It's a big milestone, and to celebrate it while sitting in the most prestigious seat in the world must be a rush.
I'm sorry that your agenda is an affront to my country of origin, the country that my mother came to as a Polish Immigrant whose grandparents were killed in front of her eyes by Stalin and her Politically outspoken and active father was cuffed and swept away by Stalin's men never to be heard from again.... They were rumored to be shipped off to Siberia and work til they died of hypothermia or starvation whichever came first. Her farm house home, the animals she loved and her grandparents, who were her main caregivers were burnt to the ground as she, as a young pre-teen and her flighty mother were shuffled off to some blur of a nightmare that had them in work camps for a time she's not sure of until they were sent off by train to be liberated and sent to the shores of This Beautiful Land of the Free, the land of Opportunity, where dreams came true..
Without knowing a word of English, and one outfit on her back, she learned the language by British nuns in a convent in Kentucky....(imagine THAT accent).. I was one confused kid... Anyhow, her and her mother didn't just survive, they came here, worked hard and thrived. Her mother invested in an apartment building in Brooklyn, my mother put herself through Hunter College in NYC while earning money entering beauty pageants and bathing suit beauty contests. She had a natural winning look and figure which she was ashamed of using to pay for school, but many who came to the states were suffering from shame and self esteem issues because of the demeaning abuses they endured and atrocities they witnessed...
So, as a daughter of an immigrant who is more patriotic than the Tea Party, in a different way, of course... actually, as usual, she grew to forget it all and became American as she could... taking her financial and (temporary) marital success for granted, as well as her once totally dedicated adoring daughter....
Unfortunately her reflexive defenses included denial, control freakishness, Munchausen's By Proxy, Yes, she abused me, and all the psychological afflictions naturally expected from events she endured....
So, Happy Birthday Mr, Obama. I know you're a likable person, and I'd like to think you had feelings and compassion... I just wish I could see proof of the compassion part, but oh well, you're a human being and deserve one day of Happy go Lucky, and I DO MEAN LUCKY, freedom to partay like you're half a century old.... I wish your policies didn't suck it so hard and that it didn't make you seem to be so contemptuous and resentful of true red blooded Americans and our Western way of life... Wish you experienced a happy childhood that didn't create so much dissonance and discord in your life.. It must have been hard, but you survived... Just know that we wanted you to be the adored and loved leader we thought you wanted to be..... You really don't want it, and I'm sorry for us all because of that fact. I actually had tears pour down my face with a sense of being part of a proud moment in history. It felt so sweet to be convinced that this administration would be a ground breaking racism busting milestone. Well, it's your birthday, so the reality of it all need not be mentioned.
Hope you enjoyed your cake and eating it too.... Hope you didn't get between your wife and her cake, you need all those fingers for signing executive orders in the basement's darkness.. OK, it's over now, so back to the Bama bashing, haha...Don't take it personal, but What the Hell is wrong with you? Some say you'll be missed, Most say you'll wish you didn''t do things worthy of being so dissed... Your parting gift, a bottle of spray on shellack, and some feathers....
No love lost, an occasional glimpse of fleeting regrettable respect, and a slight tendency to like you when you're faking that side of you... Dammit, you fit the Bill, why ya gotta be that way, you'll roll off that hill...