Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2 U.S. Supreme Court Justices – And Numerous Other Top Government Officials – Warn of Dictatorship - Washington's Blog

2 U.S. Supreme Court Justices – And Numerous Other Top Government Officials – Warn of Dictatorship - Washington's Blog

2 U.S. Supreme Court Justices – And Numerous Other Top Government Officials – Warn of Dictatorship

Justices Souter and O’Connor, Intelligence Agency Heads and Congressmen All Warn of Tyranny in America

Former Supreme Court Justice David Souter told University of New Hampshire School of Law that the “pervasive civic ignorance” in the U.S. could bring dictatorship:
I don’t worry about our losing a republican government in the United States because I’m afraid of a foreign invasion. I don’t worry about it because of a coup by the military, as has happened in some other places. What I worry about is that when problems are not addressed people will not know who is responsible, and when the problems get bad enough — as they might do for example with another serious terrorist attack, as they might do with another financial meltdown — some one person will come forward and say:  ‘Give me total power and I will solve this problem.’
That is how the Roman republic fel.  Augustus became emperor not because he arrested the Roman senate. He became emperor because he promised that he would solve problems that were not being solved.
Former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor has also warned of dictatorship.
Of course, they’re not the only ones warning of fascism.  We noted in April:
Senator Frank Church – who chaired the famous “Church Committee” into the unlawful FBI Cointel program, and who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee – said in 1975:
“Th[e National Security Agency's]  capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything:telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide.  [If a dictator ever took over, the N.S.A.] could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back.
Now, the NSA is building a $2 billion dollar facility in Utah which will use the world’s most powerful supercomputer to monitor virtually all phone calls, emails, internet usage, purchases and rentals, break all encryption, and then store everyone’s data permanently.
The former head of the program for the NSA recently held his thumb and forefinger close together, and said:
We are, like, that far from a turnkey totalitarian state
(Indeed, we are getting very close, as shown herehere and here).
As we noted in 2008:
Democratic and Republican congress members are sounding the alarm: tyranny is here.
For example:
  • Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) says:
“I have been thrown out of more meetings in this capital in the last 24 hours than I ever thought possible, as a duly elected representative of 825,000 citizens of north Texas.”
Burgess asks the Speaker of the House to post the bailout bill on the internet for at least 24 hours instead of passing the largest piece of legislation in US financial history in the “dark of night.”
Rep. Burgess’ says, “Mr. Speaker I understand we are undermartial law as declared by the speaker last night.” (Note: For an explanation of what he meant by martial law, see this)
  • Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH) says:
“My message to the American people don’t let Congress seal this deal. High financial crimes have been committed.
The normal legislative process has been shelved. Only a few insiders are doing the dealing, sounds like insider trading to me. These criminals have so much political power than can shut down the normal legislative process of the highest law making body of this land.”
We are Constitutionally sworn to protect and defend this Republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. And my friends there are enemies.”
The people pushing this deal are the very ones who are responsible for the implosion on Wall Street. They were fraudulent then and they are fraudulent now.”
This is not entirely new. In 2006, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities wrote:
“House leadership invokes ‘martial law,’ forcing members to vote on key bills without full knowledge of what they are voting on: move represents erosion of the democratic process”
Indeed, many people, including high-level politicians, have been warning of tyranny in the U.S. for some time. As three of many examples:
Indeed, there is overwhelming evidence that the U.S. is quickly drifting into tyranny.  See thisthisthis,thisthisthisthis,  this and this.
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