Wednesday, September 12, 2012

U.S. ambassador to Libya, 3 others killed in rocket attack, witness says -

U.S. ambassador to Libya, 3 others killed in rocket attack, witness says -
J. Christopher Stevens, 52, the courageous U.S. Ambassador to Libya
who was killed by Islamists on September 11, 2012

U.S. ambassador to Libya, 3 others killed in rocket attack, witness says

By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 6:58 AM EDT, Wed September 12, 2012

Source: CNN

  • NEW: Libya's deputy PM scolds attack "on America, Libya and free people everywhere"
  • Christopher Stevens was the American envoy to Libya's rebels last year
  • Three American security staffers were killed with him, a witness says
(CNN) -- The United States ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in a rocket attack on the American Consulate in the city of Benghazi on Tuesday, a contractor working at the mission said Wednesday after seeing Stevens' body.
Three American security staff were also killed, said the contractor, who asked not to be named for security reasons.
He said he saw all four bodies on the street Wednesday morning. The bodies are now in the Central Hospital in Benghazi, he said.
Libyan Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur appeared to confirm that the envoy had been killed, saying that Stevens was "a friend of Libya, and we are shocked at the the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi."

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"I condemn these barbaric acts in the strongest possible terms. This is an attack on America, Libya and free people everywhere," Abushagur said on Twitter.
The contractor in Benghazi said he could hear rocket-propelled grenade attacks last night.
Libyans were also killed, the contractor said, saying the victims were shot on the spot.
The deaths came as protesters attacked U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya and Egypt on Tuesday, angry about an online film considered offensive to Islam.
The United States has not confirmed the deaths.
Stevens was the American envoy to the Libyan rebel movement that overthrew dictator Moammar Gadhafi last year, based in the rebel capital of Benghazi.
A speaker of Arabic and French, he was among the first American diplomats sent to Libya in 2007 when the United States resumed ties with the Gadhafi regime.
The last time an American ambassador was killed by terrorists was in 1979, when the envoy to Afghanistan, Adolph Dubs, was kidnapped and killed during an attempt to rescue him, according to State Department records.
CNN's Stephanie Halasz, Jomana Karadsheh, Elise Labott and Kirsten Dewar contributed to this report.

