Follow fast and furious scandal news DOJ: No 3rd gun in "Fast and Furious" murderThe Department of Justice has denied speculation that there was a missing third weapon at the murder scene of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, which sparked the ATF's Fast and Furious scandal. The Justice Department released a new statement Monday ... Holder on Hot Seat for Fast and Furious Documents Big Government Fast And Furious Scandal: Ariz. Sheriffs Want Larger InvestigationFor the Fast and Furious scandal, Arizona county sheriffs are calling for the president to initiate an independent investigation into a sting operation involving gun trafficking that went awry. The sting operation, known as "Operation Fast and Furious ... "Fast and Furious" - Cover up, scandal or just politics?CBS News - Oct 16, 2011 The ATF's "Operation Fast and Furious" put thousands of guns in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. Was there a coverup, a scandal or is it all just politics? Bob Schieffer talks to Congressman Darrell Issa, the Congressional Chairman and ... Holder Takes Heat Over 'Fast And Furious' ScandalObama spoke as a scandal over a botched gun-trafficking operation known as Fast and Furious intensified on Capitol Hill this week. Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, called for an independent counsel to ... Video: Jay Sekulow Discusses the "Fast & Furious" scandal and Attorney General Holder Holder Denies Link to 'Fast and Furious' Scandal Christian Broadcasting Network The Fast and Furious Coverup Houston Chronicle (blog) Man Completes 11-year Round the World WalkPeoria Journal Star - Oct 17, 2011 Julie Noce reports FBI hiding facts on "fast and furious" scandal? The House Oversight Committee plans to ask the FBI whether all the guns that were used to kill a federal agent are accounted for. Sharyl Attkisson reports on the latest of the fallout ... Whither US Condolences for Murder of Agent Brian Terry?His killers used weapons 'walked' to Mexico from America via the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, a federal program that deliberately pushed American guns into Mexico and ultimately into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. ... Will "Fast And Furious" Scandal Claim Attorney General Eric Holder?Attorney General Eric Holder may be the next public official to be caught up in the ongoing “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal. Documents obtained by CBS News prove that Holder had been receiving regular briefings on the botched sting operation as ... Administration's scandals are coming fast and furious St. George Daily Spectrum Stench of feds' gunwalker scandal reaches AG Eric Holder Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog) Rep. West Denounces Occupy Wall Street for 'Laughable Hypocrisy'Insists that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign over the Operation Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal. And says Obama should “dust off” his Nobel Peace Prize and return it, considering the military ventures he has advanced during his ... Babeu: 'Fast and Furious' worse scandal than WatergateKVOA Tucson News - Oct 7, 2011 PHOENIX - Sheriffs from across Arizona gathered in Phoenix Friday demanding a special counsel investigate Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice for their roles in "Operation Fast and Furious." The operation managed by the Bureau of ... Calif. Rep. Issa Talks Solyndra, 'Fast and Furious' Scandals Christian Post Congress Set to Subpoena Holder over Gun Scandal Christian Broadcasting Network Fast and Furious Scandal GrowsInterestingly, other ATF officials involved in Fast and Furious were actually promoted after the incident, including William McMahon, William Newell, and David Voth, who oversaw the operation in the Phoenix office. In Fast and Furious, ATF agents were ... |