Sunday, July 24, 2011

Whatever, Nevermind: NOT SO FAST, YOU'RE FURIOUS IN GUILT!!! OBAMA AND HOLDER ~ Justice For Fallen Border Patrol Agents Now

Whatever, Nevermind: NOT SO FAST, YOU'RE FURIOUS IN GUILT!!! OBAMA AND HOLDER ~ Justice For Fallen Border Patrol Agents Now

NOT SO FAST, YOU'RE FURIOUS IN GUILT!!! OBAMA AND HOLDER ~ Justice For Fallen Border Patrol Agents Now

Adolf Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, c...Image via Wikipedia

This sick, twisted, negligent, operation had FAIL (Fast And Illegal Legislation) all over it. The gun walk was a horrible success. And two of our own paid the ultimate price for the negligence and irresponsible actions and inaction of the highest level of our government. They never intended to follow the guns, their agenda was exactly the results they got.... Tragic deaths of our own, by guns tracked to U.S. gun owners found responsible for killing our own. Our own guns killing our own. What an Atrocious way to get the Public to rally together with the President's Evil Plan to disarm us. What do you think Hitler's first agenda was? To render the people defenseless as he confiscated their homes, and forced them to walk to their slow, torturous, dictated doomed lives. Our Second Amendment is to allow we, the people to defend ourselves against a tyrannical, corrupt government, such as the one of the Third Reich, and Now The First Obamanation.

If the people can't see he is trying, furiously, to disarm us and dismantle the Second Amendment and the BIG PICTURE, You're as dead as the Jews were at the hands of Hitler's regime.... Fall for the lies, the hidden agendas that are hiding right in your face ( by no accident ).... He subscribes to the ideology of not seeing and believing...If it's done so blatantly, openly and in our face, there's no way there's an ominous threat looming, or an unscrupulous, dangerous hidden agenda... OPEN YOUR EYES, GET OUT OF DENIAL... Discard the Normalcy Bias. It does not apply here. There is nothing normal or even consistent with ethics, rules, procedures, or even THE LAW within this administration, the top level, the thugs of Chicago style Politcs... That ain't nothing to what's in store, if you fall for the schmooze campaign of this whore. Chicago Politics will be a pussy's game, in the end, when you've ruined this country in vain.

Ignorance is not Bliss, it is a crime, and through negligence and involuntary idiocy, those guilty should like your psychopathic charmer, end up doing major TIME. If you vote for this second wave of what history taught us through the preconditions, events, and circumstances before, during ,and after the second World War, you're self imposed victims of Marxist, Socialist Fascism, all planned by the Cloward and Piven , and Barry, the Racket, Obama.... The Tyrant with No Soul. Start digging your hole.
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