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Fast and Furious, a more comprehensive look at the Full Picture
by Atom Ant on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 6:33am
How Did Obama Know About 'Fast And Furious' Before Holder? He ordered it.... Here is the proof Obama knew before Holder and in fact ordered "gunrunner".
Obama attempted very early in his term as President to push gun control using the gun violence in Mexico to promote gun control. He claimed 90% of the guns used in Mexico violence could be traced to the US. This was proven to be completely false and the number was not even close to 5%. The proof was presented by a Bush program where guns used in crimes in Mexico were cross checked in the US to see if there was a gun smuggling problem. It turned out very few guns were coming from the US and the ATF had proof from the gun tracking program under Bush. Even the liberal funded sites like Fact Check put in place to make stuff up for Obama could not pull the number up above 17%
Gun control was taken off the "public" Obama agenda until he could increase the numbers of murders caused by US traceable guns and drum up support from Central American countries. Obama met with his entire cabinet to come up with a plan to increase the number of Mexicans killed by US guns. Because there was already a gun tracking program funded Obama decided to use the program to increase the numbers by using the program to not only track guns, but to facilitate criminals purchasing guns and getting them to Central American countries. Here without question the entire Obama cabinet knew of the program in March 2009.
Video Now Private:
Obama through Holder ordered "gun runner". Here is the announcement by Holders Assistant. No question Obama and Holder knew of the program and in fact ordered it. NOTE: he specifically states Obama ordered "gun runner". This was a press anouncement when the program was ordered speciffically by Obama.
ATF members even reported back to the White House National Security Staff on "Gun Runner". NSA under the Department of Defense was in on "Gun Runner" and explains how the drug gangs got military equipment. "A key ATF manager told Congress he discussed the case with a White House National Security staffer as early as September 2010. The communications were between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell, and White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O'Reilly." The report is here:
Nancy Pelosi financed it with Harry Reid's approval. $10,000,000 of stimulus money used for buying tens of thousands of guns. H.R. 495, was asking for 15,000,000 for "Gunrunner". H.R. 495 that mentioned Gunrunner never made it out of committee, but it looks as it was to specifically fund Gunrunner. This means the Democrats including Pelosi knew of the program. Instead portions of it were rolled into the stimulus package a month later. H.R.1: For an additional amount for ‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’, $40,000,000, for competitive grants to provide assistance and equipment to local law enforcement along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas to combat criminal narcotics activity stemming from the Southern border, of which $10,000,000 shall be transferred to ‘Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Salaries and Expenses’ for the ATF Project Gunrunner. Here is the link:
Video Scrubbed: ->
posts Holder lied to congress about his knowledge of "Gunrunner"... Here is where is lied. Remember, the first link was an official press anouncement specifically stating the "Gunrunner" program was ordered by Obama and Holder. But Holder bragged about his involvement in it only months earlier... Eric Holder Has Long History of Corruption and
Even the FBI had their hands in on this mess and were providing the "gun runners" and the funds to buy the guns. The only answer there was they ran out of the $10 million for running guns into Mexico and were misappropriating FBI funds for gun running.
Obama knowingly put guns in the hands of known violent criminals and they are now turning up in US cities. So it is very likely many US citizens inside the US were killed by Obama. Here 43 are found in a traffic stop in the US.
And yet more are reported found in the US here in Phoenix Arizona.
Obama put guns in the hand of violent criminals in Central American countries including Mexico and Honduras (dozens of other countries are listed but these are known) This was not to track drug lords... This was to promote a small arms treaty that Secretary of State Clinton was pushing. (She knew of the gun runing too)
The ATF agents were ordered not to stop the illegal purchases, In fact the ATF even helped the criminals purchase the guns without the required waiting time or back ground check.
The ATF agents were ordered not to even attempt to follow the guns, but they did track or trace the guns and the number of people killed by US guns in Mexico once the guns were found at crimes and in the other countries where at least 2000 assault rifles were sent to do their most damage.
