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Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Issa in USA Today: Must Be Accountability for Fast and Furious
As facts continue to emerge about a botched gun investigation of Mexican cartels, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has given the American people reason to doubt his ability to effectively lead the Department of Justice.
His reasoning and judgment will be tested once again Thursday as he testifies about the "Fast and Furious" operation before the House Judiciary Committee.
Nearly a year after a U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed by a weapon linked to the botched operation, Holder's Justice Department has spent far more time and resources trying to salvage the careers of senior officials who knew about the operation than in creating accountability for this tragedy and ensuring that nothing like this will happen again.
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Watch AG Holder Testify on
Operation Fast & Furious
Key Goals of Investigation
Expose the full scope of Fast and Furious
Deliver the Fast and Furious facts to the American people
Eliminate the program's dangerous investigative techniques
Discover who is responsible for starting Fast and Furious
Discover who is responsible for implementing Fast and Furious
Discover which high-level government officials knew about Fast and Furious
Discover which high-level government officials approved Fast and Furious
Expose high-level government officials who failed to stop Fast and Furious
Hold accountable those responsible for Fast and Furious
Protect taxpayers' rights to Congressional oversight of the Executive Branch