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  • julis123
    American foreign policy in a nutshell: We help Egypt to the tune of $billions of $, aid Libya in dumping Gaddafi and what do we get? Storming of embassies and murder of ambassadors.  Meanwhile we snub our only true ally in the mideast; Israel. Wake up America the Arabs will hate us no matter how "nice" we are to them.
  • Murat Odabaşı
    Let me fix it for you: You install a dictator in Egypt, let him oppress his people, give away the country's resources to his relatives, crush and dissent, and supply him with weapons and money to keep him in power for 40 years. You dump Gaddafi, but put even more violent people in power so you can exploit Libyan resources more easily. You topple Saddam, kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, destroy an entire country, its infrastructure, its peace and security, and put another dictator called al-Maliki in power. And you are still wondering why those people hate you? Wow.
    I can't disagree. Even Ron Paul says the we should be leaving these countries. ANd not police the world. And again in these countries. The Religion runs the state. 
  • TopShot
    coz u people are divided and your own people want to exploit you and your country....Thanks to USA that many muslim countries are surviving on their aid...
  • RoadOfMajor
    100% agreed. 
  • Karim
    CNN, delete my comments all you want! I'll keep posting them!
    Like I said before, the US helps get rid of Gaddafi, saves the lives of thousands of Libyans, and this is the thanks we get. A stab in the back, on September 11th no less.
    This was obviously coordinated in Egypt and Libya to be on 9/11. It's a direct insult to the people that died that day. Just to put fuel on the fire, they put some graffiti next to the ripped up American flag at the Egyptian embassy which said something nice about Osama Bin Laden.
    As someone who advocates peace on Earth, I still think we need to retaliate. This is unacceptable. Muslims don't want to live in peace with us. I know first hand. I was there there during the Egyptian revolution, and I know people defending the American Embassy in Cairo as we...
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  • ozfozzy
    Our ambassador was there for diplomatic ties.  Rather than use the assets at their disposal to solve a problem they have with somebody else, they killed the diplomat.  Sometimes, people just don't think.
  • Ahmad W. Ayase
  • MidVoice
    2000-2099 ... It's an OIL war century that was started very dramatically. The 3rd WW round the corner.
  • masterturk
    omg my tears dropped god bless usa(!) you got trillions of dollars from middle east using their oil&mines. those billions that usa gives directly goes to puppet leaders not to people.
  • Madeski
    Was Gaddafi a threat nor did he ever threaten America? He wanted Gold dinar for his oil and you felt he threatens the dollar paper. Sarkozy collected his money to sponsor his election and became the first to fire the shot that destroyed Libya.
    You reap what you sow. The Ambassador helped in cordinating the rebels and NATO bombarbments and now those he helped have dumped him. Case closed.
  • camty
    Al Qaeda is behind this. This has nothing to do with Libya or Egypt. These attacks were coordinated. There will be a response to the killing of the US ambassador.
  • ozfozzy
    This type of behavior only gives Pastor Jones more credibility.  If he insults you, don't go out and prove him right.  What are these people thinking?
  • TheCNNWatch
     Murat, let me fix you: Arabs/Muslims blame the US for everything that's wrong with their lives, instead of looking at the horrible oppression supported by the leading religion in every Arab/Muslim country.
    Re-cap, they hate us because they are told to by their religious leaders and for lack of better education, have no way to prove them wrong.You wish Saddam was alive and you were under his rule, and that Gaddafi was still alive too. Maybe there's a ticket to Afghanistan waiting for you, or Yemen, or Iran.
    The people who toppled Gaddafi, or Mubarak are now running the countries in question and NOTHING improved there. Quite the opposite, Islam's tight grip on people is starting to squeeze out their last ounces of hope for freedom.
    And you're still unconvinced. Wow.
  • Ananya Morino
    8 billion a year in aid to Israel is not abandonment you dingleberry.
  • bob5304
    American foreign policy we have no foreign policy with Obama. We need to stop all aid to these country and let them destory themselves. Support Israel with all that they need, any country attacks us we should cut them down, they understand that.
  • funfacts101
    I agree 100% except this part: " Meanwhile we snub our only true ally in the mideast; Israel "  
    Evidence says otherwise.  What's evidence?  Israeli top officials themselves who had nothing but high praises of this administration's support for Israel!  You can find many, many testimonials from top Israeli officials themselves saying this administration has been ever better than any administration that came before.  Here's one example I just found by doing a quick search on YouTube.  It's Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak putting all the chatter to rest (remove space before ".com"):  youtube. com/watch?v=26xy6Gbb3XY  
    People: You really need to inform yourselves on these important issues because it influences your decision when it comes to choosing your elected officials.  Remember 2004?  Yeah, imagine if people had done their homework about Bush's opponent instead of going by what they heard on Fox News.  You just might have avoided...
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  • jlfliberty, Libertarian
     Don't you mean wake up Carter, um oops I mean Obama the failed POTUS.
  • Nowonmai
    They cried for help from the west and as soon as they accomplish their task with our help, they go back to hating the common enemy. Which is us! The same thing will happen with Syria, they want our help to get rid of the current government and as soon as that is done, they will hate us again!  
  • ozfozzy
    Notice how the Libya embassy in DC is fine.  We're not vengeful animals like they are.
  • Levend

