax Your Income 2.9%
Unethical Pelosi Needs to Drain Her Own SwampPelosi's Communist Ties and Global Government Support. Are Dems Being Paid Off to Destroy America?Two 'Pillars' Down, One More to Go in Passing Obama 'Blueprint'Nancy Pelosi's Huge Whopping Lie of the Day: Obamacare Will Supply 400,000 Jobs Almost Immediately!Commits Fraud in Obama Vetting"60 Minutes" Nails Crooked Pelosi
Unemployment Rises - Communist Pelosi Calls It "Good News"Blue Dog Dems Retiring Due to Communist PelosiPelosi Attacks God.Tell The Truth: Communist Pelosi LiesPelosi wants Control of Our Children"Lie Du Jour": "A Bill can be Bipartisan without Bipartisan Votes."
Liar PelosiPelosi Calls Catholic Bishops ‘Lobbyists”Nancy Says Sacrifice Your Political Career For Obamacare
Pelosi Says We Tripled the Debt, Didn't Get Anything For It and So We Need More Stimulus
Pelosi Says That The Public Healthcare Option Isn't Paid For By Taxpayer Money
Pelosi on Healthcare and the Constitution
Protecting Rangel from InvestigationThe Pentagon Warned Pelosi Not to Travel to Syria
Pelosi's Bad Trip
Pelosi's Trip to Syria
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Communist Connections
Socialists in AmericaPelosi and Other Communist Congressman Rally Behind Disgraced, Censured Communist Congressman RangelTravel Scandal
Abortion Scandal
Pelosi Breaks Word on Healthcare
Illegal Aliens
Protects "Rights" of Illegal Immigrants to Work in US and Calls Illegal Alien Raids Un-American
Insanity: Pelosi Wants Global Tax on Financial Transactions So She can Spend the Money on Creating JobsBig Liar Competition
Communist Pelosi's Big Lie Du JoirShe's a Disrupter
China Travel Scandal
Minimum Wage
PAC Fines
Pelosi Admits They Intend to Use the Healthcare Approach to Ram More Legislation Down Our ThroatsPelosi spends over $2.1 Million on Military Jets and $101,429 on In-Flight ExpensesCorrupt Pelosi Using Military Planes to Fly Her Kids and Grandchildren and Our Military to Act as Baby-Sitters
Nancy Pelosi's Liquor ReceiptPro-Life Leaders say Pelosi Lied, Again, on Federal Abortion FundingPelosi, Peters Carrying Out Obama’s Socialist AgendaNancy Pelosi's Lies Just Keep Getting Bigger. Says “Most Ethical Congress in History”. Also: Apple and Nancy PelosiBE AFRAID: The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck StrategyPelosi Blocks Investigation of Gulf Oil Spill
Communist Congressman Maxine WatersOpenly Condones and Incites the Killing of Americans Hello! Are You Listening? A Public Official Just Threatened to Kill You! And She Means It! An Immediate Resignation is Required! |
2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Bachmann Calls Maxine Waters a 'Socialist' ...No Duh?Ethics Violations by Commie Congresswomen Laura Richardson and Maxine WatersCommunist Congresswoman Maxine Waters is SquealingRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
GOP in Cahoots with Socialists - Let's Communist Maxine Waters Off the HookCommunist Maxine Waters' Ethics Hearing Delayed Because They Found More EvidenceDiscover the Networks of Communist Congresswoman Maxine WatersLobbyist Paid $15,000 to Communist Congresswoman Maxine Waters' HusbandCommie Congresswoman Maxine Waters' Pro-Communist ActivitiesCOMMUNIST CONGRESSWOMAN WATERS:
“The Tea Party Can Go Straight to Hell!”
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommie-to-The-Core... Congresswoman Maxine WatersNew Commie Waters/Frank ScandalCommie Congresswoman Waters Blames Bush for Her Ethics ChargesCommunist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Charged on Three Ethics CountsCommunist Waters Charges $45K to Endorse a CandidateCommunist Rep. Maxine Waters Wants to Tax Banks Out of Business... That's Her Solution to Everything!Socialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters: OneUnited Bank Refresher CourseCuban Agent, Cop Killer Supporter and Socialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Follows Lead of Commie Charlie RangelMaxine Waters and Barney Frank Scandal DocumentsMaxine Waters: “We Need a Jobs Program of a Trillion Dollar or More”... That was the Stimulus Program, IdiotSocialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters' Ethics Case: Decision NearCommunist Congresswoman Maxine Waters: Mandating Racial FavoritismOld Video Surfaces of Communist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Speaking to ACORNMaxine Waters Hates Peaceful Tea Party and Supports Violent Riots (see photos)
A Profile in Moonbat HypocrisySocialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Says "Outrageous that Tea Party Protesters Waved the American Flag"Maxine states on a Communist Website: “With a progressive agenda that includes poverty and racism, a progressive agenda we can fight for, we can take back America. If not, we won’t."15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress
Growing List of Congress Members being Investigated
Maxine Under Investigation
Maxine Said Nothing was Wrong at Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac
Maxine Helps Bank Get $12 Million. Her Husband Owns $1/4-Million in Bank Share.
Video of Commie Waters saying she wants Government to socialize... ah... ah... take over and run all Oil & Gas companies.Fascinating Lunacy - Prof. Bernanke Has to Instruct Maxine Waters and Congress Again. Watch the video.Wanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Maxine voted against extradiction of another cop killer who broke out of jail and fled to Communist Cuba. And she frequents visits her in Communist Cuba.Maxine's Letter to Fidel Castor Showing Support for Cop Killer and Communists
Maxine's Ties to Communists
Under Investigation
More EthicsCommunist Rep. Maxine Waters: Swamp QueenSecurity Breech
30 House Members Being Investigated
$1 Billion Bad Idea
No Crisis at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac
DSA member
DSA Likes Her Initiative
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Maxine Waters and ACORN
Maxine Waters Says She is Against the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms
Maxine Waters and Dems Vote To Give ACORN Regulatory Authority Over Financial Institutions
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
2009 Top Porker
Lavish Trips
Special Favors for Maxine's Friends
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in Congress"THE BORDERS ARE QUITE SECURE" - Communist Congressman Pete StarkFrightening Talk from Commie Congressman Pete StarkCommunist Congress Members Schakowsky, Woolsey, Stark Introduce Public Option ActSocialist A-Hole Congressman Pete StarkSocialist Congressman Pete Stark Says More Debt Equals More Wealth, Then Swears and Threatens to Throw a Reporter Out the Window.
Pete Stark and Other Socialist Congress Members Call for More Money for Dismantling Nuclear WeaponsSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelVoted Against Christmas
His Own Worst Enemy
DSA member
DSA Likes Their Initiative
Proposed New Act: Gays in Military Allowed to Openly Testify in Congressional Hearings without Fear of Retribution (i.e., Free License to Cripple our Military with "False Gay Discrimination Allegation" Investigations)
ResistNet file
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Illegal Tax Break
Ineligible to Serve Because He Lives in Maryland
Wants Gays to Adopt Children
Stark's View on National Debt
Town Hall Urination
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Admits to Political "Funny Money" Healthcare Tricks
Socialists in America
RACIST, SOCIALIST CONGRESSMAN WAXMANSocialist Congressman Waxman's Junk Science FAILSocialist Congressman Henry Waxman Accused of Aiding Terrorist EnemyCommie Congress Members Barabara Boxer (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) Approved Code Pink Trip to Fallujah to Donate $600,000 to Extremists to Murder US Soldiers!!!
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressGovernment Employees for the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Racist Organization
Socialist Congressman Waxman Sneaks Anti-Vitamin Amendment into Wall Street Reform Bill
Waxman-Markey Environmental Bill is "Pure Socialism". Waxman is Behaving Like Hugo ChavezWaxman Trying to Control The Media
DSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Waxman's Bad Trip
Nan Orrock Georgia’s Socialist State Senator |
Trump Wants Abercrombie InvestigatedCommunist Hawaii Gov. Abercombie Signs "Gay Marriage" into LawWhat Neil Abercrombie Really Means
Anti-Birther Hawaiian Gov. is a Socialist Party Member
GOVERNOR ABERCROMBIE, YOU ARE A LIAR!Socialist Hawaii Gov. - "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye and tell you, 'I was there when the baby [Obama] was born," - Abercrombie's Statements Don't Line Up with FactsVIDEO: Socialist Hawaii Governor and Long-Time Obama Mentor, Neil Abercombie Wants to Silence Birthers and Says HE WAS FRIENDS OF OBAMA'S MOM AND DAD - Obama's Mom and Dad were Both Communists, so Abercombie Now Admits to Associating with Communists (one of which was Foreign). Kenyan Dad Makes Obama Ineligible to Serve as President.
AND OBAMA MENTOR | His Top Priority:Discrediting Anti-Obama 'Birthers' Obama Can't Run Again Without This |
GOP uses Research Proving Hawaiian Governor Candidate Abercrombie is a Committed SocialistThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressHawaii's Socialist Neil Abercrombie Pinned with Hard EvidenceSocialist Former (D-HI) Congressman Abercrombie: Claims He Isn't Socialist.
Neil Abercrombie, D-HezbollahAbernathy Picks Up "Porker of the Month" Award.Attends/Speaks at Democratic Socialist of America Event (ties to Communist Party of USA)Proposed New Act: Gays in Military Allowed to Openly Testify in Congressional Hearings without Fear of Retribution (i.e., Free License to Cripple our Military with "False Gay Discrimination Allegation" Investigations)
Commie Obama Mentor, Neil Abercombie Leaves Congress. More on Abercombie here.Burn Your CD's - Willie Nelson Supports Socialist Neil AbercrombieDSA member
DSA Likes His Initiative
2009 Top Porker
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Votes Against Ethics InvestigationFormer Congressman Neil Abercrombie’s Communist Cat
Communists Obama and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) Tied to Young Communist League Leader Attending OccupySocialist Congressman Elijah Cummings: I'm Ready for Darrell IssaCAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelSupporting Hamas and CAIR
DSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in AmericaCommunist Congressman Cummings (D-MD) Condemns Tea Party as Racist.
Communist Barney Frank: Banned From Speaking in the HouseJoe Kennedy III Aims for Fudge-Packer's SeatBarney Frank to Marry His Butt MateBarney Frank’s Corruption Scandals Caught Up to HimCommunist Gasbag Barney Frank Farts on MSNBCSocialist Congressman Barney Frank Helped His Gay Lover Land a Lucrative Job with Fannie MaeSocialist Congressman Barney Frank Wins Award from Communist La Raza OrganizationCommunist Congressman Barney Frank - Supports Occupy while Taking Wall Street CashCommunist Congressman Barney Frank was Working Closely with Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. Here's The Result - The Facts Now Show Paulson LiedCOMMUNIST CONGRESSMAN BARNEY FRANK MONTAGE
- Same Sex Gays and Straights Should Shower Together, but Men and Women Should Not
- Heirs Don't Deserve Estates Left to Them
- It’s Not His Job to Know Whether a Law He Votes On is Constitutional or Not
- "I Left My Purse at Home"Commie Congressman Barney Frank Says Gov't Should Force Private-Sector Companies to Decide When Officers are Compensated and How Money is SpentBarney Frank: Red House, Senate Won't Allow Financial Reform Bill Changes. More hereCommie Barney Frank: Okay to Tax Your Heirs, They Don’t Deserve ItIs Barney Frank Going Down? - Oh, that's a visual we don't won't to considerRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Barney Frank was Once Censured for Fixing His Gay Boyfriend's Parking Tickets
Barney Frank and 38 Dems Want Spy Released Who was Selling US Military Secrets to Russia - our bet... Obama frees himBARNEY FRANK'S CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOSTDespite Pledge, Barney Frank Rakes in $40,000 from Bailed Out BanksCommie Congresswoman Barney Frank Crushed in DebateCommie Congressman Barney Frank's Arrogant LieBarney Frank BUSTED for Lying About His Record on Home OwnershipCommie Congressman Barney Frank Gets Swanky Free Jet Ride to Virgin Islands from Bailed Out Billionaire's FianceMaxine Waters and Barney Frank Scandal DocumentsNew Commie Waters/Frank ScandalCommie Barney Frank: Then and NowThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressBarnie Frank's On-Line Gambling Bill: Will Create More Organized Crime to Fund Communist ActivitiesBARNEY FRANK LIES: Now and ThenSocialist Dodd-Frank Overhaul BillCommie Congressman Barney Frank Thinks Less Taxes, More Jobs, Less Poverty Won't Feed KidsMEDICAL TERRORISM: Gay Socialist Congress Members, Jared Polis, Barney Frank and Tammy BaldwinWorking to Get Potentially HIV/AIDS-Contaminated Blood into US Blood BanksBig Fat Communist Lie of the Day: Barney Frank - I Didn't Push Home OwnershipVideo Surfaces of Continuous Liar and Commie Congressman, Barney Frank: Proving He has been Misleading the Public. Later He Says: "Don't Blame Me"Commie Congressman Barney Frank Says His Father was Involved with the Mafia and "The Mafia guys were very helpful to me"
Barney Frank Asked for Advice on How to Run a Brothel and About Having Sex with a Fannie Mae ExecutiveHA! "Porkie" Commie Congressman Barnie Frank Says Republicans Cause of SEC Porn2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Named 2009 "Porker of the Year"
4 Republicans Taking Aim at Socialist Congressman Barney Frank. Meantime, when Questioned about Poll Saying Congress has Worst Job Approval Ever, Frank says, "People are Almost in a Parallel Universe."
Commie Barney Frank Calls for Changing Rules of CongressDSA member
"We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"
ACORN - 20-Year History Leading to Mortgage CrisisHenry Paulson in Bed with Barney FrankNo Crisis at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac
Fannie Mae Conflict of Interest
Frank's Very Cozy relationship with Fannie Mae and Communist Media
Frank Ignores Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac Corruption
What Housing Bubble?Barney Frank Admits LiesFrank Denying Issues and Responsibility for Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac
Frank ConfrontedThis link ties Barney, SEIU, UNITE and others to the Communist group, DSA
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in AmericaBarney Frank's Cash-for-Houses ($75,000 per house)
2009 Top Porker
Frank Present When His Homosexual Partner is Busted for Pot
Plenty of Rich to Tax VideoHarvard Student Challenges Frank's Performance
Barney Stalling on ACORN Questioning
Gay Prostitute Ethics Reprimand
Barney's Apartment used as Callboy HeadquartersFrank wants to Cap Your Salary
Frank has No Problem Borrowing from Communist China
Barney Wants On-Line Gambling
Lavish TripsBarney Frank: ObamaCare Opponents Just Like Bullies Who Drive Teens To Suicide!Wascally Wabbit Barney Frank Stars in This Hilarious Comedy Video
Communist Rep. Schakowsky: No Americans Actually Follow Their Christian FaithCommunist Congresswoman Schakowsky -- Whose Spouse Was Sent to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion Tells Rich: “Pay Your Fair Share!”…Communist Congresswoman Marches with Communists - They're Trying to Destabilize America
Commie Jew Congresswoman Condemns Anti-Jew Commie CongressmenCommunist Rep. Jan Schakowsky: “You Don’t Deserve To Keep All Your Money”Communist Jan Schakowsky, Van Jones and MoveOn.Org Publish Manifesto Calling for Massive Spending and Tax HikesSocialist Democrat Schakowsky Admits Dems Created Low Income Jobs and 15 Million on UnemploymentCommunist Jan Schakowsky Bad-Mouths America on Russian TV - Notice How Russia Supports Democrats!Socialist Congresswoman (and Wife of Convicted Felon) Jan SchakowskyJan Schakowsky's Convicted Felon Husband Sets Up Nationwide Shop For Obama7 Socialist Congressmen Supporting Radical Extremists Raided by FBIMeanwhile, Back in Commie Central (Chicago) at Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's Communist Rally...
