My friends and I used to hang out and hours would go by, just us, our thoughts and ability to have fun with just each other's company.. laughing, talking, then coming up with solutions, answers, and sometimes funny scenarios of the mysteries that would satisfy us in the humorous conclusion.... If one of our boyfriends, husbands, live in whatever ya call its asked us what we did, the only way to answer would be " We hung out and solved the World's Problems"... Let me tell ya, we were closer to solving even one problem in this one country than this douchebag in office is capable of....
In Fact, This so called 'man' ~ OBAMA IS the CREATOR of a huge portion of THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS of today!!!
That Cocky Sucker of Socialists Agendas must feel like a significant human being now. His Daddy failed to raise a man of competent confidence, his mamma raised him to be a flip flopping non existent soul, with no sense of self, no sense of loyalty, quite the opposite, he is a TRAITOR with no allegiance whatsoever to anyone or anything but filling his own ego's empty bottomless pit and self aggrandizing prophecy. He feels so small, and he has no real accomplishments...He doesn't have the ability to accomplish anything, he has no passion for good, he owns abhorrent HATE... His capabilities are driven by Narcissistic Needs and Virulent Hate. This can drive some straight to the top of Dictatorial Power. Hitler did it in 52 days.. And HE was elected in as Chancellor to Germany LEGITIMATELY!! YES, HITLER WASN'T THE FRAUD OBAMA IS!!!!
All that aside, ( The AUDACITY of it all aside ) Obama is not capable because the only time he may give the illusion that he's doing something is when he's looking forward to re-election and campaigning, which we now know is a good portion of 70 Percent of his time in office... The term is four years, and he starts campaigning full throttle two months before his two year half - way point?!!!! And when he reels in his obvious contempt and resentment for the American People, our Culture and OUR COUNTRY, period, it's only because of political gains.. So a rough estimate, giving him the advantage is at least 70 percent of the time spent campaigning, NOT leading... NEVER LEADING.. Dithering, waiting, allowing chips to fall where they may, blaming others for those failures and gloating with a puffed up chest, beating on it claiming a victory for those chips that happen to fall in positive positions... WHAT A FRAUD... How can a proven liar, pathological in it's nature... Not a blink of an eye, not a sign of a conscience, not a bit of embarrassment, (he knows that some know for sure these are lies)... SCARY!!! His word, and now our credit, is worth nothing. The United States, The Country of Moral Strength, Integrity, Honor, and an Ethical Model for the World is now a joke. He has stolen all that integrity along with our economic strength, and all that we once were before the Terrorist in Office took us hostage. Sound Familiar? Yeah, The president projects those labels and actions onto us, the ones who love this country and want to preserve it, save it, The Patriots left who are bent on saving The United States of America as it was before the Destroyer in Chief got to it...
That smirk and douchebaggery was shown as the ass licking man child attempted to put a negative light on the very people who are working their asses off to keep this country together.... He claimed the only thing he got was the escape of a default....!!!!!!!! The Default was a Defaulted Ruse of Truth.... If we defaulted it would have been the scum bag's decision to withhold funds from our creditors... Social Security checks were covered, as were our debts regardless of the debt "crisis"... Part of this so called Crisis, which was on the President's shoulders and HIS ALONE was to divert the Fast and Furious Scandal's light on his guilt, distractions and others' scandalous actions are conveniently positioned for this fraud's favor.... WAKE UP!!!!!! The convenient benefits, or so he thought, were that he'd be able to demonize the Tea Party and Republicans... FAIL.... People are getting tired of being treated as the mentally handi capped.. Yes, some will be til he is outed, but the truth always comes out, and Obama got his free spending ticket, and that's all he wanted...
Another term of this tyrannical, diabolical, dictator will be the end of America... No more United States of America, no flag, no rights for real Americans, no more farming, farm country, affordable energy--HAH!! Buh bye!! No more free market, no more stock exchange and capitalist competition... Say hello to Slavery, one class system, NO SECOND AMENDMENT, yes, law abiding citizens with arms will be law breaking citizens if they slip through the cracks and hold on to their right to bear arms.. The atrocities are endless and I could go on, but I'm getting nauseous... Please People, Wake up and Smell the Communist.... It Stinks, I know, but to wake up you have to smell it, quit denying it and realize that the people vilified Churchill for his concern and mistrust of the Soviet Communists and The Nazi Party rising.... The genocide was happening yet a normalcy bias kept the Jews in Germany there in denial as it was happening in front of their faces.
We tend to suspend belief when something is so atrocious, unthinkable, and never seen as a possibility in one's country, or one's lifetime. History doesn't lie, but Hitlers, Stalins, and Obamas DO!!!
Vote this guy back in only to cook in your self started stew..... Dig your own grave, This WAS the home of the BRAVE. It still is, we're just fewer and farther between, so when you all seem shocked at what's happening around you, we'll be way ahead of the curve, Saving Ourselves, Fighting to the Death, as you wonder where we got the Nerve. You, The Slaves, as Useful Idiots will Serve.