    Nato was not doing them a favour by help btw, Libya was another oil war.
     It was so obvious, it was more about the oil in Libya. Main reason France was so keen to attack, they got 30% of the contracts.
  • Alices777s
    Oh god you are so right. Its time to divest of these pigs. Either take over their country by force to get the oil we want, which is the only reason we are there is to take their money and natural resources, or get the H E L L out.
  • Karim
    CNN, delete my comments all you want! I'll keep posting them!
    Like I said before, the US helps get rid of Gaddafi, saves the lives of thousands of Libyans, and this is the thanks we get. A stab in the back, on September 11th no less.
    This was obviously coordinated in Egypt and Libya to be on 9/11. It's a direct insult to the people that died that day. Just to put fuel on the fire, they put some graffiti next to the ripped up American flag at the Egyptian embassy which said something nice about Osama Bin Laden.
    As someone who advocates peace on Earth, I still think we need to retaliate. This is unacceptable. Muslims don't want to live in peace with us. I know first hand. I was there there during the Egyptian revolution, and I know people defending the American Embassy in Cairo as we...
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  • nullcodes
    We need to reign down swift justice for this murder of our ambassador -- no question about it. An attack on our embassy, and on our diplomats should be considered an act of war for it carries that intent. That said, I don't think every single Libyan citizen was involved in this. Let's strike hard at the people responsible for this, and their willful support structures. However, there is no reason to kill innocents. Let's have a campaign against all mullahs who preach violence -- it's easy offer rewards for information ..obtain proof (easy, just attend/record one of their sessions). Mullahs who tell people to kill us should be treated the same way you would treat someone who tells a hitman to carry out a murder. It's basically murder. No person who preaches stuff like that should get away with it.
    (Edited by author 18 minutes ago)
  • Sherman Ellen
     Lets find someone gullible enough and ambitious enough and make him the leader...sure. there is nothing new under the sun.
  • cdhrr124
    they never stop hating us.
  • redbaron1288
    so true. strange how that works. they cry help us, then they stab us in the back. and in this case over a film. this is exactly the reason why we should not help syria, or anyother muslim country. everytime we help it ALWAYS comes back and bites us 
  • sameeker
    The American who was murdered in Libya is our ambassador to the country.
    Coordinated protests in Libya and Egypt on 9-11. NEVER trust a stinking
    muzzie. Help them achieve freedom and this is how we are treated by
    them. We need to send our Air Force back in and give both countries
    another dose. Since they intentionally chose the day that we honor the
    victims of 9-11, we need to target the most holy sites that they have in
    each country and lay waste to them. The next time they try to violate
    our sovereign territory in Egypt, send the Apache helicopters in. Time
    to call it like it is and play hardball with these savage fanatics.
    How about leaving there freaking country alone. And only focus on ours. Thats the problem. What do we expect when we involve ourselves in other people affairs. If they want to live in the 13th century so be it. 
  • Zionist4Ever
  • Sherman Ellen
     how much is the kool-aide?
  • Murat Odabaşı
    3000 thousand people were killed on 9/11. Your subsequent wars killed around a million, not including those injured, those who lost their homes, families, jobs, treasures, hospitals, businesses, peace, and savings. 9/11 itself was a retalliation to all the terror you have been causing in the region for the last three decades. To understand is not to condone. Until you understand the root causes of these attacks and the hatred, you will only get more of it.
  • UberPoppa
    Describe the terror that you suffered prior to 9/11, then we can understand your issues.
  • Yuliq
    All because of a make believe image called GOD! Get over it people, if God REALLY existed, we would all get along, now wouldn't we? No? Then I guess we are stronger than God could ever be. 
  • Ahmad W. Ayase
    Long live Hezbollah
  • politicsisbs
    Murat Islam says that if you are not a believer in it then you are an infidel?  Correct me if I am wrong.  All infidels should be exterminated correct?  How is leaving the asylum to the patients going to help?
  • dabnagit
    Murat, what did they expect to get when they slapped a sleeping Dragon in the face? It's an old story. The dragon wakes up and burns down the entire village.
  • ForceOfLife
    Zionist4ever  , did you forget your pills 
  • PorkMuslim
    This is the muslim way, scream and cry for help then stab anyone who helps them in the back.
    islam is a dangerous cult.
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