Communist Protestors Say It's “Patriotic to be Communist”Communist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s Push for Billionaire Tax Hike Goes Nowhere, FastSocialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Introduces “Tax the Rich” Bill with Backing from Other Socialist Congress Members
Socialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky to Russian Media: U.S. is "Banana Republic" Without Wealth RedistributionCommie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Says Congressman Issa Called Barack Obama One of the Most Corrupt Presidents Ever and that Issa is About to Go on a Witch Hunt - sounds great to us! hope he nails this witch!Socialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Just Broke The Law. Here She is Urging Dems to Intimidate Voters. Flashback: Jan Schakowsky Defends Her Convicted Felon Husband Robert CreamerCommunist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Caught Electioneering in a Polling Place. PLUS She's Still Running Away from Democratic Socialists of America Questions. PLUS Her Aide Says She IS NOT Upholding the Constitution.Communist Reps Schakowsky and Gutierrez Help Law-Breaking, Illegal Aliens Halt DeportationDemocratic Socialists of America Recommended Illinois Congressmen Obama, Rush, Davis, Delgado, Hamos, Jessie Jackson Jr, Luis Gutierrez, Jan Schakowsky and OthersCommie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Refuses To Answer Socialist / Terrorist QuestionsCongresswoman Jan Schakowsky Confronted for Being a SocialistSocialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Tells Islamic Group She Will Demand to Know Why FBI Investigating Muslims, Leftist GroupsVideo of Card Carrying Socialist, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Confronted on Her Democratic Socialists of America Membership (watch her run!)Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Clearly Does Not Believe in the US Constitution (listen to her own words!)Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Calls for Federal Funding of AbortionSocialist Wife of Felon Infiltrated CongressThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommunist Congresswoman Schakowsky Says Charlie Rangel is Her LeaderCommunist Congress Members Schakowsky, Woolsey, Stark Introduce Public Option ActCommunist Congressman Jan Schakowsky (D-mentally IL): We Need to Spend Our Way out of This Recession!Communist Agent and IL Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Earmarks Crooked Non-Profit.
Hezbollah and Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Think Helen Thomas is “Awesome!”Communist Congresswoman Schakowsky Supports Anti-Jew Helen ThomasCommunist/Socialist of The Day: CONGRESSWOMAN JAN SCHAKOWSKY (D-IL)
Russian, Socialist Congresswoman (D-IL) Jan Schakowsky's Convicted Felon Husband was the Architect of the Democrat's Healthcare Strategy (written in Jail). Part 2
Wining and Dining with Marxists, Communists and SocialistsDocumented Socialist Congress Members, Jan Schakowsky and Dick Durbin want State-Funded Bank BailoutCommie Congresswoman Rep. Schakowsky and ShoreBank: New Conflict of Interest Evidence. ShoreBank one of several banks Schakowsky’s husband and convicted felon, Robert Creamer used in check kiting scheme. Schakowsky now wants $75 Million in Federal Bailout Funds for Shorebank.
DSA memberShe received an award from the DSA and was Obama's campaign co-chair
Visits and Supports a Communist Government in Honduras (see the background pieces: 1, 2)
Jan is Supporting a Communist-backed Honduras Leader Who was Legally Ejected from Office for Illegally Trying to Extend His Time in OfficeBarred Communist Cuban Meets with Schakowsky in Washington, DC to Get More Communist Cubans into US
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Getting Out the Vote For Chicago Mob Linked Alexi Giannoulias
Husband Guilty of Bank Fraud
Husband is a Socialist Author
Convicted Felon Husband Attends White House State Dinner
Convicted Felon Husband Trains People to Campaign for Obama
Convicted Felon Husband, Robert Creamer
More on Robert Creamer
More on DSA Involvement, Ties to Obama and ProgressivesRented Office Space From Chicago Mob
Former Communist Black Panther and Current Communist Congressman Bobby Rush Kicked Off of House FloorPot-Smoking, Communist Congressman, Bobbie Rush's Lame Attempt to Sell Net Neutrality - Uses Classic Battles between King Kong and Godzilla to Justify Government Internet TakeoverRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Communist Congressmen Rush and Jackson Each Paid Their Wives about $1/4-Million Each. Other Chicago Dems Hire Their Wives, too.
Democratic Socialists of America Recommended Illinois Congressmen Obama, Rush, Davis, Delgado, Hamos, Jessie Jackson Jr, Luis Gutierrez, Jan Schakowsky and OthersThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCBS News Reports on Bobby Rush Apartment Raid. Police Find Unregistered Gun, Ammo, Pot, Communist Literature and Bomb-Making Books
Police Raided Rush's Apartment and Found Communist Literature, Weapons and MarijuanaCommie Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) Speaks of His Castro Meeting: "It was Like Listening to an Old Friend"Democrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaMeets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroBlames Chicago's Olympic Loss on Bush
Rush Decides to Protest Against His Own Policies
DSA member
Says Racism is as American as Apple PieWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes Their Initiative
Black Panther in Cuba (Rush Visits Fidel and Raúl Castro's Home)
Ex-Black Panther
Started Black Panther Chapter
Still Meets with Black Panthers
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Cuba Travel
Praises Castro
Cheating in Chicago
Your Tax Money for His Luxury Car
False Racist Claims
Taxpayer-Funded CarsWants to Regulate Your Grave
Communist Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr Used Campaign Money for Extramarital Sex
Communist Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Tells MLK Congregation: Feds Should Bail Out Failed States, Cities and Counties “For a Mere $900 BILLION”ETHICS COMMITTEE REPORT: Communist Rep. Jesse Jackson Tried to Buy Obama's Old Senate Seat2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Wants to Know Why Black Congressmen Have Disproportionally More Ethics Hearings... Answer: Black Congressmen are Disproportionally More Communist ...Communist Dems Really, Really Know How to Create and Brainwash Black GhettosSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Says Way Out of Unemployment Crisis is to Change the Constitution to One Like Russia'sSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. wants to Add “Right to Economic Security” to Constitution Just Like the SovietsClassified Documents Show US Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr's Father Took Cash from LibyaRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Communist Congressman Jesse Jackson Whipping Up Racial HateCommunist Congressmen Rush and Jackson Each Paid Their Wives about $1/4-Million Each. Other Chicago Dems Hire Their Wives, too.
Democratic Socialists of America Recommended Illinois Congressmen Obama, Rush, Davis, Delgado, Hamos, Jessie Jackson Jr, Luis Gutierrez, Jan Schakowsky and OthersThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in Congress2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
DSA member
15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress
Paid Wife with Campaign FundsSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Admits He Attended Chicago Meeting When His Top Fundraiser Tried to Buy Him President Obama’s U.S. Senate SeatWhy has Commie Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Escaped Prosecution in Blago Case?The Communist Jacksons:- Racist Dad- Crooked SonCommunist Congressman Jesse Jackson Suffers Collateral Damage from Blago TrialCommunist Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Offered Blagojevich $1 Million for Obama's SeatPrince of Darkness Blagojevich Calls Corrupt, Socialist (D-IL) Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr “A Bad Guy”.Jackson / BlagojevichSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Seeks Resumes of Jobless Americans to "Dramatize" CrisisA very public link to Jesse Jackson, Sr. and his Rainbow Coalition to Communist DSA on WikipediaJesse Jackson, Sr. Family friend of Michelle Obama
Jesse Jackson, Sr. Wanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Jesse Jackson, Sr. Supported a 2nd Cop Killer
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Jesse Jackson, Sr. Exposed
Felons on Railroads
Donations InvestigationCastro Cuddling Jesse Jackson Calls for Restoration of US/Cuba Relations - His Son is a Communist CongressmanShakedown Attempts
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
Commie Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL): Caught Lying Like a Communist AgainCommunist Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) is Forming a Union Army with the Help of Fellow Communist Congressman Dick Durbin to Fight Off GOP's Bobby SchillingHoly Crap! Phil Hare is an Idiot!
Lying Communist Congressman (D-IL) Phil Hare Denies Saying "Debt is a Myth", Despite Video Proof
Communist Congressman Phil Hare: Everyday I Will Debunk the “Myth” that “This Country’s in Debt”Labor Union Desperate to Save Phil Hare’s Seat
Socialist Congressman Phil Hare Funded by 48 UnionsThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommunist Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) Says Questions About the Constitution are “Silly Stuff” and Avoids Question About His Socialist MembershipAnother Phoney Veteran: Communist Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) has No Active Duty Military Service
Communist Congressman Phil Hare Threatens Veteran With DMV Check For Questioning His Record.Commie Congressman Hare (D-IL) Gets His Own BillboardSocialist Congressman Phil Hare Admits He Doesn't Care About the Constitution. "Jackpot, Brother". Listen for the word, "Communist".Hare Proposes to Tax Capitalism
DSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
(Voted Out)
Communist Rep. Judge Conyers Addresses Democratic Socialists of America Awards Ceremony, Says“Capitalist System is Broken”, Supports OccupyNot Again! Conyers on Payroll Tax Bill: ‘I Did Not Read the Bill Before It was Voted On’ ...Maybe He Can't Read?Communist Congressman Conyers - Seat Up for Grabs!!
Commie Congressman Conyers is a Really Bad NeighborPelosi, Conyers Want Communist Changes to ConstitutionCongressmen Supporting Terrorist Hamas Flotill7 Socialist Congressmen Supporting Radical Extremists Raided by FBICommunist Congressman Conyers: ObamaCare is a “Platform” for Creating Single-Payer SystemSocialist Congressman Hoyer Says Federal Budget May Not Be Balanced for 20 YearsCrooked Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) Reimbures Gov't for Son's Use of Official Car - This is what happens when Mom is in Jail and Dad's a Communist. Why does he get a Cadillac Escalade anyway?Communist Congressman John Conyers' Son's Party Car is a 2010 Cadillac Escalade Registered to the U.S. Gov't - Watch the Video - FIRE CONYERS!
RED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
MR. SMUT GOES TO WASHINGTON - Commie Congressman John Conyers Caught Looking at Nudie Pictures and Reading Lesbian Sex Playboy Article on Airplane - no wonder he never has time to read the billCAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Top Dem (Conyers, D-MI) and Democratic Socialists of America Videoed Plotting "One-World" Scheme. Communist Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) Mentioned.
BUSTED! Commie Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) Meets with Hardcore Marxists - How Democrat Politics REALLY WorksCommie Congressman John Conyers Speaks to Democratic Socialists of America; Says Tea Party is Small and DismissableCommie Congressman John Conyers' Driving License is Revoked after His DMV Check Bounced. Bonus: See Photo of His Wife, Monica, Who's Doing Time in Jail for Federal BriberyCommie Congressman Conyer's Wife Jailed for Taking BribesThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommunist/Socialist of The Day: CONGRESSMAN JOHN CONYERS (D-MI)Conyers' Wife Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison for BriberyCommie Congressman John Conyers Wants to Allow: Felons to VoteSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelSupporting Hamas and CAIR
Commie Conyers Whitewashes ACORN
Congressman Conyers Recommends a Well-Known Marxist, Quentin Young, for the National Committee for Healthcare
More on Conyer's Role in Marxist Healthcare
Wining and Dining with Marxists, Communists and SocialistsPushed Corrupt Wife's Deal
2007's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians
2006's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians - Dishonorable MentionBlocking ACORN Investigation
Conyer's Aide Indicted
DSA memberCommunist
Wanted Street Named After Cop KillerConyers Ties to Communists
What Good is Reading The Bill?DSA Likes Their Initiative
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
ACORNUS Sociocrats Continue Their Marxist Policies: Documented Socialist Congress Members John Conyers and Donna Edwards Propose a Constitutional Amendment. Idea Originated by Specter and Kerry.Taxpayer-Funded CarsHA! HA! Dirty Communist Congressman John Conyers' House is an EyesoreTired Of Saving Obama's Can
Congressman Hansen Clarke Openly Aligned with Michigan Marxists and Socialists
COMMIE CONGRESS HARDCORE COMMUNIST CONNECTIONS! Congressman Hansen Clarke (D-MI) hasClose Relationships with U.S.’s Most Extreme Marxist-Leninist Organizations |
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressMeets with Fidel Castro in Communist Cuba and then Meets Close Associates/Family of Spy Ring (Five Cuban Spies Convicted in US Court of Spying for Cuba in US)
Meets with Fidel and Raul CastroDemocrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaMeets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroDSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Dem Congressman Rapist |
Rep. David Wu (D-OR) Admits Sexual Encounter with Donor’s Young Daughter... Oh, and He's Mental, tooRapist Dem Congressman Resigning
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Socialist Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) Calls for Impeaching Supreme Court JusticeSocialist Congressman DeFazio Admits Obama Can LoseSocialist Congressmen Harkin, DeFazio Propose Transaction Tax - Harkin: "I bet nobody would even feel it.”The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.Supports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Communist Congressman Kucinich Loses ...MSNBC Hosts GrieveCommunist Congresman Dennis Kucinich Loses Primary to Fellow Communist Congresswoman Marcy KapturCongressmen Kucinich (D-OH) and Rahall (D-WV) Attended Terrorist Front Group MeetingCommie Kucinich - Communist Congressman from OhioCommunist Congressman Kucinich Shilling for GadhafiCommunist Congressman Kucinich Travels to Syria to Praises Killer Regime6 Socialist Congressmen Ask Clinton to Help Protect Communist Jew-Haters on Audacity of Hope BoatCongressmen Supporting Terrorist Hamas FlotillaCommie Congressman Waiting for the Ax to FallCrooked Communist Congressman Kucinich Must Repay $52,443 to TaxpayersCommunist Kucinich Sues House Cafeteria over Olive PitOutgoing Commie Congressman Kucinich Says GOP Attack on Obamacare will Lead to Single PayerCommunist Congressmen Kucinich: We Need to Focus on "How Wealth Is Distributed"Communist Congressman Dennis Kucinich May Soon Be Out of a Job!RED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Commie Congress Members Barabara Boxer (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) Approved Code Pink Trip to Fallujah to Donate $600,000 to Extremists to Murder US Soldiers!!!