Secretary of State Clinton met with the leaders of the countries where the guns were being dumped. This was to arrange for a Central American Small Arms Treaty once the numbers were raised enough to garner US support. The Central American countries including Mexico knew of the plan and were using it to push for a Central American “Small Arms Treaty”. Here is the report:
The US gun manufacturers and dealers are to be blamed by the UN for the Mass Murder and proliferation of guns into Mexico and Central America. Here the UN is demanding US gun control.
The claim coming of the gun manufacturers and gun deals being to blame is clearly not true. Obama did increase the number of people killed by guns traceable to the US dramatically in just 2 years, so that now more than 50% of the weapons did come from the US, But the US government is 100% to blame for the Mass Serial Murders, not the gun manufacturers or dealers. Obama is moving forward with gun control now as if he had no part in the Mass Serial Murders. This was Mass Serial Murder to promote gun control... I think it is very clear who should not have "control" of any guns...
OBAMA. It is past time for a special prosecutor. PS -*On a side note* If you were a Democrat Representative in Congress and you became aware the Democrat President and the Democrat leaders of congress were having people killed randomly though the distribution of guns to known violent criminals, all to promote gun control who would you tell? Remember, Congresswoman Giffords, a gun advocate, member of the NRA, had stood on the floor of congress and read the constitution with the Republicans as Pelosi looked on with disgust... just before she was shot. I want to know if the Whistle Blower ATF agents located out of the Phoenix office reported this to Congresswoman Giffords and if Giffords was attempting to discuss the problem with the Chief Judge for the United States District Court of Arizona when the judge was assassinated and an attempt to assassinate Giffords occurred. This is important to repeat. The President and his cabinet including the Justice Department, and all Democrat leadership in congress were aware of "gun runner" and its purpose to get guns into the hands of Mexican killers. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid funded it in the stimulus bill. The gun runner program was going to occur in the district of Representative Giffords, a strong second amendment, pro-gun advocate as well as a gun owner. She was to meet with the Chief United State District Judge for Arizona, John Roll a George W. Bush appointee, who was also blocking many of the Obama cases in his US District Court that covered all of Arizona. The Chief US District Judge controls the case assignements within his district.
Giffords was shot in the head in an attempted assassination and John Roll the Chief United State District Judge for Arizona a judge appointed by Republican George W. Bush was assassinated, by a former Democrat volunteer that had worked for her office and had some connection with the military. Shooter recalls going into a MEPS... "Every United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix is receiving one mini bible before the tests,” he writes in one video. “Jared Loughner is a United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix Therefore, Jared Loughner is receiving one mini bible before the tests."
Could all of this been a programmed shooter? Remember we now know NSA and the DOD was involved in "Gun Runner" and they are specialists at programing killers. Another former Giffords office volunteer had said Gifford was "dead" just days earlier. A Russian agency reported the judge was “assassinated” because he opposed Obama’s agenda. And one more thing... what ever happened to the guy that brought the shooter... never heard about that guy after the DOJ took over the case... Some people are saying they would have just killed the whistle blower if it was that big of a deal, but that is not how the government works. Foot soldiers are fired and discarded as kooks or people with some vendetta against the government agency they worked for. I saw this happen many times and in every Government Department including DOD, DOT, and Treasury Departments. They soon fade away, broke, and broken. This time several came forward because one of their own was killed. I believe Giffords knew of gun runner and was informing the Judicial Branch of gun runner... Pelosi was one of the very first people permitted in her room... WHY? Did she want to make sure she could not talk... Gifford now has partial amnesia...
It is well known where the short and long term memory is in the brain. A brain surgeon specialist was on duty when they were shot… And Jared Lee Loughner is in a federal prison mental facility locked away from view or questioning... A guy with partial memories of going into the Army that was dropped off by some unknown person just before the shooting Maybe this is all a conspiracy theory and we should just trust the investigation done by the Department of Justice. After all, we can trust them can’t we? Don't forget Valerie Jarrett, with very close ties to William Ayers (domestic terrorist) Bernadine Dohrn, is in the White House and is very open to homeland terror and murder to get what they want. If one of the ATF agents steps forward and says he told Giffords, I have no doubt Obama or one of his lackeys ordered her and that judge assassinated… Now this is "Gangster Government”.
