By Patrick O'Connor
Richard Trumka, the president of the AFL-CIO, cautioned Democrats on Friday that his confederation would desert any lawmakers who don’t stand with organized labor.
Every few years, union officials tell Democrats in Washington that organized labor will turn its back on those who take labor support for granted. Already this year, at least one prominent union has suspended its political activity on behalf of federal candidates, opting instead to focus on legislative disputes at the state and local level.
In remarks Friday at the National Press Club that were billed as a major address about the political landscape, Mr. Trumka focused most of his rhetorical fire on Republicans, attacking the GOP for seeking to limit union bargaining rights, and extending tax cuts for the wealthy while slashing programs, like student aid, that are vital to working Americans.
“It’s about priorities,” he said. ‘It ought to be a shared sacrifice, and people at the bottom have already sacrificed enough.”
But Mr. Trumka also reminded Democrats that they aren’t assured of union support: “AskBlanche Lincoln.”
Organized labor spent millions trying to unseat the Arkansas senator in last year’s Democratic primary, only to fall short in a seat Democrats eventually lost. The episode became a symbol for labor’s ineffectiveness in the last election.
Mr. Trumka was incensed about the tax deal the White House cut with Senate Republicans last year, and he didn’t mention President Barack Obama during his nearly half-hour speech. During a question and answer session he generally praised the president.
“The president has done a good job,” Mr. Trumka said, making the point that congressional Republicans limit what Mr. Obama can do.
Trumka Cautions Democrats: Don’t Take Labor Support For Granted
- Remember the “Firewall” Trumka was going to construct to protect Democratic incumbents in the 2010 election?Trumka doesn’t have any credibility.
- Trumpka who?
- If the unions can’t launder their money through the Democratic party, then what will they do? Trumka is seeing the writing on the wall. No one wants or respects the unions. Their days are numbered. Woo Hoo! Can’t wait for 2012!
By Patrick O'Connor
Richard Trumka, the president of the AFL-CIO, cautioned Democrats on Friday that his confederation would desert any lawmakers who don’t stand with organized labor.
Every few years, union officials tell Democrats in Washington that organized labor will turn its back on those who take labor support for granted. Already this year, at least one prominent union has suspended its political activity on behalf of federal candidates, opting instead to focus on legislative disputes at the state and local level.
In remarks Friday at the National Press Club that were billed as a major address about the political landscape, Mr. Trumka focused most of his rhetorical fire on Republicans, attacking the GOP for seeking to limit union bargaining rights, and extending tax cuts for the wealthy while slashing programs, like student aid, that are vital to working Americans.
“It’s about priorities,” he said. ‘It ought to be a shared sacrifice, and people at the bottom have already sacrificed enough.”
But Mr. Trumka also reminded Democrats that they aren’t assured of union support: “AskBlanche Lincoln.”
Organized labor spent millions trying to unseat the Arkansas senator in last year’s Democratic primary, only to fall short in a seat Democrats eventually lost. The episode became a symbol for labor’s ineffectiveness in the last election.
Mr. Trumka was incensed about the tax deal the White House cut with Senate Republicans last year, and he didn’t mention President Barack Obama during his nearly half-hour speech. During a question and answer session he generally praised the president.
“The president has done a good job,” Mr. Trumka said, making the point that congressional Republicans limit what Mr. Obama can do.