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressRick Nagan, the Communist Party USA (a Russian KGB Organization) and the Ohio Democratic PartyCommie Congressman Dennis Kucinich and the Communists
The Communist that Worked for and was Endorsed by Communist Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)In-Depth Background on Commie Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)Kucinich Endorses a CommunistDSA member
Attends/Speaks at Democratic Socialist of America Event (ties to Communist Party of USA)ResistNet file
Strongly Anti-Israel
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Anthony Weiner Wanted Threesome with Another ManAnthony Weiner and His Saudi Spy Wife's Whereabouts - Who's Paying Their Huge Lifestyle Bills?Communist Congressman Weiner's House Seat Won by a RepublicanJEWISH NY DEMS TURN ON OBAMA - WEINER'S OLD SEAT GONE!Dems Panic Over Weiner's Old SeatCommie Weiner's Ultra Liberal District is in Real Play!!COMMIE WEINER: TAX CHEATPervert Commie Weiner Eligible for $1.3 Million In Taxpayer Funded PensionCommie Weiner Finally QuitsCommie Alan Colmes Freaks OutCommie Weiner's Oiled Up and Cross Dressing PhotosPorn Actress: Weiner Asked Me to LieWeiner to Keep Collecting $174,000 Congressional Salary While on Sex-HabObama to Weiner: "Resign"Commie Weiner About to ResignPERV ALERT! Commie Weiner Grabs His Weiner in Semi-Nude Photo Tweets in US House GymCommie Weiner Heads to RehabPelosi: Weiner Can Stay! - Pelosi: Weiner Must GoREAD A WEINER TWEET - Warning: Adult ContentWeiner's Tweeted 17-Yr-Old GirlBarbara Walters Likes Anthony's WeinerProtect Your Weiner CondomsCommie Weiner: 6 Women and CountingDid Weiner Secretly Convert to Islam to Marry a Muslim?
Commie Weiner Admits It's His PenisWeiner's Saudi Intelligence Agent Wife Busy with HillaryCommie Weiner Encouraged Porn Star to Lie. Had Phone Sex on His Official House Phone. Weiner'sOfficial Re-Election SongCOMMIE POLITICIANS DON'T RESIGNCommie Weiner's Web of Lies were Perpetrated Using Gov't Resources - Means Weiner Broke House Ethics Rules - Another Weiner Sexting Buddy - Weiner Does This "All The Time" - Special Report
CRYING COMMIE WEINER ADMITS HE DID IT! - BUT THE LIAR WON'T RESIGN! -Says He Did It With Five Other Women, Too, Including One that Got 200 Messages from Weiner - Tried to get Woman to Talk Sexually On-Line - His Saudi Intelligence Agent Wife Remains Silent - Pelosi Calls for Ethics investigation - Breitbart has X-Rated Photo - Yet Weiner Continues to Harm the U.S. like a Good Progressive |
WEINER'S FAIRY TALE UNRAVELINGWEINERGATE: The Democratic Socialist Party Signals Weiner's PR Strategy FAILED... Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says Weinergate is “A Personal Matter” - Maybe So, if it Wasn't for the Weeks of Public LyingWEINER'S PICKLEWEINERGATE: My D@%k's in a Tweet - Not for the Kiddies
WEINERGATE: Commie Weiner's Rabbling LiesWEINERGATE: "Every Indication is That He Did It"Mother of Weinergate Coed FURIOUS! Demands Commie Weiner Fess UpCommie Weiner Earns His Own Taiwanese AnimationWeiner Admits: “Maybe It Started Out Being a Photograph of Mine”. Commie Weiner is DoomedIT MIGHT BE MY WEINER - Commie Weiner, Dead Man Walking - MoreCommie Weiner Communicating with Porn Star - Guess His Saudi Intelligence Agent Wife Isn't Giving Him AnyFlorida Congressman Calls for Weinergate InvestigationCommie Weiner's Dead Meat. Calls Communist News Network Reporter a "Jackass". Watch Him Dodge Direct QuestionsWEINERGATE: Commie Weiner Not Investigating Hacking, but Hired a LawyerWhoopsy! Lots of Young Girls on Weiner's Tweet ListBreitbart has Weiner by the Short Hairs
WEINERGATE - Commie Congressman Weiner is Soooo Busted… He was Tweeting a Porn Star and Teenage Girl, Too |
Commie Congressman Anthony Weiner Tweets His Weiner to His New Girl Friend - Weiner is Officially Married to a Saudi Intelligence Agent
DID ANTHONY WEINER MARRY A SAUDI INTELLIGENCE AGENT? Who Paid for Her Extravegant Clothes, Apartment, Lifestyle? She's Muslim and Hillary's Ex-Aide |
Congressman Weiner Reveals Himself as a Lying Socialist and Then Gets Spanked by Bachmann and Hannity
Commie Congressman Weiner Goes Berserk over NPR Defunding VoteHa! Socialist Congressman Weiner Wants an Obamacare Waiver for NYC
Weiner Used Campaign Money to Try and Beat Naked Pictures ScandalThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressTies to Communist Organization, SEIU
DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Muslim Intern Spies = McCarthyDSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Supports Communist Cuba
DSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Same Sex Marriages
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Communist Congressman Rangel (D-NY) Fined $23,000 for Violating Federal Campaign LawCOMMUNIST CONGRESSMEN: Danny Davis, Keynote Speaker at Communist Party USA Event and Charlie Rangel Praises Communist LeaderPelosi and Other Communist Congressman Rally Behind Disgraced, Censured Communist Congressman RangelCommunist Zombies Rush Communist Charlie RangelCommie Rangel's Junket Organizer Pleads GuiltyParanoid Rangel Claims NPLC Broke into His OfficeNew Commie Rangel Ethics ChargesLYING COMMUNIST RANGEL CENSURED (vote count: 333 for censure vs. 79 against) - In Last 100 Years, Only 4 Dems and 1 GOP (sex with minor) Ever Censured. Fellow Communist Dems Give Crooked Rangel a Standing Ovation. Video of Pelosi Officially Censuring Charlie. Communist Black Caucus (CBC) Releases Statement Defending Charlie Rangel. Despite His Lies, Rangel DID Profit from Corruption.
RED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Commie Rangel Cries Crocodile Tears - He Should Be ExpelledCommunist Congressman Nadler (D-NY) Trying to Eliminate the Debt LimitCommie Rangel - Censuring RecommendedCommie Rangel Ethics Scandal TimelineCOMMIE RANGEL GUILTY ON 11 COUNTSCommunist Congressman Charlie Rangel Stalls Ethics Hearing and Threatens to Walk Out. Resign Rangel Corruption VideoCommie Congressman Rangel - Caught with Hand in PAC Cookie Jar - Grabbed $393,000The Meltdown of Communist Congressman RangelOft-Proposed Commie Congressman Charles Rangel Bill Gives Gov't Complete Control of All People Aged 18 - 42Rangel’s Nonprofit Exec Got $250K in Illegal Tax RefundsAfter Spending $2Million, Rangel Drops Ethic Case Lawyers - Will Represent Himself
Commie Rangel Gets a Reality Check at One Nation Rally
- Ethics Committee Ignoring Rangel’s Most Corrupt Act
- NLPC Files New Rangel Ethics Complaint
- Rangel Attacks NLPC on House Floor
- NYC Cuts Off Funding for Rangel-Backed GroupThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommie Congressman Rangel Hit With New Ethics ComplaintCOMMIE CONGRESSMAN CAUGHT "RED" HANDED:
- "Red Charlie" Rangel Revealed
- Rangel: Ethics Panel Violating My Constitutional RightsCOMMIE CONGRESSMAN RANGEL: Unethically Meets Alone with Ethics ChairTimeline of Socialist Congressman Charles Rangel's Ethics ScandalCommie Congressman Charlie Rangel Says "It Would be un-American for Me to Resign".
Dems Want Commie Congressman Rangel Gone Quick!!Commie Rangel Tried to Talk His Way Out of Ethics Cases to Avoid TrialCHARLIE RANGEL - DEAD COMMIE WALKING!
- MSNBC Turns on Him
- Voters Turn on HimCommunist Congressman Rangel Charged with Multiple Ethics ViolationsDUMB AND DUMBER: Communist Congressman Charlie Rangel Says His Ethics Scandals Improve His 2010 Re-Election ChancesCommie Congressman Rangel Used Campaign Fund for Trips Instead of His Own Money
Socialists Rangel (D-NY) and Robert Reich Openly Conspiring to Redistribute Your WealthCommie Congressman Charlie Rangel: Sees White People. This from a Man Who, Even He, Says Should be Held to Higher Standards and is a Serious Tax Cheat.
Rangel Swears at Citizen Questioning His CrimesDirty MoneyRangel Steps Aside (for now)Commie Rangel Refuses to Step Down (like all commies do). Says Investigation That Found Him Guilty "Exonerates Me".
Verdict on Socialist Rep. Charlie Rangel: He Broke RulesIn charge of writing tax laws, but doesn't pay his taxes2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Makes "Most Corrupt" List AgainRangel Corruption
15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress
Growing List of Congress Members being Investigated
30 House Members Being Investigated
Rangel Trip to St. Martin Paid for by Citigroup, Pfizer, and AT&T
DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes Their Initiative
ResistNet file
Charlie's Tax Evasions
Your Tax Dollars for His Luxury Car
Charlie Confronted
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Ethics 2
Ethics Panel Bribes
Carribbean Junket
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
Communist Congressman Nadler: “The Country is Not Broke, We’re Just Not Taxing Enough”Commie Congessman Nadler Calls Reading the Constitution "Propaganda"Communist Congressman Nadler (D-NY) Calls Republicans “A Bunch of Gangsters” Engaged in "BlackmailThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressBig Fat Communist Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Says Let’s Exempt Rich People in Blue States From Tax Hike!
Communist NY Congressman Nadler: Pumping "Fairness Doctrine"Public Trial for Commie Congressman Rangel: 13 ChargesSocialist Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY).Congressman Nadler Again Defends ACORN
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Nadler's Ties to ACORNBlocking ACORN Investigation
ACORNBrings up "McCarthy" in His Defense of ACORNWants to "Modernize" Russian History in School Text Books (in other words, make "communists" a good thing)DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
ResistNet fileTies to Communists
Socialists in America
Socialist Congressman Meeks' Crony Ahmad Busted by FBISocialist Congressman Meeks Under InvestigationSocialist Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) Failed to Report Gambling WinningsCongressman Meeks (D-NY) - Linked with Jihadists
Commie Ex-Congressman Eric Massa About to Get ProbedCAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.Supports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Commie Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Lies About His Assault on a ReporterShocking Video: Commie Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Confesses He Has Absolutely No Idea How to Reduce Spending or Reduce the DeficitSOCIALIST CONGRESSMAN HINCHEY (D-NY)
ASSAULTS REPORTERProgressive Clinton Stumps for Socialist Congressman Hinchey.
Socialist Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Uses Castro Meeting to Raise MoneyThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressTerrorist-Loving, Commie Congressman (D-NY) Maurice Hinchey's Fishy Pork.Supports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes Their Initiative
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
(voted out)
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY) is a Global Warming Nut Case
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
EthicsMore EthicsCarribbean Junket
Commie Senator Lautenberg: Higher Taxes Make Rich 'Feel Good' When They 'Look in the Mirror'Commie Senator Frank Lautenberg: “We’ve Got To Eliminate The Rich” - He's a Millionaire Times 50!
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
Meets with Fidel Castro in Communist Cuba and then Meets Close Associates/Family of Spy Ring (Five Cuban Spies Convicted in US Court of Spying for Cuba in US)
Meets with Fidel and Raul Castro Meets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroDemocrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaSocialist Congressman Mel Watt (D-NC) Introduces Amendment to Defund Congressional Ethics PanelResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
Communist Rep May Get Personal $1.1 Million BailoutBank of America Files $1.5 Million Suit Against Deadbeat Rep Emanuel Cleaver, Congressional Black Caucus's HeadCommunist Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO): RASCISTCommie Congressman Cleaver Lies about $48 Billion Earmark for His Pal
Commie Congressman Cleaver's $48 Billion Earmark to Go to Friends Who Run a Day Care Business Out of Their HouseSocialist Congressman Cleaver (D-MO) asks for $48 Billion Earmark to Redistribute WealthLying Commie Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) Retracts Spitting ClaimThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressRush Calls Commie Congressman Cleaver A Liar. Lying is the #1 Characteristic of CommunistsCommie Congressman Cleaver Recants Spitting and Geraldo Rivera is ScoldedDemocrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaMeets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroSupportive of Cuban Regime
DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes His Initiative
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Islamo-Commie Racist Keith Ellison: Calls Whites "Racist"SURREAL: Commie-Islamo Rep. Ellison: Pushes Elmo for Imaginery Country, Palestine, on House FloorISLAMO-COMMUNIST REP. KEITH ELLISON'S POLITICAL OPPONENT KICKS A$$!!ISLAMO-COMMUNIST CONGRESSMAN KEITH ELLISON PUSHING VOTING WITH NO PHOTO IDCommie Islamic Congressman Ellison Defends ACORN
Islamo-Communist Congressman and Stealth Jihadist Keith Ellison’s Loyalty Called Into Question - Allah Akbar was Shouted at His Election Victory Celebration. Muslims are Allowed to Lie with Their Hand on the Quran if Furthering Islam. |
7 Socialist Congressmen Supporting Radical Extremists Raided by FBIIslamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison Demanded the Word "Socialist" be Stricken House Floor RecordFather of Islamic Mass Murderer Says Islamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison is a “Fool” and a “Liar” for Denying Jihadist ThreatIslamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison's "Economic Justice" Tour - "Economic Justice" and "Progressive" are Code Words for CommunismMuslim Congressman Keith Ellison Admits He's for "Social Justice", the Code Words for "Communism"Islamo-Communist Congressman Ellison's Crocodile Tears Story was All a Crock a Sh*tIslamo-Communist Congressman Ellison Cries Like a Baby at Radical Islam HearingIslamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison for DummiesUniversity of Minnesota Opens Islamic Law Think Tank - Kicked Off by Islamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison
Rep. Allen West Slams Communist Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison and His Terrorist BuddiesTerrorist Group Supporter, Congressman Keith Ellison Tells a Slew of Extrements that the U.S. is "Colonial"Marxist, Islamic Congressman Sworn in with Hand on Quran Has Direct Ties to Terrorists, Communists, Marxists and Socialists
Muslim, Marxist Congressman Ellison: "God Willing…Border Will Become an Irrelevancy"Keith Ellison (D-MN)... Who is Closely Tied to Terrorist Organizations and Who Has Got The Most to Lose Says Loudly, Investigating Radical Muslims is "McCarthy-Like"If I Called Rep. Keith Ellison a Communist, Would You Hold It Against Me?
Marxist and Islamic-Terrorist-Tied Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN): Dems Must "Create a Real Crisis"Commie Islamic Congressmen Ellison and Carson: Congressional Muslim Staffers Website Disappears after Outed Hosting Jihadists on Capitol HillTwo of the Most Extreme Communist Congressmen to Lead the Progressive Caucus - Islamic Terrorist Supporting, Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Latino Racist, Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)HOW FITTING: Terror-Funded (CAIR), Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison - Who Called for Boycott of His Own State - to Lead the Progressive Caucus
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Commie Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Will Address Pro-Hamas, Pro-Muslim Brotherhood (i.e. Terrorist Front Groups)
Socialist Islamic Congressmen Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Andre Carson (IN) Allowing Terrorists onto Capital Hill
Socialist Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison's FatwaMOMS LOVE THIS: Marxist, Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Has CompetitionThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressMarxist Muslim Congressman Ellison: GZ Mosque Opponents are “Proponents Of Religious Bigotry”Robert Gibbs Says Obama Critics "Ought to be Drug Tested"; Calls Them "Crazy". Marxist Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Calls on Gibbs to ResignCandidate Exposes Marxist Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Involvement with Islamic Extremists.