May God have mercy on your dark souls
How Did Obama Know About 'Fast And Furious' Before Holder? He ordered it.... Here is the proof Obama knew before Holder and in fact ordered "gunrunner".
Obama attempted very early in his term as President to push gun control using the gun violence in Mexico to promote gun control. He claimed 90% of the guns used in Mexico violence could be traced to the US. This was proven to be completely false and the number was not even close to 5%. The proof was presented by a Bush program where guns used in crimes in Mexico were cross checked in the US to see if there was a gun smuggling problem. It turned out very few guns were coming from the US and the ATF had proof from the gun tracking program under Bush. Even the liberal funded sites like Fact Check put in place to make stuff up for Obama could not pull the number up above 17%
Gun control was taken off the "public" Obama agenda until he could increase the numbers of murders caused by US traceable guns and drum up support from Central American countries. Obama met with his entire cabinet to come up with a plan to increase the number of Mexicans killed by US guns. Because there was already a gun tracking program funded Obama decided to use the program to increase the numbers by using the program to not only track guns, but to facilitate criminals purchasing guns and getting them to Central American countries. Here without question the entire Obama cabinet knew of the program in March 2009.
Video Now Private:
Obama through Holder ordered "gun runner". Here is the announcement by Holders Assistant. No question Obama and Holder knew of the program and in fact ordered it. NOTE: he specifically states Obama ordered "gun runner". This was a press anouncement when the program was ordered speciffically by Obama.
ATF members even reported back to the White House National Security Staff on "Gun Runner". NSA under the Department of Defense was in on "Gun Runner" and explains how the drug gangs got military equipment. "A key ATF manager told Congress he discussed the case with a White House National Security staffer as early as September 2010. The communications were between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell, and White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O'Reilly." The report is here:
Nancy Pelosi financed it with Harry Reid's approval. $10,000,000 of stimulus money used for buying tens of thousands of guns. H.R. 495, was asking for 15,000,000 for "Gunrunner". H.R. 495 that mentioned Gunrunner never made it out of committee, but it looks as it was to specifically fund Gunrunner. This means the Democrats including Pelosi knew of the program. Instead portions of it were rolled into the stimulus package a month later. H.R.1: For an additional amount for ‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’, $40,000,000, for competitive grants to provide assistance and equipment to local law enforcement along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas to combat criminal narcotics activity stemming from the Southern border, of which $10,000,000 shall be transferred to ‘Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Salaries and Expenses’ for the ATF Project Gunrunner. Here is the link:
Video Scrubbed:
posts Holder lied to congress about his knowledge of "Gunrunner"... Here is where is lied. Remember, the first link was an official press anouncement specifically stating the "Gunrunner" program was ordered by Obama and Holder. But Holder bragged about his involvement in it only months earlier... Eric Holder Has Long History of Corruption and
Even the FBI had their hands in on this mess and were providing the "gun runners" and the funds to buy the guns. The only answer there was they ran out of the $10 million for running guns into Mexico and were misappropriating FBI funds for gun running.
Obama knowingly put guns in the hands of known violent criminals and they are now turning up in US cities. So it is very likely many US citizens inside the US were killed by Obama. Here 43 are found in a traffic stop in the US.
And yet more are reported found in the US here in Phoenix Arizona.
Obama put guns in the hand of violent criminals in Central American countries including Mexico and Honduras (dozens of other countries are listed but these are known) This was not to track drug lords... This was to promote a small arms treaty that Secretary of State Clinton was pushing. (She knew of the gun runing too)
The ATF agents were ordered not to stop the illegal purchases, In fact the ATF even helped the criminals purchase the guns without the required waiting time or back ground check.
