The pussy in office would be in a hole far away, and Bush was advised for his safety to not go back to the W.H., but he HAD to, he has The Blood Of a True American running through his veins and if he was in peril at the W.H., he wasn't going to avoid it because he had some serious business to tend to, and no, not all of the decisions were perfect, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, but fucking A, he kept us from being attacked for the next decade... No thanks to the Dictator in office now who is literally hating on this country and always has, all that makes us who we are, and all of us who are WHITE.
He has taken our finances, thrown them down the drain, gives it to his supporters, and crooked cohorts, the Muslim Brotherhood, and writes a Cover Your Ass highly lawyered memo so should they find a problem with the OBL event, the blame would be passed on to the Naval Officer in charge. He has continued the Policies Bush had in place because we were under siege and continually being threatened, and after the fiasco of 9-11. Bush was smart enough to not scoff at any of them. Yes, for our asses not to be vaporized we had some legislation specifically written to keep an eye on those who posed the most dangerous threats to our national security and their followers, but tough shit, I'm Glad he did it because we don't know what could have happened had he not, and if you're a dumb ass, you think putting American lives first is against our Constitutional Rights...
well WAKE THE FUCK UP because this freakshow is using whatever freedom busting legislation and writing more by passing Congress to purposely be abused and used against us, NOT TO PROTECT us. George Bush wasn't even in office a year before we got taken out by radical extremists that Obama protects and puts ahead of us, the people. If you think the demolition of lower Manhattan, The WTC, and the Financial district didn't have economic and social consequences beyond his control, YOU"RE AN IDIOT. He kept us going. And Obama has had over three years, the first two with full control of the House and the Senate to at least set things upright, but NO, he takes every step you take to weaken and destroy a country's economy...
The guy is a Psycho with his smarmy charm, He is taking you for the fools you are if you're not seeing through it. His crimes are immeasurable and overwhelming at this point, and as far as I'm concerned, They're right. Time to evoke our Second Amendment Rights before he acts first. I hate this Radical Terrorist mother fucker. He's got the whole country in a Stranglehold, bullying, threatening, and even having people murdered. HE IS S COMMON PETTY THIEF given a position he's run amok with stealing powers he doesn't have. NO, The PRESIDENT WORKS FOR US.... DON'T FORGET THAT, and REMIND HIM, the Narcissist Pig.. We Pay His Big Tabs, for his extravagant lifestyle.. Without US, he'd be a scoundrel ripping people off except not in the public sector, where you don't go to jail for embezzlement or murder... It's Time to Get Bloody and GET THE MOTHER FUCKER OUT OF OUR WHITE HOUSE!! NO ELECTION, NO SECOND CHANCE TO Fraudulently get his way back in... I swear we need a folk hero, like Charles Krauthammer said.