Communists on Open Display at America's Future NOW! Some Well-Known Attendees: Congress Members Donna Edwards, Keith Ellison, Alan Grayson, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Udall
Marxist and Terrorist-Funded Congressman Keith Ellison, Asks Obama to Call for End of Israel’s Gaza Blockade.Communist/Socialist of The Day: CONGRESSMAN KEITH ELLISON (D-MN)Ellison Wants to Make It Easier for Saudis to Enter the USASupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelSupporting Hamas and CAIR
Funded By Terrorist Supporters
DSA member
Marxist Speech
Associations with Marxists
ResistNet file
Proposed New Act: Gays in Military Allowed to Openly Testify in Congressional Hearings without Fear of Retribution (i.e., Free License to Cripple our Military with "False Gay Discrimination Allegation" Investigations)
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Obama and Hillary are Bringing Communists Back in Central America Hillary Says the U.S. "Commends" Communist Dictator Hugo Chavez for Supporting their Efforts to Return a Communist to Honduras |
Communist Hillary Clinton Naturally Says... Communist China is No Threat to U.S. |
Hillary: We Welcome Dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood
UN and Hillary Clinton Implementing Islamic Overthrow of America
Commie Weiner's Wife and Hillary Clinton's Pet Tied to Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood - More! |
Mother and Brother of Hillary's Pet and Weiner's Wife are Prominent Members of the Muslim Brotherhood - So Much for National Security!ANTHONY WEINER'S SPY WIFE AND HILLARY PETProbable Lesbian Hillary Clinton Says State Department “Instrumental in Sealing Deal” for Lady Gaga’s Gay Pride Gig in Rome
Hillary Clinton Refuses to Rule Out Working with Islamic Terrorists |
BILL & HILLARY CLINTON STOLE $2 MILLION!Part 2 - Listen to Hillary Admit to Election Funding Felony Caught on Tape - She Destroyed (Marvel Comics Known) Stan Lee's CompanyHillary: Calling Muslim BrotherhoodHillary Clinton is Promoting Muslim CivilizationCommie Clinton Hosting Islamic World Forum for Islamo-Communist Obama in D.C.
Hillary Clinton's State Dept is Sending Senior Official to Attend Conference Advocating Iranian Theocracy |
Hillary Clinton Supports Middle East Terrorist Dictator
Hillary and Hugo... the Marxist Love Fest Continues
Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner's Ties to al Quaeda |
HILLARY'S AND SOROS' ADVISOR IS A RUSSIAN SPY! - Spy Also Tied to "Caught Hiding Secret Documents in His Socks" Sandy Berger, Ex-Commie President Bill Clinton, and His "Good Friend" GOP Senator Richard LugarFBI Says Russian Spies Got Close to Hillary - What Idiots, She is a Russian Agent!
Hillary's State Dept. Defends Traitor Who Stole/Released Largest Quantity of US Secrets EverHillary Clinton Chats with Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez at Inauguration of Brazil's New Communist President- Dems and Obama Helped the Communist Get ElectedHillary Clinton: 'I'm Trying to Increase the Number of Visas’ for Iranian StudentsHillary Clinton: Anti-JewHillary Clinton to Communist Brazil: Obama Sends $10 Billion of U.S. Tax Dollars to Brazil for Drilling New Oil, While Quashing America’s Drilling Rights
Hillary Clinton Adviser Compares Internet to Communist Mass Murderer, Che GuevaraHillary's State Dept. Chief Spokesman Fired
Hillary Clinton Pushing Sharia - Invites Muslim Brotherhood to the TableMuslim Brotherhood's Infiltrated Highest Gov't Positions ...Hillary Clinton Says Islamophobia Should be Prosecuted by LawHillary Clinton and Communist EU About to Transform Syria in Another Muslim Brotherhood / Al Qaeda Stronghold, Like Egypt and LibyaCommunist Hillary Clinton wants Peace Deal with Militant Islamic ExtremistsHillary Clinton's Role in the Waco MurdersHillary Clinton's State Dept. Wasting Hundreds of $Millions of US Taxpayer Money to Refurbish Foreign MosquesCommunist Hillary: Says She's for Women's Rights AND Women-Beating TalibanHillary Insults Israel
Hillary Clinton is a Danger to IsraelHillary Clinton on Syria: Astounding Lies, Zero LegitimacyCommunist Clinton: We Want Rebels to Win… We Just Don’t Know Who They AreHILLARY CLINTON COURTS BRUTAL OUTLAW NATION - Earlier Today, AP/MSNBC Referenced Myanmar's Brutal Outlaw Regime in This Article. After Drudge Picked It Up, Those References were Purged.Hillary Fights Hard to Keep Taxpayers Funding Foreign Abortion, Pakistan and CubaIs Hillary Clinton a Lesbian? If Not, Why Does She Spend All Her Time with Anthony Weiner's Wife? - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7Financial Exec to Plead Guilty in Hillary Clinton Fundraising SchemeCheck Out Hillary Clinton's Communist, Terrorist, Black Panther NetworkDick Morris on Hillary Clinton's Wikileaked Actions: She Trying to Blackmail Foreign Officials... It's How Communists WorkHILLARY CLINTON, CIA AND ULTRA-RICH INVOLVED IN WORLD BAIL-OUT SCHEME - This Worldwide Plot Seems So Big, We Don't Even Know How to Describe It!
Another Hillary Clinton Union Boss Funder Goes to Jail: Bribes, Racketeering, Perjury, Union Money for CocaineFCC Marxists (and one working for Hillary Clinton's State Dept.) want 500% Budget Increase to Enable Gov't Control of Airwaves
Hillary Clinton Demands Europe Appease MuslimsComrade Clinton Gives $150 Million to Terrorists
Hillary Clinton Lets Jailed Spy’s Intel Agent Wife Visit from CubaTraitor Commies Obama/Hillary Set US Up for UN Rights Council ScrutinyCommunist Hillary Clinton's State Department Wishes Happy Birthday to Iranian Mass Murderer and US Enemy, AhmadinejadAnother Rare Communist Saul Alinsky Video. Alinsky is Hero of Obama and MSNBC's Chris Matthews, as well as College Thesis Topic of Hillary Clinton
HILLARY CLINTON'S STATE DEPT IS CREATING A SMALL OVERSEAS ARMY!!More Wealth Redistribution: Hillary Clinton Gives $500 Million to Pay-Off Taliban Jihadi (Isn't that Funding Terrorists?)
Hillary's State Department Cover-Up: Illegally Destroyed Obama’s Mother’s Passport ApplicationHillary Clinton Skewered for Preaching Karl Marx. Hillary was a Lawyer for the Black Panthers.
HILLARY CLINTON Announces She's Spending $63 Billion on Her New Centerpiece...Global Eugenics and Population Control Thanks for Asking If We Want to Pay for Abortions Around the Globe. Hillary's No Doubt Been Caucusing with Whack Job Science Czar, John Holdren |
Commie Clinton is Talking Like Communist Again.
Fast Communist Russian Spy Swap: Kept Hillary Clinton Out of the PressUNBELIEVABLE!! Hillary Clinton Adds U.S. to State Department’s List of Slave Nations. But She's Right... We're All Slaves to our Current Communist Government.
Hillary Clinton Grovels for Forgiveness from Ecuador’s Marxist President and Hugo Chavez AllyListen to Hillary Communist Clinton Talk Like Karl Marx , Saying, "The Rich are Not Paying Their Fair Share"and Tell You Her Desire to Tax The Hell Out of Us. She then Praises Socialist-Led Brazil and Says We Ought to Be Like Them. Obama's Commie Government Now Openly Preaching Marx in Public.
HILLARY CLINTON: "We’re Going to Take Things Away From You on Behalf of the Common Good"Hilliary Clinton Gives Away Our Top Secret Nuclear Weapons Strength to Russia.
Communism / Socialism Quotes & Info - Including Three from Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Admits She is a Progressive
She Met and Studied Saul Alinsky
Internship At Marxist-Run Law Firm
Hillary Communist Clinton: The Ugly American KillerLawsuit Filed to Disqualify Clinton
The Clinton Scandals
Big Liar Competition
Hillary's Lies
More Hillary Lies
Top 10 Hillary Lies
Hillary Clinton's 1969 Thesis that Examines the Tactics of Radical Community Organizer, Saul D. Alinsky. More:1, 2, 3Hillary Clinton is a CommunistObama/Hillary to Muslims: Keep Using Children as Soldiers in Terrorist-Spawning CountriesGovernment Employees for the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Racist OrganizationClinton State Department Working With 'Advocacy Groups' to Prepare 'Human Rights' Report on U.S. to Give to U.N. Going to Progressive-Governed Detroit to Find Problems to Report.
Self-Admitted Progressive Clintons and James Carville are at War with The Tea Party Part 1, Part 2Still Angling to Give the United Nations Control of the United States of America. Says: "We Have a Lot to Learn" About Energy Policy from Other NationsClinton, Obama Fundraiser Admits $292 Million FraudHillary Clinton Donor: Jailed 12 Years for FraudChina Human Rights Off Limits for Hillary Clinton. Maybe That's Why Hillary is Dressing Like a Communist.Hillary Loves Brazil Because George Soros Loves BrazilHILLARY CLINTON: OBAMA SUING AZHillary Clinton's State Dept. Says Chelsea Clinton Can Receive Wedding Gifts from Foreign OfficialsCommunist Hillary Clinton's State Dept Achieves Goal After 10 Years in Afghanistan: No Christian Churches RemainHillary's State Department Hiding Ground Zero ImamHillary Clinton Talks World Government at the Council On Foreign Relations
Barack and Hillary: Ideologically IdenticalRed Diaper Baby in NewsCommie Clinton Missed the Memo... Wears Chairman Mao Outfit
Bill "Adulteress Oral Sex in the Oval Office President" Clinton Wants Weiner to Resign
AH HA!! THE SMOKING GUN!!Bettina Viviano Heard DIRECTLY Out of Bill and Hillary’s Mouths They Knew Obama was Not Eligible! ...GOP Made a Tit-for-Tat Deal with Dems to Hide John McCain's Ineligibility ... Two People Killed to Hide The Facts McCain was Ineligible, Too, Because He Was Born in Panama. Both Parties Broke Law and are Now Committing Treason! |
VIDEO! Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not EligibleCorsi: Bill Clinton Said Obama IneligibleWhile Investigating the Murder of His Brother by Bill Clinton's Administration, Man Discovers Eric Holder May Have Given Explosives to OKC Bombers... Before You Poo-Poo This Story, the Man was Awarded $1.1 Million because the FBI Destroyed Evidence and Lied About His Brother's Death.Sexual Predator, Bill Clinton Still Gets a Pass from FeministsAdulterer Newt Gingrich Defines Clinton's Impeachment for Felony PerjuryTHE CLINTON MURDERS
Ruby Ridge - More Clinton MurdersBush and Clinton's Role in Gun and Drug Running
Gov't "Gunrunner" Activities have been On-going for DecadesCOCAINE: IS THE CIA A DRUG CARTEL?Cocaine Use and Cocaine for Arms Nothing New for US Presidents or CIA - Bush - Bush & Clinton - Bill Clinton Cocaine Use? - Jennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Offered Her Cocaine - Obama Admits: Used Cocaine - Bush:Alleged Use of Cocaine - Fast & Furious: Guns for Cocaine
Impeachment... Lessons Obama Learned from Clinton's Crimes and Communist Dealings
BILL CLINTON: KNOWN DRUG & GUN RUNNERBill Clinton Lost Nuclear Codes: Maybe Carter, TooClinton-Gore Let Chinese Spies into US Nuclear Weapons LabsWHERE'S THE $BILLION? $1B in Haiti Aid Exclusively in Impeached Bill Clinton's Hands is "Missing".Our Bet: Money will go to Funding Communism.Impeached Perjurer President Campaigns 'for Everybody that Helped Hillary Run for President' Against ObamaBILL CLINTON
- Let's Dedicate GZ Mosque to Muslims Who Died on 9/11
- Let’s Do Climate Change to Reduce Social InequalityGlass-Steagall Act: Stated that no single institution or bank holding company could engage in both commercial banking and brokerage/investment banking. It was eliminated by Bill Clinton and allowed massive theft of our nation's wealth.Bill Describing How Progressives Can Rule for Decades
40 Years of Progressives
Bill at Global Progressive Event
Bill Speaking to European Progressives
Bill's Bio Says He's a ProgressiveImpeached President
Bill Clinton Had His Own Van JonesThanks to Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, Elian Gonzalez is Now a Communist.Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue ICE for Rights ViolationsBill Clinton Collected $50K per Month from MF Global ...Wherever There's Crime, You Find Slick WillieCommie Clinton Now Denies He was the Sestak Go-BetweenNetanyahu Says Bill Clinton Lied - Who'd Have Thought?Bill Clinton Recommends "Progressive, Value-Added Tax"On Obama: "A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Getting Us Coffee."
