Obama is a Traitor Who Must Be Impeached - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mBxwK3-QP4May 28, 2010 - 7 min - Uploaded by thenewsurvivalist
Here is conclusive proof in his own words and deeds that President Barrack Obama is a traitor to the United States. He has ...Jeff Kuhner: Obama's a Traitor; Aiding and Abetting the Enemies of ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7R4xOOdFj4Feb 12, 2011 - 23 min - Uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom
LINKS: Jeff Kuhner of the Washington Times, filling in for Michael Savage, hammered the media and Obama et al., accusing ...Cannes 2011: Peter Fonda calls Obama a 'traitor' - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk/.../Cannes-2011-Peter-Fonda-calls-Obama-a-tra...May 18, 2011 โ Peter Fonda, star of Easy Rider, attacks President Barack Obama and BP over Gulf oil spill.Is Obama A Traitor? - BluegrassBulletin.com
www.bluegrassbulletin.com/2011/08/is-obama-a-traitor.htmlAug 22, 2011 โ One might so conclude after reading this: Obama brought the Muslim Brotherhood into our White House; no one but Obama did this.Marty Kaplan: Barack Obama Is a Traitor
www.huffingtonpost.com/.../barack-obama-is-a-traitor_b_391872.ht...Dec 14, 2009 โ Have we been so desensitized by the slurs against Obama that when Dick Cheney got around to saying the president committed treason, it just ...Images for obama traitor
- Report imagesPeter Fonda calls Obama 'traitor' at Cannes
www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2722098/postsMay 19, 2011 โ "I sent an email to President Obama saying, 'You are a f(expletive)traitor,' using those words... 'You're a traitor, you allowed foreign boots on ...JB Williams -- Obama A Traitor and War Criminal - Where's Congress?
www.newswithviews.com/JBWilliams/williams139.htmWilliams Articles: OBAMA A TRAITOR AND WAR CRIMINAL โ WHERE'S CONGRESS? By J.B. Williams March 21, 2011 NewsWithViews.com. On the eighth ...Barrack Hussein Obama Is A Traitor - Detroit Republican | Examiner ...
www.examiner.com/republican-in.../barrack-hussein-obama-is-a-trait...I can't think of anyway of hiding my feelings on our president. I want to remain respectful, but pretending Obama is democrat w.EDITORIAL: Barack Obama, Traitor to his Country | La Russophobe
larussophobe.wordpress.com/.../editorial-barack-obama-traitor-to-his...Aug 11, 2011 โ Reading this statement, there is only one conclusion that a thoughtful, well-informed Russia watcher can come to: Obama is a liar and a traitor ... Obama: An Incompetent Traitor?
www.politicsdaily.com/2010/06/07/obama-an-incompetent-traitor/Jun 7, 2010 โ The right has taken advantage of the oil spill crisis to tar the president in every way possible, but Obama's record of achievement stands up to ...

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Thursday, October 20, 2011
obama traitor - Google Search
obama traitor - Google Search