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Saturday, June 23, 2012
Fast and Furious, a more comprehensive look at the Full Picture
by Atom Ant on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 6:33am
How Did Obama Know About 'Fast And Furious' Before Holder?
He ordered it.... Here is the proof Obama knew before Holder and in fact ordered "gunrunner".
Obama attempted very early in his term as President to push gun control using the gun violence in Mexico to promote gun control. He claimed 90% of the guns used in Mexico violence could be traced to the US. This was proven to be completely false and the number was not even close to 5%. The proof was presented by a Bush program where guns used in crimes in Mexico were cross checked in the US to see if there was a gun smuggling problem. It turned out very few guns were coming from the US and the ATF had proof from the gun tracking program under Bush. Even the liberal funded sites like Fact Check put in place to make stuff up for Obama could not pull the number up above 17%
Gun control was taken off the "public" Obama agenda until he could increase the numbers of murders caused by US traceable guns and drum up support from Central American countries. Obama met with his entire cabinet to come up with a plan to increase the number of Mexicans killed by US guns.
Because there was already a gun tracking program funded Obama decided to use the program to increase the numbers by using the program to not only track guns, but to facilitate criminals purchasing guns and getting them to Central American countries.
Here without question the entire Obama cabinet knew of the program in March 2009.
Obama through Holder ordered "gun runner". Here is the announcement by Holders Assistant. No question Obama and Holder knew of the program and in fact ordered it. NOTE: he specifically states Obama ordered "gun runner". This was a press anouncement when the program was ordered speciffically by Obama.
ATF members even reported back to the White House National Security Staff on "Gun Runner". NSA under the Department of Defense was in on "Gun Runner" and explains how the drug gangs got military equipment. "A key ATF manager told Congress he discussed the case with a White House National Security staffer as early as September 2010. The communications were between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell, and White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O'Reilly." The report is here:
Nancy Pelosi financed it with Harry Reid's approval. $10,000,000 of stimulus money used for buying tens of thousands of guns. H.R. 495, was asking for 15,000,000 for "Gunrunner".
H.R. 495 that mentioned Gunrunner never made it out of committee, but it looks as it was to specifically fund Gunrunner. This means the Democrats including Pelosi knew of the program.
Instead portions of it were rolled into the stimulus package a month later. H.R.1:
For an additional amount for ‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’, $40,000,000, for competitive grants to provide assistance and equipment to local law enforcement along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas to combat criminal narcotics activity stemming from the Southern border, of which $10,000,000 shall be transferred to ‘Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Salaries and Expenses’ for the ATF Project Gunrunner.
Here is the link:
Holder lied to congress about his knowledge of "Gunrunner"... Here is where is lied. Remember, the first link was an official press anouncement specifically stating the "Gunrunner" program was ordered by Obama and Holder.
Even the FBI had their hands in on this mess and were providing the "gun runners" and the funds to buy the guns. The only answer there was they ran out of the $10 million for running guns into Mexico and were misappropriating FBI funds for gun running.
Obama put guns in the hand of violent criminals in Central American countries including Mexico and Honduras (dozens of other countries are listed but these are known) This was not to track drug lords... This was to promote a small arms treaty that Secretary of State Clinton was pushing. (She knew of the gun runing too)
The ATF agents were ordered not to stop the illegal purchases, In fact the ATF even helped the criminals purchase the guns without the required waiting time or back ground check.