Why We're Screwed... Who Repealed the Glass-Steagall Act?... Answer: Lots and Lots of Crooked Communist TraitorsClinton is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Whose Goal is to Create a One World Gov't
Clinton-Gore Bankrolled North Korea's Nuke ProgramObama Sends Clinton to Communist North Korea
The Clinton Scandals
Dead People
Sex Scandals
COMMIE BILL CLINTON: LIARClinton Library Withholding Secret Notes Kagan Wrote about Paula Jones SuitBig Liar Competition
Bill Clinton Attended Bilderberg Group Meeting
Progressives Charles Schumer, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s Role in Horrifically Killing 76 Innocent Americans on US Soil with Tanks, Bullets, Poisonous Chemicals and Fire.Janet Reno Told Clinton She Stays On or She'll Blow the Whistle on the Waco MassacreSecrets of Skull and Bones Society Blow Wide Open - Members Included Both Bushs and Bill Clinton - Hint... They're Promoting CommunismBill Clinton Gassed and Starved Thousands of Children but has the Nerve to Lecture Tea Party Protesters on Violence & CivilityClinton's FBI Let 1st World Trade Center Bombing HappenClinton / Holder: Long History of Terrorist SupportKagan Helped Cover Up Bill Clinton ScandalsClinton-Appointed Michigan Judge Upholds ObamaCareClinton Judge Impeached By CongressCommie Clintons Supporting Jailed Racist RapperCommunist Clinton: "They have Us on the Brink of Socialism"Herman Cain Makes Mincemeat of Bill ClintonTaiwanese Animators Score Again: Funny Video of Clinton Taking Over for ObamaCommie Bill Clinton Wants US/UN Internet Truth AgencyCommunist Bill Clinton Gags on "Quasi-Socialists"Arkansas Names Airport After Communist Murdering Crooks, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Impeached PresidentFOX HOST? - COMMUNIST BILL CLINTON? - Standby for High Theatre, Commie Propaganda and New Sex Scandal
In the Middle of Falsely Claiming that He Wants to Cut Taxes by 20%... COMMUNIST JOE BIDEN CALLS FOR A MINIMUM GLOBAL TAX! He and Obama Have Already Given America the World's Highest Corporate Tax |
COMMIE JOE BIDEN: THE TALIBAN IS NOT OUR ENEMY ...Joe's Enemy is AmericaJoe Biden’s Communist Solution for Euro Debt Crisis: A Huge Obama-Style BailoutCOMMUNIST BIDEN WANTS TO TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNSAdmitted Progressive (Communist) Joe Biden Drafted the Core of the Patriot Act in 1995 … Before OKC Bombing ...Allowing Permanent Detention of "Terrorists"JOE BIDEN WAS THE FATHER OF THE PATRIOT ACT (Unconstitutional Gov't Phone Taps) - More: 1, 2, 3Communist Loon Biden Says More Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Not PassedIn Speech to Cops, Communist Biden Mocks Rich Getting Their 'Porsche Stolen'Joe Biden's "Hate Men" LawBiden Admits Gov't Subsidies Increased College Tuition
Commie Joe Biden: New Stimulus Needed ‘Even if We’re Growing at 8%’ and Have ‘3% Unemployment Rate’… Mid-Numbing StupidityBiden Says Obama Responsible for Economy and American People are Rightly Mad - Oops! Forgot to Lie!Communist Biden: Communist China is No Threat to USBecause Blowing $1 Trillion Wasn't Enough: Buffoon Biden Calls for More Stimu-Less... The Guy's a ClownBiden Buffoon Goes to ChinaBuffoon VP Does His Own Communist Apology TourMore Biden Buffoonery in Communist China
Biden to Union Socialists: "I've Stayed with You"... You Keep "Barbarians from the Gate"White House Press Secretary: Don’t Listen to Anything Biden Says - The man's an idiot, one heartbeat away from presidencyAdmitted Progressive Joe Biden - Rape MongerCommunist VP Biden Calls Tea Party "Terrorists"Biden Dem Rally: Draws 200Biden Lies - Says GOP Spending $200 Billion on AdsJoe Biden: "It’s Just Too Hard to Explain Our Failed Policies”Stimulus Funded Amtrak CEO Drives to Biden Station Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony After Train Breaks Down. Naming Amtrak Station After Biden is an Absolutely Perfect Monument to a Guy Whose Entire History has been Overspending, Taxpayer Waste and Overpromising
U.S. VP, JOE BIDEN: LIAR & CROOK and in charge of STIMULUS. Joe, You Earned this Video. |
Joe Biden Calls Wealth Redistribution "Fair"Joe Biden Admits He's a Progressive
VP Biden Says He Called MF Globl Criminal Jon Corzine for Advice
"Proven Commitment to Progressive Issues"
The Commies Say He is Progressive
PATHETIC BIDENJoe Biden's Big Lie of the WeekJoe Biden Thinks Brussels is Capital of the Free World. Why US VP Joe Biden Says Capital of Socialist European Union is Capital of the Free World ("Must Watch" Videos)Progressives Charles Schumer, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s Role in Horrifically Killing 76 Innocent Americans on US Soil with Tanks, Bullets, Poisonous Chemicals and Fire.Biden: A Gaffe Every Time He Speaks
Village Idiot Biden Says He's a Member of the Cracked Head Club... Or was that Crack Head?Joe Biden Transparency"Washington is Broken"Biden Snubs Israeli Press. Does Interview with Arabic Al Jazeera TV instead.Biden: "You’re the Dullest Audience I’ve Ever Spoken To"Joe Biden's Big Lie of the Week: He's a ZionistLYING JOE BIDEN: Unemployment is Unacceptably High, But the Stimulus WorkedORDINARY GUY TELLS JOE BIDEN TO LOWER TAXES. BIDEN THEN CALLS HIM A SMART ASS.
Supreme Court Justice Kagan’s Role in Obamacare Defense - Oust Usurper Obama and Socialist Kagan is UnemployedCommunist Sotomayor: Not "Illegal Aliens", but Instead “Undocumented”Racist Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was a Member of the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Group for Six YearsCommunist Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayer Lied to Country on 2nd Amendment. No Surprise,Communists Lie.
Sonia Sotomayer is a Member of the Communist Group, La RazaCommunist Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer Says Court is Where Policy is Made
SOCIALIST JUSTICE KAGAN PROPOSES FEDERAL "BOATLOAD OF MONEY" OBAMACARE BRIBE - Hey, You Commie Joke of a Judge, That's Our Money, Not the Government's!Elena Kagan is Breaking Federal Law ,,,GOP SilentFed's Sued Over Kagan's Obamacare RoleDOJ Email: Kagan was Involved in Obamacare
KAGAN: 'Two-Month Gap’ in Obamacare InvolvementSocialist Kagan: 3 Reasons to Recuse
KAGAN: PERJURYSUPREME COURT JUSTICE CAUGHT LYING!1 of 2 Fake U.S. Supreme Court Judges, Elena Kagan Can Be Removed from the BenchFAUX U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, ELENA KAGAN49 Congressmen Demand: Investigate Elena Kagan’s ObamaCare Lies
Kagan: Recuse She MustBut Won't... Commies Have No ScruplesVideo |
Socialist Supreme Court Justice Kagan: Crafting Obamacare's Defense
Socialist Kagan Appointed to Supreme CourtEthics, Criminal Complaints Filed To Disbar KaganSocialist SCOTUS Justice Candidate Kagan's Alarming Record (video)
Papers Prepped to Disbar Elena KaganSocialist Kagan’s Work to Make Constitution More Shariah-CompliantRINO Lindsey Graham Is Lone Republican to Vote For Kagan. Graham Needs to be Investigated.
KAGAN:- She'll Ram Shariah Law Down Our Throats- Do We Have to Get Rid of Republicans, as Well as Dems?
Senators Demand Kagan Recuse Herself from Obamacare SuitShe Must be Barred from The CourtProgressive/CommunistProgressive/Marxist
KAGAN: Morally Blind and Deserving of This RippingAgainst 2nd AmendmentSenator Sessions on Kagan: "Filibuster is Not Off the Table"
Elena Kagan’s Appointment Could Usher in Sharia Law and the Demise of America
I'm Not A Socialist and Can't Remember All The Dumb Memos I WroteAdmires Nazi Lover
Nazi Freak Show
Socialist Ties (The Middle Years)
Unqualified and Dangerous
Evasive Lying Progressive
Lying Her Pearls Off
More Lying
Filibuster Justified!
Socialist on the High Court?The Case Against Confirmation by Orrin Hatch... But Will He Filibuster?
Why Filibustering Kagan and Exposing Ineligible Obama is ESSENTIAL! We're One Progressive-Communist Justice Away from America Communist by Law.
SINCE WHEN DID WE PERMIT SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN OUR CONSTITUTION TO BE APPOINTED FOR LIFE TO INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION? Progressives are Slower-Moving Socialists / Communists, So Appointing Kagan is a VERY BAD IDEA. Kagan is an Admitted Progressive. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11. She's a Socialist. She Believes Precisely as Communist Obama Does When It Comes to the Constitution, and Obama Admits He Does Not Believe in the Constitution. Now and With Kagan, We Likely Have Four Life-Time Communists in the SCOTUS. If They Get One More -- Checkmate -- America Becomes Communist by Law.
Elena Kagan's Hero (watch video)
Defied Federal LawSupported Cloning People
Senator Sessions: Kagan is Pro-Terrorist and SocialistKagan Supported Policy of Reverse DiscriminationSupported Late Term, Partial-Birth AbortionObama Withholding Kagan DocumentsKagan, Marxist Lawyer
See Al Gore's Own Dedicated Page
Commie Carter's Cuba VisitCalls for the Release of Cuban Spies Who Killed Americansknown as the "Cuban Five" Also Bashes U.S., Supports Cuba |
ISLAMO-COMMIE CARTER TRUSTS THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOODJimmy Carter Sends Condolences for Brutal, Mass Murderer, Dead Communist DictatorVIDEO: CARTER, OBAMA BOTH SAID AMERICA LAZYCommunists Obama and Carter Sound the Same - ListenIslamo-Commie Carter Cheers Hamas-Fatah UnificationVIDEO: Commie Carter Trashes America in Communist North KoreaCommie Caster Accuses US of Human Rights Violations in Communist North KoreaJimmy Carter Meets with "Old Friend" Fidel Castro2nd Worst Living President Visits Communist Cuba for 3 DaysCommie Carter to Visit Commie CubaJimmy Carter Plans to Visit Comrade Kim Jong-il in Communist North KoreaCommie Carter Consoled Helen Thomas after Anti-Semitic Remarks FiringTerrorist, Islamic Extremist Iran Founder, Jimmy Carter Says Obama's Muslim Brotherhood “Not Anything to Be Afraid OfJimmy Carter Sued for Lying - Communists LieCan’t Be Good… Jimmy Carter Says Mubarak Must GoMiddle East: Carter ReduxPoll: Confidence in Gov't at 35-Year Low, Back When Commie Carter was PrezCommie Carter: Losing Reelection “Biggest Failure” of My Presidency, Taught Me “You Should Never Let American Hostages be Held for 444 Days in a Foreign Country"Department of Energy: Commie Carter’s Colossal Failure!
Commie Jimmy Carter: Communist North Korea Deserves RespectJimmy Carter, Korean Communist DupeEx-Prez, Commie Carter Breaks Word About Not Stigmatizing the Jewish State (Israel)
Commie Carter: Thinks We Need a Gay PresidentCommie Jimmy Carter Melts Down, Blasts BirthersEx-Prez, Jimmy Commie Carter's Mental CollapseJimmy Carter Attends Radical Leftist Protest Against JewsCarter Slammed by Israel for Supporting HamasBill Clinton Lost Nuclear Codes: Maybe Carter, TooCommie Carter Shills for TerroristsDouble-Duped Jimmie Carter: From Soviet Communism to Radical IslamJimmy Carter Worried Because He Can't Work with TerroristsCarter Wants Obama to Remove Hamas from Terror ListThe Progressive Virus and Their Run to Create a Marxist US Government Part 1 - Jimmy Carter and Michael MooreJimmy Carter Meets with Communists Under Pretense of Freeing Prisoner. Who'd He Really Meet and Talk About?
What They Want You to Think: Dear Leader Snubs Jimmy Carter
Dems: Carter-Obama Comparisons Grow
FLASHBACK: Commie President Carter's Humiliating Fatal Helicoptor Crash Debacle. See the Video. Listen to Former Worst Prez Ever Admit DefeatOne of Worst Presidents Ever, Jimmy Carter, Thinks He's "Superior"
Gallup Polls: Communist Obama Numbers are Now Down with Jimmy Carter's and DroppingNew Billboard: Obama Worse Than Carter
COMMUNIST PELOSIWe Need to Address "Fairness" of "Ownership and Equity" in US |
2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
2008's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians
2007's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians
Communist Pelosi Calls Avowed Communist Van Jones “A Leader of the Future”...She's His Leader TodayCommunist Congresswoman's Personal Wealth Grows as US Peasants Suffer the Great, Great Depression"60 Minutes" - Investigation of Pelosi Stock'60 Minutes' Ambushes Communist PelosiHOW PELOSI GOT RICH - Claims She's No CrookPelosi Made Over $220,000 in Couple of Weeks via Insider TradingHOW PELOSI GOT RICH OFF VISANancy Pelosi and Congressmen to Headline George Soros' Communists-Planning-to-Destroy-America Love Fest - It's All Out in the Open Now. Why Aren't These People in Jail?Lying Communist Pelosi (D-CA) Claims She “Cut Bush Deficit By More Than Half”Communist Pelosi's Mega Lie Du Jour: Dems Lost Election Due to George Bush
Communist Pelosi Lies Like a Dog - Her Highest Priority has been Running Up $5 Trillion in Debt to Destroy AmericaCommunist Pelosi Gets the Boot (Big Time!)
Communist Pelosi: We'd Have Shoved Obamacare Down Your Throat No Matter WhatDELUSIONAL PELOSI: FOOD STAMP PRESIDENT IS 'BADGE OF HONOR'Pelosi Wants Gov't-Controlled BusinessesPELOSI ON CATHOLICS: "THEY HAVE THIS CONSCIENCE THING"Communist Pelosi: Vacations at $10,000 per Night Hotel - Hands Us the Bill (Scroll Down for Article)Pelosi Spent $2.1 Million on Air TravelCommunist AFL-CIO Chief Praises Pelosi for Helping Drive ObamaCare “Down the Republicans Throats, Out Their Backsides”2009 - Pelosi Accuses Tea Partiers of Attending Nazi-Sign Rallies. 2010 - Top Pelosi Staffer Leads Nazi-Sign Rally9-11 Families: Nancy Pelosi Has Lost Her MindCommunists on Open Display at America's Future NOW! Some Well-Known Attendees: Congress Members Donna Edwards, Keith Ellison, Alan Grayson, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Udall
New Documents Detail Pelosi's Abuse of Air Force AircraftPELOSI EXPOSED AS TOTAL LIAR BY POLITIFACTDeranged Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits Fastest Way to Create JobsFEC Complaint Lodged Against PelosiGovernment Employees for the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Racist OrganizationPelosi Considering Rewriting Her Own Ethics Rules Because Black Caucus Members Keep Getting BustedNancy Pelosi: Least Democratic House Speaker Ever in HistoryPelosi Being Heckled by Code Pink MarxistsCommunist Pelosi: Forcing Catholics to Act Against Faith is ‘Very Courageous’More Evidence of Communist Rule: KOMEN FOUNDATION CAVES:Shall Fund Obama-Supported Abortion Group Planned Parenthood... Communist Pelosi Calls It a "Big Victory"Pelosi, Conyers Want Communist Changes to ConstitutionHa! Ha! Ha! Nancy Pelosi Fighting the War in Iraq
Pelosi's $2.1 Million Commuting CostsCommunist Pelosi: Cares More about Illegals than Your KidsPelosi's Big Fat Communist Lie Du Joir: More Unemployment Benefits will Create 600,000 JobsNancy Pelosi's Communist HeroPelosi and Marx on "Freedom"Pelosi’s "Expert" was Her Business Partner and Son's BossNancy Pelosi Begins Positioning that Jobs will Never be the SamePelosi Wants to Pre-Tax Your Income 2.9%
Unethical Pelosi Needs to Drain Her Own SwampPelosi's Communist Ties and Global Government Support. Are Dems Being Paid Off to Destroy America?Two 'Pillars' Down, One More to Go in Passing Obama 'Blueprint'Nancy Pelosi's Huge Whopping Lie of the Day: Obamacare Will Supply 400,000 Jobs Almost Immediately!Commits Fraud in Obama Vetting"60 Minutes" Nails Crooked Pelosi
Unemployment Rises - Communist Pelosi Calls It "Good News"Blue Dog Dems Retiring Due to Communist PelosiPelosi Attacks God.Tell The Truth: Communist Pelosi LiesPelosi wants Control of Our Children"Lie Du Jour": "A Bill can be Bipartisan without Bipartisan Votes."
Liar PelosiPelosi Calls Catholic Bishops ‘Lobbyists”Nancy Says Sacrifice Your Political Career For Obamacare
Pelosi Says We Tripled the Debt, Didn't Get Anything For It and So We Need More Stimulus
Pelosi Says That The Public Healthcare Option Isn't Paid For By Taxpayer Money
Pelosi on Healthcare and the Constitution
Protecting Rangel from InvestigationThe Pentagon Warned Pelosi Not to Travel to Syria
Pelosi's Bad Trip
Pelosi's Trip to Syria
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Communist Connections
Socialists in AmericaPelosi and Other Communist Congressman Rally Behind Disgraced, Censured Communist Congressman RangelTravel Scandal
Abortion Scandal
Pelosi Breaks Word on Healthcare
Illegal Aliens
Protects "Rights" of Illegal Immigrants to Work in US and Calls Illegal Alien Raids Un-American
Insanity: Pelosi Wants Global Tax on Financial Transactions So She can Spend the Money on Creating JobsBig Liar Competition
Communist Pelosi's Big Lie Du JoirShe's a Disrupter
China Travel Scandal
Minimum Wage
PAC Fines
Pelosi Admits They Intend to Use the Healthcare Approach to Ram More Legislation Down Our ThroatsPelosi spends over $2.1 Million on Military Jets and $101,429 on In-Flight ExpensesCorrupt Pelosi Using Military Planes to Fly Her Kids and Grandchildren and Our Military to Act as Baby-Sitters
Nancy Pelosi's Liquor ReceiptPro-Life Leaders say Pelosi Lied, Again, on Federal Abortion FundingPelosi, Peters Carrying Out Obama’s Socialist AgendaNancy Pelosi's Lies Just Keep Getting Bigger. Says “Most Ethical Congress in History”. Also: Apple and Nancy PelosiBE AFRAID: The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck StrategyPelosi Blocks Investigation of Gulf Oil Spill
Communist Congressman Maxine WatersOpenly Condones and Incites the Killing of Americans Hello! Are You Listening? A Public Official Just Threatened to Kill You! And She Means It! An Immediate Resignation is Required! |
2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Bachmann Calls Maxine Waters a 'Socialist' ...No Duh?Ethics Violations by Commie Congresswomen Laura Richardson and Maxine WatersCommunist Congresswoman Maxine Waters is SquealingRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
GOP in Cahoots with Socialists - Let's Communist Maxine Waters Off the HookCommunist Maxine Waters' Ethics Hearing Delayed Because They Found More EvidenceDiscover the Networks of Communist Congresswoman Maxine WatersLobbyist Paid $15,000 to Communist Congresswoman Maxine Waters' HusbandCommie Congresswoman Maxine Waters' Pro-Communist ActivitiesCOMMUNIST CONGRESSWOMAN WATERS:
“The Tea Party Can Go Straight to Hell!”
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommie-to-The-Core... Congresswoman Maxine WatersNew Commie Waters/Frank ScandalCommie Congresswoman Waters Blames Bush for Her Ethics ChargesCommunist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Charged on Three Ethics CountsCommunist Waters Charges $45K to Endorse a CandidateCommunist Rep. Maxine Waters Wants to Tax Banks Out of Business... That's Her Solution to Everything!Socialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters: OneUnited Bank Refresher CourseCuban Agent, Cop Killer Supporter and Socialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Follows Lead of Commie Charlie RangelMaxine Waters and Barney Frank Scandal DocumentsMaxine Waters: “We Need a Jobs Program of a Trillion Dollar or More”... That was the Stimulus Program, IdiotSocialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters' Ethics Case: Decision NearCommunist Congresswoman Maxine Waters: Mandating Racial FavoritismOld Video Surfaces of Communist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Speaking to ACORNMaxine Waters Hates Peaceful Tea Party and Supports Violent Riots (see photos)
A Profile in Moonbat HypocrisySocialist Congresswoman Maxine Waters Says "Outrageous that Tea Party Protesters Waved the American Flag"Maxine states on a Communist Website: “With a progressive agenda that includes poverty and racism, a progressive agenda we can fight for, we can take back America. If not, we won’t."15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress
Growing List of Congress Members being Investigated
Maxine Under Investigation
Maxine Said Nothing was Wrong at Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac
Maxine Helps Bank Get $12 Million. Her Husband Owns $1/4-Million in Bank Share.
Video of Commie Waters saying she wants Government to socialize... ah... ah... take over and run all Oil & Gas companies.Fascinating Lunacy - Prof. Bernanke Has to Instruct Maxine Waters and Congress Again. Watch the video.Wanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Maxine voted against extradiction of another cop killer who broke out of jail and fled to Communist Cuba. And she frequents visits her in Communist Cuba.Maxine's Letter to Fidel Castor Showing Support for Cop Killer and Communists
Maxine's Ties to Communists
Under Investigation
More EthicsCommunist Rep. Maxine Waters: Swamp QueenSecurity Breech
30 House Members Being Investigated
$1 Billion Bad Idea
No Crisis at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac
DSA member
DSA Likes Her Initiative
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Maxine Waters and ACORN
Maxine Waters Says She is Against the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms
Maxine Waters and Dems Vote To Give ACORN Regulatory Authority Over Financial Institutions
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
2009 Top Porker
Lavish Trips
Special Favors for Maxine's Friends
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in Congress"THE BORDERS ARE QUITE SECURE" - Communist Congressman Pete StarkFrightening Talk from Commie Congressman Pete StarkCommunist Congress Members Schakowsky, Woolsey, Stark Introduce Public Option ActSocialist A-Hole Congressman Pete StarkSocialist Congressman Pete Stark Says More Debt Equals More Wealth, Then Swears and Threatens to Throw a Reporter Out the Window.
Pete Stark and Other Socialist Congress Members Call for More Money for Dismantling Nuclear WeaponsSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelVoted Against Christmas
His Own Worst Enemy
DSA member
DSA Likes Their Initiative
Proposed New Act: Gays in Military Allowed to Openly Testify in Congressional Hearings without Fear of Retribution (i.e., Free License to Cripple our Military with "False Gay Discrimination Allegation" Investigations)
ResistNet file
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Illegal Tax Break
Ineligible to Serve Because He Lives in Maryland
Wants Gays to Adopt Children
Stark's View on National Debt
Town Hall Urination
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Admits to Political "Funny Money" Healthcare Tricks
Socialists in America
RACIST, SOCIALIST CONGRESSMAN WAXMANSocialist Congressman Waxman's Junk Science FAILSocialist Congressman Henry Waxman Accused of Aiding Terrorist EnemyCommie Congress Members Barabara Boxer (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) Approved Code Pink Trip to Fallujah to Donate $600,000 to Extremists to Murder US Soldiers!!!
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressGovernment Employees for the Communist La Raza ("The Race") Racist Organization
Socialist Congressman Waxman Sneaks Anti-Vitamin Amendment into Wall Street Reform Bill
Waxman-Markey Environmental Bill is "Pure Socialism". Waxman is Behaving Like Hugo ChavezWaxman Trying to Control The Media
DSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Waxman's Bad Trip
Nan Orrock Georgia’s Socialist State Senator |
Trump Wants Abercrombie InvestigatedCommunist Hawaii Gov. Abercombie Signs "Gay Marriage" into LawWhat Neil Abercrombie Really Means
Anti-Birther Hawaiian Gov. is a Socialist Party Member
GOVERNOR ABERCROMBIE, YOU ARE A LIAR!Socialist Hawaii Gov. - "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye and tell you, 'I was there when the baby [Obama] was born," - Abercrombie's Statements Don't Line Up with FactsVIDEO: Socialist Hawaii Governor and Long-Time Obama Mentor, Neil Abercombie Wants to Silence Birthers and Says HE WAS FRIENDS OF OBAMA'S MOM AND DAD - Obama's Mom and Dad were Both Communists, so Abercombie Now Admits to Associating with Communists (one of which was Foreign). Kenyan Dad Makes Obama Ineligible to Serve as President.
AND OBAMA MENTOR | His Top Priority:Discrediting Anti-Obama 'Birthers' Obama Can't Run Again Without This |
GOP uses Research Proving Hawaiian Governor Candidate Abercrombie is a Committed SocialistThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressHawaii's Socialist Neil Abercrombie Pinned with Hard EvidenceSocialist Former (D-HI) Congressman Abercrombie: Claims He Isn't Socialist.
Neil Abercrombie, D-HezbollahAbernathy Picks Up "Porker of the Month" Award.Attends/Speaks at Democratic Socialist of America Event (ties to Communist Party of USA)Proposed New Act: Gays in Military Allowed to Openly Testify in Congressional Hearings without Fear of Retribution (i.e., Free License to Cripple our Military with "False Gay Discrimination Allegation" Investigations)
Commie Obama Mentor, Neil Abercombie Leaves Congress. More on Abercombie here.Burn Your CD's - Willie Nelson Supports Socialist Neil AbercrombieDSA member
DSA Likes His Initiative
2009 Top Porker
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Votes Against Ethics InvestigationFormer Congressman Neil Abercrombie’s Communist Cat
Communists Obama and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) Tied to Young Communist League Leader Attending OccupySocialist Congressman Elijah Cummings: I'm Ready for Darrell IssaCAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelSupporting Hamas and CAIR
DSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in AmericaCommunist Congressman Cummings (D-MD) Condemns Tea Party as Racist.
Communist Barney Frank: Banned From Speaking in the HouseJoe Kennedy III Aims for Fudge-Packer's SeatBarney Frank to Marry His Butt MateBarney Frank’s Corruption Scandals Caught Up to HimCommunist Gasbag Barney Frank Farts on MSNBCSocialist Congressman Barney Frank Helped His Gay Lover Land a Lucrative Job with Fannie MaeSocialist Congressman Barney Frank Wins Award from Communist La Raza OrganizationCommunist Congressman Barney Frank - Supports Occupy while Taking Wall Street CashCommunist Congressman Barney Frank was Working Closely with Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. Here's The Result - The Facts Now Show Paulson LiedCOMMUNIST CONGRESSMAN BARNEY FRANK MONTAGE
- Same Sex Gays and Straights Should Shower Together, but Men and Women Should Not
- Heirs Don't Deserve Estates Left to Them
- It’s Not His Job to Know Whether a Law He Votes On is Constitutional or Not
- "I Left My Purse at Home"Commie Congressman Barney Frank Says Gov't Should Force Private-Sector Companies to Decide When Officers are Compensated and How Money is SpentBarney Frank: Red House, Senate Won't Allow Financial Reform Bill Changes. More hereCommie Barney Frank: Okay to Tax Your Heirs, They Don’t Deserve ItIs Barney Frank Going Down? - Oh, that's a visual we don't won't to considerRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Barney Frank was Once Censured for Fixing His Gay Boyfriend's Parking Tickets
Barney Frank and 38 Dems Want Spy Released Who was Selling US Military Secrets to Russia - our bet... Obama frees himBARNEY FRANK'S CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOSTDespite Pledge, Barney Frank Rakes in $40,000 from Bailed Out BanksCommie Congresswoman Barney Frank Crushed in DebateCommie Congressman Barney Frank's Arrogant LieBarney Frank BUSTED for Lying About His Record on Home OwnershipCommie Congressman Barney Frank Gets Swanky Free Jet Ride to Virgin Islands from Bailed Out Billionaire's FianceMaxine Waters and Barney Frank Scandal DocumentsNew Commie Waters/Frank ScandalCommie Barney Frank: Then and NowThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressBarnie Frank's On-Line Gambling Bill: Will Create More Organized Crime to Fund Communist ActivitiesBARNEY FRANK LIES: Now and ThenSocialist Dodd-Frank Overhaul BillCommie Congressman Barney Frank Thinks Less Taxes, More Jobs, Less Poverty Won't Feed KidsMEDICAL TERRORISM: Gay Socialist Congress Members, Jared Polis, Barney Frank and Tammy BaldwinWorking to Get Potentially HIV/AIDS-Contaminated Blood into US Blood BanksBig Fat Communist Lie of the Day: Barney Frank - I Didn't Push Home OwnershipVideo Surfaces of Continuous Liar and Commie Congressman, Barney Frank: Proving He has been Misleading the Public. Later He Says: "Don't Blame Me"Commie Congressman Barney Frank Says His Father was Involved with the Mafia and "The Mafia guys were very helpful to me"
Barney Frank Asked for Advice on How to Run a Brothel and About Having Sex with a Fannie Mae ExecutiveHA! "Porkie" Commie Congressman Barnie Frank Says Republicans Cause of SEC Porn2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Named 2009 "Porker of the Year"
4 Republicans Taking Aim at Socialist Congressman Barney Frank. Meantime, when Questioned about Poll Saying Congress has Worst Job Approval Ever, Frank says, "People are Almost in a Parallel Universe."
Commie Barney Frank Calls for Changing Rules of CongressDSA member
"We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"
ACORN - 20-Year History Leading to Mortgage CrisisHenry Paulson in Bed with Barney FrankNo Crisis at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac
Fannie Mae Conflict of Interest
Frank's Very Cozy relationship with Fannie Mae and Communist Media
Frank Ignores Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac Corruption
What Housing Bubble?Barney Frank Admits LiesFrank Denying Issues and Responsibility for Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac
Frank ConfrontedThis link ties Barney, SEIU, UNITE and others to the Communist group, DSA
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in AmericaBarney Frank's Cash-for-Houses ($75,000 per house)
2009 Top Porker
Frank Present When His Homosexual Partner is Busted for Pot
Plenty of Rich to Tax VideoHarvard Student Challenges Frank's Performance
Barney Stalling on ACORN Questioning
Gay Prostitute Ethics Reprimand
Barney's Apartment used as Callboy HeadquartersFrank wants to Cap Your Salary
Frank has No Problem Borrowing from Communist China
Barney Wants On-Line Gambling
Lavish TripsBarney Frank: ObamaCare Opponents Just Like Bullies Who Drive Teens To Suicide!Wascally Wabbit Barney Frank Stars in This Hilarious Comedy Video
Communist Rep. Schakowsky: No Americans Actually Follow Their Christian FaithCommunist Congresswoman Schakowsky -- Whose Spouse Was Sent to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion Tells Rich: “Pay Your Fair Share!”…Communist Congresswoman Marches with Communists - They're Trying to Destabilize America
Commie Jew Congresswoman Condemns Anti-Jew Commie CongressmenCommunist Rep. Jan Schakowsky: “You Don’t Deserve To Keep All Your Money”Communist Jan Schakowsky, Van Jones and MoveOn.Org Publish Manifesto Calling for Massive Spending and Tax HikesSocialist Democrat Schakowsky Admits Dems Created Low Income Jobs and 15 Million on UnemploymentCommunist Jan Schakowsky Bad-Mouths America on Russian TV - Notice How Russia Supports Democrats!Socialist Congresswoman (and Wife of Convicted Felon) Jan SchakowskyJan Schakowsky's Convicted Felon Husband Sets Up Nationwide Shop For Obama7 Socialist Congressmen Supporting Radical Extremists Raided by FBIMeanwhile, Back in Commie Central (Chicago) at Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's Communist Rally...
Communist Protestors Say It's “Patriotic to be Communist”Communist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s Push for Billionaire Tax Hike Goes Nowhere, FastSocialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Introduces “Tax the Rich” Bill with Backing from Other Socialist Congress Members
Socialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky to Russian Media: U.S. is "Banana Republic" Without Wealth RedistributionCommie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Says Congressman Issa Called Barack Obama One of the Most Corrupt Presidents Ever and that Issa is About to Go on a Witch Hunt - sounds great to us! hope he nails this witch!Socialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Just Broke The Law. Here She is Urging Dems to Intimidate Voters. Flashback: Jan Schakowsky Defends Her Convicted Felon Husband Robert CreamerCommunist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Caught Electioneering in a Polling Place. PLUS She's Still Running Away from Democratic Socialists of America Questions. PLUS Her Aide Says She IS NOT Upholding the Constitution.Communist Reps Schakowsky and Gutierrez Help Law-Breaking, Illegal Aliens Halt DeportationDemocratic Socialists of America Recommended Illinois Congressmen Obama, Rush, Davis, Delgado, Hamos, Jessie Jackson Jr, Luis Gutierrez, Jan Schakowsky and OthersCommie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Refuses To Answer Socialist / Terrorist QuestionsCongresswoman Jan Schakowsky Confronted for Being a SocialistSocialist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Tells Islamic Group She Will Demand to Know Why FBI Investigating Muslims, Leftist GroupsVideo of Card Carrying Socialist, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Confronted on Her Democratic Socialists of America Membership (watch her run!)Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Clearly Does Not Believe in the US Constitution (listen to her own words!)Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Calls for Federal Funding of AbortionSocialist Wife of Felon Infiltrated CongressThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommunist Congresswoman Schakowsky Says Charlie Rangel is Her LeaderCommunist Congress Members Schakowsky, Woolsey, Stark Introduce Public Option ActCommunist Congressman Jan Schakowsky (D-mentally IL): We Need to Spend Our Way out of This Recession!Communist Agent and IL Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Earmarks Crooked Non-Profit.
Hezbollah and Commie Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Think Helen Thomas is “Awesome!”Communist Congresswoman Schakowsky Supports Anti-Jew Helen ThomasCommunist/Socialist of The Day: CONGRESSWOMAN JAN SCHAKOWSKY (D-IL)
Russian, Socialist Congresswoman (D-IL) Jan Schakowsky's Convicted Felon Husband was the Architect of the Democrat's Healthcare Strategy (written in Jail). Part 2
Wining and Dining with Marxists, Communists and SocialistsDocumented Socialist Congress Members, Jan Schakowsky and Dick Durbin want State-Funded Bank BailoutCommie Congresswoman Rep. Schakowsky and ShoreBank: New Conflict of Interest Evidence. ShoreBank one of several banks Schakowsky’s husband and convicted felon, Robert Creamer used in check kiting scheme. Schakowsky now wants $75 Million in Federal Bailout Funds for Shorebank.
DSA memberShe received an award from the DSA and was Obama's campaign co-chair
Visits and Supports a Communist Government in Honduras (see the background pieces: 1, 2)
Jan is Supporting a Communist-backed Honduras Leader Who was Legally Ejected from Office for Illegally Trying to Extend His Time in OfficeBarred Communist Cuban Meets with Schakowsky in Washington, DC to Get More Communist Cubans into US
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Getting Out the Vote For Chicago Mob Linked Alexi Giannoulias
Husband Guilty of Bank Fraud
Husband is a Socialist Author
Convicted Felon Husband Attends White House State Dinner
Convicted Felon Husband Trains People to Campaign for Obama
Convicted Felon Husband, Robert Creamer
More on Robert Creamer
More on DSA Involvement, Ties to Obama and ProgressivesRented Office Space From Chicago Mob
Former Communist Black Panther and Current Communist Congressman Bobby Rush Kicked Off of House FloorPot-Smoking, Communist Congressman, Bobbie Rush's Lame Attempt to Sell Net Neutrality - Uses Classic Battles between King Kong and Godzilla to Justify Government Internet TakeoverRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Communist Congressmen Rush and Jackson Each Paid Their Wives about $1/4-Million Each. Other Chicago Dems Hire Their Wives, too.
Democratic Socialists of America Recommended Illinois Congressmen Obama, Rush, Davis, Delgado, Hamos, Jessie Jackson Jr, Luis Gutierrez, Jan Schakowsky and OthersThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCBS News Reports on Bobby Rush Apartment Raid. Police Find Unregistered Gun, Ammo, Pot, Communist Literature and Bomb-Making Books
Police Raided Rush's Apartment and Found Communist Literature, Weapons and MarijuanaCommie Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) Speaks of His Castro Meeting: "It was Like Listening to an Old Friend"Democrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaMeets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroBlames Chicago's Olympic Loss on Bush
Rush Decides to Protest Against His Own Policies
DSA member
Says Racism is as American as Apple PieWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes Their Initiative
Black Panther in Cuba (Rush Visits Fidel and Raúl Castro's Home)
Ex-Black Panther
Started Black Panther Chapter
Still Meets with Black Panthers
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Cuba Travel
Praises Castro
Cheating in Chicago
Your Tax Money for His Luxury Car
False Racist Claims
Taxpayer-Funded CarsWants to Regulate Your Grave
Communist Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr Used Campaign Money for Extramarital Sex
Communist Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Tells MLK Congregation: Feds Should Bail Out Failed States, Cities and Counties “For a Mere $900 BILLION”ETHICS COMMITTEE REPORT: Communist Rep. Jesse Jackson Tried to Buy Obama's Old Senate Seat2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Wants to Know Why Black Congressmen Have Disproportionally More Ethics Hearings... Answer: Black Congressmen are Disproportionally More Communist ...Communist Dems Really, Really Know How to Create and Brainwash Black GhettosSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Says Way Out of Unemployment Crisis is to Change the Constitution to One Like Russia'sSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. wants to Add “Right to Economic Security” to Constitution Just Like the SovietsClassified Documents Show US Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr's Father Took Cash from LibyaRED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Communist Congressman Jesse Jackson Whipping Up Racial HateCommunist Congressmen Rush and Jackson Each Paid Their Wives about $1/4-Million Each. Other Chicago Dems Hire Their Wives, too.
Democratic Socialists of America Recommended Illinois Congressmen Obama, Rush, Davis, Delgado, Hamos, Jessie Jackson Jr, Luis Gutierrez, Jan Schakowsky and OthersThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in Congress2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
DSA member
15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress
Paid Wife with Campaign FundsSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Admits He Attended Chicago Meeting When His Top Fundraiser Tried to Buy Him President Obama’s U.S. Senate SeatWhy has Commie Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Escaped Prosecution in Blago Case?The Communist Jacksons:- Racist Dad- Crooked SonCommunist Congressman Jesse Jackson Suffers Collateral Damage from Blago TrialCommunist Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Offered Blagojevich $1 Million for Obama's SeatPrince of Darkness Blagojevich Calls Corrupt, Socialist (D-IL) Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr “A Bad Guy”.Jackson / BlagojevichSocialist Congressman Jesse Jackson Seeks Resumes of Jobless Americans to "Dramatize" CrisisA very public link to Jesse Jackson, Sr. and his Rainbow Coalition to Communist DSA on WikipediaJesse Jackson, Sr. Family friend of Michelle Obama
Jesse Jackson, Sr. Wanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Jesse Jackson, Sr. Supported a 2nd Cop Killer
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Jesse Jackson, Sr. Exposed
Felons on Railroads
Donations InvestigationCastro Cuddling Jesse Jackson Calls for Restoration of US/Cuba Relations - His Son is a Communist CongressmanShakedown Attempts
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
Commie Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL): Caught Lying Like a Communist AgainCommunist Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) is Forming a Union Army with the Help of Fellow Communist Congressman Dick Durbin to Fight Off GOP's Bobby SchillingHoly Crap! Phil Hare is an Idiot!
Lying Communist Congressman (D-IL) Phil Hare Denies Saying "Debt is a Myth", Despite Video Proof
Communist Congressman Phil Hare: Everyday I Will Debunk the “Myth” that “This Country’s in Debt”Labor Union Desperate to Save Phil Hare’s Seat
Socialist Congressman Phil Hare Funded by 48 UnionsThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommunist Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) Says Questions About the Constitution are “Silly Stuff” and Avoids Question About His Socialist MembershipAnother Phoney Veteran: Communist Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) has No Active Duty Military Service
Communist Congressman Phil Hare Threatens Veteran With DMV Check For Questioning His Record.Commie Congressman Hare (D-IL) Gets His Own BillboardSocialist Congressman Phil Hare Admits He Doesn't Care About the Constitution. "Jackpot, Brother". Listen for the word, "Communist".Hare Proposes to Tax Capitalism
DSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
(Voted Out)
Communist Rep. Judge Conyers Addresses Democratic Socialists of America Awards Ceremony, Says“Capitalist System is Broken”, Supports OccupyNot Again! Conyers on Payroll Tax Bill: ‘I Did Not Read the Bill Before It was Voted On’ ...Maybe He Can't Read?Communist Congressman Conyers - Seat Up for Grabs!!
Commie Congressman Conyers is a Really Bad NeighborPelosi, Conyers Want Communist Changes to ConstitutionCongressmen Supporting Terrorist Hamas Flotill7 Socialist Congressmen Supporting Radical Extremists Raided by FBICommunist Congressman Conyers: ObamaCare is a “Platform” for Creating Single-Payer SystemSocialist Congressman Hoyer Says Federal Budget May Not Be Balanced for 20 YearsCrooked Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) Reimbures Gov't for Son's Use of Official Car - This is what happens when Mom is in Jail and Dad's a Communist. Why does he get a Cadillac Escalade anyway?Communist Congressman John Conyers' Son's Party Car is a 2010 Cadillac Escalade Registered to the U.S. Gov't - Watch the Video - FIRE CONYERS!
RED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
MR. SMUT GOES TO WASHINGTON - Commie Congressman John Conyers Caught Looking at Nudie Pictures and Reading Lesbian Sex Playboy Article on Airplane - no wonder he never has time to read the billCAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Top Dem (Conyers, D-MI) and Democratic Socialists of America Videoed Plotting "One-World" Scheme. Communist Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) Mentioned.
BUSTED! Commie Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) Meets with Hardcore Marxists - How Democrat Politics REALLY WorksCommie Congressman John Conyers Speaks to Democratic Socialists of America; Says Tea Party is Small and DismissableCommie Congressman John Conyers' Driving License is Revoked after His DMV Check Bounced. Bonus: See Photo of His Wife, Monica, Who's Doing Time in Jail for Federal BriberyCommie Congressman Conyer's Wife Jailed for Taking BribesThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommunist/Socialist of The Day: CONGRESSMAN JOHN CONYERS (D-MI)Conyers' Wife Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison for BriberyCommie Congressman John Conyers Wants to Allow: Felons to VoteSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelSupporting Hamas and CAIR
Commie Conyers Whitewashes ACORN
Congressman Conyers Recommends a Well-Known Marxist, Quentin Young, for the National Committee for Healthcare
More on Conyer's Role in Marxist Healthcare
Wining and Dining with Marxists, Communists and SocialistsPushed Corrupt Wife's Deal
2007's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians
2006's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians - Dishonorable MentionBlocking ACORN Investigation
Conyer's Aide Indicted
DSA memberCommunist
Wanted Street Named After Cop KillerConyers Ties to Communists
What Good is Reading The Bill?DSA Likes Their Initiative
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
ACORNUS Sociocrats Continue Their Marxist Policies: Documented Socialist Congress Members John Conyers and Donna Edwards Propose a Constitutional Amendment. Idea Originated by Specter and Kerry.Taxpayer-Funded CarsHA! HA! Dirty Communist Congressman John Conyers' House is an EyesoreTired Of Saving Obama's Can
Congressman Hansen Clarke Openly Aligned with Michigan Marxists and Socialists
COMMIE CONGRESS HARDCORE COMMUNIST CONNECTIONS! Congressman Hansen Clarke (D-MI) hasClose Relationships with U.S.’s Most Extreme Marxist-Leninist Organizations |
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressMeets with Fidel Castro in Communist Cuba and then Meets Close Associates/Family of Spy Ring (Five Cuban Spies Convicted in US Court of Spying for Cuba in US)
Meets with Fidel and Raul CastroDemocrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaMeets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroDSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Dem Congressman Rapist |
Rep. David Wu (D-OR) Admits Sexual Encounter with Donor’s Young Daughter... Oh, and He's Mental, tooRapist Dem Congressman Resigning
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Socialist Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) Calls for Impeaching Supreme Court JusticeSocialist Congressman DeFazio Admits Obama Can LoseSocialist Congressmen Harkin, DeFazio Propose Transaction Tax - Harkin: "I bet nobody would even feel it.”The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.Supports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Communist Congressman Kucinich Loses ...MSNBC Hosts GrieveCommunist Congresman Dennis Kucinich Loses Primary to Fellow Communist Congresswoman Marcy KapturCongressmen Kucinich (D-OH) and Rahall (D-WV) Attended Terrorist Front Group MeetingCommie Kucinich - Communist Congressman from OhioCommunist Congressman Kucinich Shilling for GadhafiCommunist Congressman Kucinich Travels to Syria to Praises Killer Regime6 Socialist Congressmen Ask Clinton to Help Protect Communist Jew-Haters on Audacity of Hope BoatCongressmen Supporting Terrorist Hamas FlotillaCommie Congressman Waiting for the Ax to FallCrooked Communist Congressman Kucinich Must Repay $52,443 to TaxpayersCommunist Kucinich Sues House Cafeteria over Olive PitOutgoing Commie Congressman Kucinich Says GOP Attack on Obamacare will Lead to Single PayerCommunist Congressmen Kucinich: We Need to Focus on "How Wealth Is Distributed"Communist Congressman Dennis Kucinich May Soon Be Out of a Job!RED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Commie Congress Members Barabara Boxer (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) Approved Code Pink Trip to Fallujah to Donate $600,000 to Extremists to Murder US Soldiers!!!
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressRick Nagan, the Communist Party USA (a Russian KGB Organization) and the Ohio Democratic PartyCommie Congressman Dennis Kucinich and the Communists
The Communist that Worked for and was Endorsed by Communist Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)In-Depth Background on Commie Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)Kucinich Endorses a CommunistDSA member
Attends/Speaks at Democratic Socialist of America Event (ties to Communist Party of USA)ResistNet file
Strongly Anti-Israel
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Anthony Weiner Wanted Threesome with Another ManAnthony Weiner and His Saudi Spy Wife's Whereabouts - Who's Paying Their Huge Lifestyle Bills?Communist Congressman Weiner's House Seat Won by a RepublicanJEWISH NY DEMS TURN ON OBAMA - WEINER'S OLD SEAT GONE!Dems Panic Over Weiner's Old SeatCommie Weiner's Ultra Liberal District is in Real Play!!COMMIE WEINER: TAX CHEATPervert Commie Weiner Eligible for $1.3 Million In Taxpayer Funded PensionCommie Weiner Finally QuitsCommie Alan Colmes Freaks OutCommie Weiner's Oiled Up and Cross Dressing PhotosPorn Actress: Weiner Asked Me to LieWeiner to Keep Collecting $174,000 Congressional Salary While on Sex-HabObama to Weiner: "Resign"Commie Weiner About to ResignPERV ALERT! Commie Weiner Grabs His Weiner in Semi-Nude Photo Tweets in US House GymCommie Weiner Heads to RehabPelosi: Weiner Can Stay! - Pelosi: Weiner Must GoREAD A WEINER TWEET - Warning: Adult ContentWeiner's Tweeted 17-Yr-Old GirlBarbara Walters Likes Anthony's WeinerProtect Your Weiner CondomsCommie Weiner: 6 Women and CountingDid Weiner Secretly Convert to Islam to Marry a Muslim?
Commie Weiner Admits It's His PenisWeiner's Saudi Intelligence Agent Wife Busy with HillaryCommie Weiner Encouraged Porn Star to Lie. Had Phone Sex on His Official House Phone. Weiner'sOfficial Re-Election SongCOMMIE POLITICIANS DON'T RESIGNCommie Weiner's Web of Lies were Perpetrated Using Gov't Resources - Means Weiner Broke House Ethics Rules - Another Weiner Sexting Buddy - Weiner Does This "All The Time" - Special Report
CRYING COMMIE WEINER ADMITS HE DID IT! - BUT THE LIAR WON'T RESIGN! -Says He Did It With Five Other Women, Too, Including One that Got 200 Messages from Weiner - Tried to get Woman to Talk Sexually On-Line - His Saudi Intelligence Agent Wife Remains Silent - Pelosi Calls for Ethics investigation - Breitbart has X-Rated Photo - Yet Weiner Continues to Harm the U.S. like a Good Progressive |
WEINER'S FAIRY TALE UNRAVELINGWEINERGATE: The Democratic Socialist Party Signals Weiner's PR Strategy FAILED... Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says Weinergate is “A Personal Matter” - Maybe So, if it Wasn't for the Weeks of Public LyingWEINER'S PICKLEWEINERGATE: My D@%k's in a Tweet - Not for the Kiddies
WEINERGATE: Commie Weiner's Rabbling LiesWEINERGATE: "Every Indication is That He Did It"Mother of Weinergate Coed FURIOUS! Demands Commie Weiner Fess UpCommie Weiner Earns His Own Taiwanese AnimationWeiner Admits: “Maybe It Started Out Being a Photograph of Mine”. Commie Weiner is DoomedIT MIGHT BE MY WEINER - Commie Weiner, Dead Man Walking - MoreCommie Weiner Communicating with Porn Star - Guess His Saudi Intelligence Agent Wife Isn't Giving Him AnyFlorida Congressman Calls for Weinergate InvestigationCommie Weiner's Dead Meat. Calls Communist News Network Reporter a "Jackass". Watch Him Dodge Direct QuestionsWEINERGATE: Commie Weiner Not Investigating Hacking, but Hired a LawyerWhoopsy! Lots of Young Girls on Weiner's Tweet ListBreitbart has Weiner by the Short Hairs
WEINERGATE - Commie Congressman Weiner is Soooo Busted… He was Tweeting a Porn Star and Teenage Girl, Too |
Commie Congressman Anthony Weiner Tweets His Weiner to His New Girl Friend - Weiner is Officially Married to a Saudi Intelligence Agent
DID ANTHONY WEINER MARRY A SAUDI INTELLIGENCE AGENT? Who Paid for Her Extravegant Clothes, Apartment, Lifestyle? She's Muslim and Hillary's Ex-Aide |
Congressman Weiner Reveals Himself as a Lying Socialist and Then Gets Spanked by Bachmann and Hannity
Commie Congressman Weiner Goes Berserk over NPR Defunding VoteHa! Socialist Congressman Weiner Wants an Obamacare Waiver for NYC
Weiner Used Campaign Money to Try and Beat Naked Pictures ScandalThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressTies to Communist Organization, SEIU
DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Muslim Intern Spies = McCarthyDSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
Supports Communist Cuba
DSA member
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Same Sex Marriages
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
2010's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Communist Congressman Rangel (D-NY) Fined $23,000 for Violating Federal Campaign LawCOMMUNIST CONGRESSMEN: Danny Davis, Keynote Speaker at Communist Party USA Event and Charlie Rangel Praises Communist LeaderPelosi and Other Communist Congressman Rally Behind Disgraced, Censured Communist Congressman RangelCommunist Zombies Rush Communist Charlie RangelCommie Rangel's Junket Organizer Pleads GuiltyParanoid Rangel Claims NPLC Broke into His OfficeNew Commie Rangel Ethics ChargesLYING COMMUNIST RANGEL CENSURED (vote count: 333 for censure vs. 79 against) - In Last 100 Years, Only 4 Dems and 1 GOP (sex with minor) Ever Censured. Fellow Communist Dems Give Crooked Rangel a Standing Ovation. Video of Pelosi Officially Censuring Charlie. Communist Black Caucus (CBC) Releases Statement Defending Charlie Rangel. Despite His Lies, Rangel DID Profit from Corruption.
RED DEMOCRATS - Congressmen with Communist Ties
Commie Rangel Cries Crocodile Tears - He Should Be ExpelledCommunist Congressman Nadler (D-NY) Trying to Eliminate the Debt LimitCommie Rangel - Censuring RecommendedCommie Rangel Ethics Scandal TimelineCOMMIE RANGEL GUILTY ON 11 COUNTSCommunist Congressman Charlie Rangel Stalls Ethics Hearing and Threatens to Walk Out. Resign Rangel Corruption VideoCommie Congressman Rangel - Caught with Hand in PAC Cookie Jar - Grabbed $393,000The Meltdown of Communist Congressman RangelOft-Proposed Commie Congressman Charles Rangel Bill Gives Gov't Complete Control of All People Aged 18 - 42Rangel’s Nonprofit Exec Got $250K in Illegal Tax RefundsAfter Spending $2Million, Rangel Drops Ethic Case Lawyers - Will Represent Himself
Commie Rangel Gets a Reality Check at One Nation Rally
- Ethics Committee Ignoring Rangel’s Most Corrupt Act
- NLPC Files New Rangel Ethics Complaint
- Rangel Attacks NLPC on House Floor
- NYC Cuts Off Funding for Rangel-Backed GroupThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressCommie Congressman Rangel Hit With New Ethics ComplaintCOMMIE CONGRESSMAN CAUGHT "RED" HANDED:
- "Red Charlie" Rangel Revealed
- Rangel: Ethics Panel Violating My Constitutional RightsCOMMIE CONGRESSMAN RANGEL: Unethically Meets Alone with Ethics ChairTimeline of Socialist Congressman Charles Rangel's Ethics ScandalCommie Congressman Charlie Rangel Says "It Would be un-American for Me to Resign".
Dems Want Commie Congressman Rangel Gone Quick!!Commie Rangel Tried to Talk His Way Out of Ethics Cases to Avoid TrialCHARLIE RANGEL - DEAD COMMIE WALKING!
- MSNBC Turns on Him
- Voters Turn on HimCommunist Congressman Rangel Charged with Multiple Ethics ViolationsDUMB AND DUMBER: Communist Congressman Charlie Rangel Says His Ethics Scandals Improve His 2010 Re-Election ChancesCommie Congressman Rangel Used Campaign Fund for Trips Instead of His Own Money
Socialists Rangel (D-NY) and Robert Reich Openly Conspiring to Redistribute Your WealthCommie Congressman Charlie Rangel: Sees White People. This from a Man Who, Even He, Says Should be Held to Higher Standards and is a Serious Tax Cheat.
Rangel Swears at Citizen Questioning His CrimesDirty MoneyRangel Steps Aside (for now)Commie Rangel Refuses to Step Down (like all commies do). Says Investigation That Found Him Guilty "Exonerates Me".
Verdict on Socialist Rep. Charlie Rangel: He Broke RulesIn charge of writing tax laws, but doesn't pay his taxes2009's Top 10 Most Corrupt Policitians
Makes "Most Corrupt" List AgainRangel Corruption
15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress
Growing List of Congress Members being Investigated
30 House Members Being Investigated
Rangel Trip to St. Martin Paid for by Citigroup, Pfizer, and AT&T
DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes Their Initiative
ResistNet file
Charlie's Tax Evasions
Your Tax Dollars for His Luxury Car
Charlie Confronted
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Ethics 2
Ethics Panel Bribes
Carribbean Junket
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
Communist Congressman Nadler: “The Country is Not Broke, We’re Just Not Taxing Enough”Commie Congessman Nadler Calls Reading the Constitution "Propaganda"Communist Congressman Nadler (D-NY) Calls Republicans “A Bunch of Gangsters” Engaged in "BlackmailThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressBig Fat Communist Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Says Let’s Exempt Rich People in Blue States From Tax Hike!
Communist NY Congressman Nadler: Pumping "Fairness Doctrine"Public Trial for Commie Congressman Rangel: 13 ChargesSocialist Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY).Congressman Nadler Again Defends ACORN
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Nadler's Ties to ACORNBlocking ACORN Investigation
ACORNBrings up "McCarthy" in His Defense of ACORNWants to "Modernize" Russian History in School Text Books (in other words, make "communists" a good thing)DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
ResistNet fileTies to Communists
Socialists in America
Socialist Congressman Meeks' Crony Ahmad Busted by FBISocialist Congressman Meeks Under InvestigationSocialist Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) Failed to Report Gambling WinningsCongressman Meeks (D-NY) - Linked with Jihadists
Commie Ex-Congressman Eric Massa About to Get ProbedCAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.Supports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Commie Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Lies About His Assault on a ReporterShocking Video: Commie Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Confesses He Has Absolutely No Idea How to Reduce Spending or Reduce the DeficitSOCIALIST CONGRESSMAN HINCHEY (D-NY)
ASSAULTS REPORTERProgressive Clinton Stumps for Socialist Congressman Hinchey.
Socialist Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Uses Castro Meeting to Raise MoneyThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressTerrorist-Loving, Commie Congressman (D-NY) Maurice Hinchey's Fishy Pork.Supports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes Their Initiative
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
(voted out)
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA member
ResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY) is a Global Warming Nut Case
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressSupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelDSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop Killer
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
EthicsMore EthicsCarribbean Junket
Commie Senator Lautenberg: Higher Taxes Make Rich 'Feel Good' When They 'Look in the Mirror'Commie Senator Frank Lautenberg: “We’ve Got To Eliminate The Rich” - He's a Millionaire Times 50!
The Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressDSA member
Meets with Fidel Castro in Communist Cuba and then Meets Close Associates/Family of Spy Ring (Five Cuban Spies Convicted in US Court of Spying for Cuba in US)
Meets with Fidel and Raul Castro Meets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroDemocrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaSocialist Congressman Mel Watt (D-NC) Introduces Amendment to Defund Congressional Ethics PanelResistNet file
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Taxpayer-Funded Cars
Communist Rep May Get Personal $1.1 Million BailoutBank of America Files $1.5 Million Suit Against Deadbeat Rep Emanuel Cleaver, Congressional Black Caucus's HeadCommunist Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO): RASCISTCommie Congressman Cleaver Lies about $48 Billion Earmark for His Pal
Commie Congressman Cleaver's $48 Billion Earmark to Go to Friends Who Run a Day Care Business Out of Their HouseSocialist Congressman Cleaver (D-MO) asks for $48 Billion Earmark to Redistribute WealthLying Commie Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) Retracts Spitting ClaimThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressRush Calls Commie Congressman Cleaver A Liar. Lying is the #1 Characteristic of CommunistsCommie Congressman Cleaver Recants Spitting and Geraldo Rivera is ScoldedDemocrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in CubaMeets with Communist Raul and Fidel CastroSupportive of Cuban Regime
DSA memberWanted Street Named After Cop KillerDSA Likes His Initiative
ResistNet fileOpposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Voted "No" for Christmas
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America
Islamo-Commie Racist Keith Ellison: Calls Whites "Racist"SURREAL: Commie-Islamo Rep. Ellison: Pushes Elmo for Imaginery Country, Palestine, on House FloorISLAMO-COMMUNIST REP. KEITH ELLISON'S POLITICAL OPPONENT KICKS A$$!!ISLAMO-COMMUNIST CONGRESSMAN KEITH ELLISON PUSHING VOTING WITH NO PHOTO IDCommie Islamic Congressman Ellison Defends ACORN
Islamo-Communist Congressman and Stealth Jihadist Keith Ellison’s Loyalty Called Into Question - Allah Akbar was Shouted at His Election Victory Celebration. Muslims are Allowed to Lie with Their Hand on the Quran if Furthering Islam. |
7 Socialist Congressmen Supporting Radical Extremists Raided by FBIIslamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison Demanded the Word "Socialist" be Stricken House Floor RecordFather of Islamic Mass Murderer Says Islamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison is a “Fool” and a “Liar” for Denying Jihadist ThreatIslamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison's "Economic Justice" Tour - "Economic Justice" and "Progressive" are Code Words for CommunismMuslim Congressman Keith Ellison Admits He's for "Social Justice", the Code Words for "Communism"Islamo-Communist Congressman Ellison's Crocodile Tears Story was All a Crock a Sh*tIslamo-Communist Congressman Ellison Cries Like a Baby at Radical Islam HearingIslamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison for DummiesUniversity of Minnesota Opens Islamic Law Think Tank - Kicked Off by Islamo-Communist Congressman Keith Ellison
Rep. Allen West Slams Communist Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison and His Terrorist BuddiesTerrorist Group Supporter, Congressman Keith Ellison Tells a Slew of Extrements that the U.S. is "Colonial"Marxist, Islamic Congressman Sworn in with Hand on Quran Has Direct Ties to Terrorists, Communists, Marxists and Socialists
Muslim, Marxist Congressman Ellison: "God Willing…Border Will Become an Irrelevancy"Keith Ellison (D-MN)... Who is Closely Tied to Terrorist Organizations and Who Has Got The Most to Lose Says Loudly, Investigating Radical Muslims is "McCarthy-Like"If I Called Rep. Keith Ellison a Communist, Would You Hold It Against Me?
Marxist and Islamic-Terrorist-Tied Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN): Dems Must "Create a Real Crisis"Commie Islamic Congressmen Ellison and Carson: Congressional Muslim Staffers Website Disappears after Outed Hosting Jihadists on Capitol HillTwo of the Most Extreme Communist Congressmen to Lead the Progressive Caucus - Islamic Terrorist Supporting, Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Latino Racist, Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)HOW FITTING: Terror-Funded (CAIR), Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison - Who Called for Boycott of His Own State - to Lead the Progressive Caucus
CAIR OFFICIALLY TIED TO HAMAS AS UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN TERROR FINANCE TRIAL - That Means the 54 Members of Congress Who are Supporting and/or Taking Funding from CAIR are Aiding Terrorists.
Commie Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Will Address Pro-Hamas, Pro-Muslim Brotherhood (i.e. Terrorist Front Groups)
Socialist Islamic Congressmen Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Andre Carson (IN) Allowing Terrorists onto Capital Hill
Socialist Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison's FatwaMOMS LOVE THIS: Marxist, Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Has CompetitionThe Socialist Party of America Devulges 70 of Their Members in CongressMarxist Muslim Congressman Ellison: GZ Mosque Opponents are “Proponents Of Religious Bigotry”Robert Gibbs Says Obama Critics "Ought to be Drug Tested"; Calls Them "Crazy". Marxist Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Calls on Gibbs to ResignCandidate Exposes Marxist Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison Involvement with Islamic Extremists.
Communists on Open Display at America's Future NOW! Some Well-Known Attendees: Congress Members Donna Edwards, Keith Ellison, Alan Grayson, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Udall
Marxist and Terrorist-Funded Congressman Keith Ellison, Asks Obama to Call for End of Israel’s Gaza Blockade.Communist/Socialist of The Day: CONGRESSMAN KEITH ELLISON (D-MN)Ellison Wants to Make It Easier for Saudis to Enter the USASupports the Terrorist Group, Hamas, Over IsraelSupporting Hamas and CAIR
Funded By Terrorist Supporters
DSA member
Marxist Speech
Associations with Marxists
ResistNet file
Proposed New Act: Gays in Military Allowed to Openly Testify in Congressional Hearings without Fear of Retribution (i.e., Free License to Cripple our Military with "False Gay Discrimination Allegation" Investigations)
Opposed ACORN Investigation into Child Sex Slavery, Human Trafficking, Tax Evasion, Mortgage Fraud Charges
Ties to Communists
Socialists in America