The ATF agents were ordered not to even attempt to follow the guns, but they did track or trace the guns and the number of people killed by US guns in Mexico once the guns were found at crimes and in the other countries where at least 2000 assault rifles were sent to do their most damage.
Secretary of State Clinton met with the leaders of the countries where the guns were being dumped. This was to arrange for a Central American Small Arms Treaty once the numbers were raised enough to garner US support. The Central American countries including Mexico knew of the plan and were using it to push for a Central American “Small Arms Treaty”. Here is the report:
The US gun manufacturers and dealers are to be blamed by the UN for the Mass Murder and proliferation of guns into Mexico and Central America. Here the UN is demanding US gun control.
The claim coming of the gun manufacturers and gun deals being to blame is clearly not true. Obama did increase the number of people killed by guns traceable to the US dramatically in just 2 years, so that now more than 50% of the weapons did come from the US, But the US government is 100% to blame for the Mass Serial Murders, not the gun manufacturers or dealers. Obama is moving forward with gun control now as if he had no part in the Mass Serial Murders. This was Mass Serial Murder to promote gun control... I think it is very clear who should not have "control" of any guns...
OBAMA. It is past time for a special prosecutor. PS -*On a side note* If you were a Democrat Representative in Congress and you became aware the Democrat President and the Democrat leaders of congress were having people killed randomly though the distribution of guns to known violent criminals, all to promote gun control who would you tell? Remember, Congresswoman Giffords, a gun advocate, member of the NRA, had stood on the floor of congress and read the constitution with the Republicans as Pelosi looked on with disgust... just before she was shot. I want to know if the Whistle Blower ATF agents located out of the Phoenix office reported this to Congresswoman Giffords and if Giffords was attempting to discuss the problem with the Chief Judge for the United States District Court of Arizona when the judge was assassinated and an attempt to assassinate Giffords occurred. This is important to repeat. The President and his cabinet including the Justice Department, and all Democrat leadership in congress were aware of "gun runner" and its purpose to get guns into the hands of Mexican killers. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid funded it in the stimulus bill. The gun runner program was going to occur in the district of Representative Giffords, a strong second amendment, pro-gun advocate as well as a gun owner. She was to meet with the Chief United State District Judge for Arizona, John Roll a George W. Bush appointee, who was also blocking many of the Obama cases in his US District Court that covered all of Arizona. The Chief US District Judge controls the case assignements within his district.
Giffords was shot in the head in an attempted assassination and John Roll the Chief United State District Judge for Arizona a judge appointed by Republican George W. Bush was assassinated, by a former Democrat volunteer that had worked for her office and had some connection with the military. Shooter recalls going into a MEPS... "Every United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix is receiving one mini bible before the tests,” he writes in one video. “Jared Loughner is a United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix Therefore, Jared Loughner is receiving one mini bible before the tests."
Could all of this been a programmed shooter? Remember we now know NSA and the DOD was involved in "Gun Runner" and they are specialists at programing killers. Another former Giffords office volunteer had said Gifford was "dead" just days earlier. A Russian agency reported the judge was “assassinated” because he opposed Obama’s agenda. And one more thing... what ever happened to the guy that brought the shooter... never heard about that guy after the DOJ took over the case... Some people are saying they would have just killed the whistle blower if it was that big of a deal, but that is not how the government works. Foot soldiers are fired and discarded as kooks or people with some vendetta against the government agency they worked for. I saw this happen many times and in every Government Department including DOD, DOT, and Treasury Departments. They soon fade away, broke, and broken. This time several came forward because one of their own was killed. I believe Giffords knew of gun runner and was informing the Judicial Branch of gun runner... Pelosi was one of the very first people permitted in her room... WHY? Did she want to make sure she could not talk... Gifford now has partial amnesia...
It is well known where the short and long term memory is in the brain. A brain surgeon specialist was on duty when they were shot… And Jared Lee Loughner is in a federal prison mental facility locked away from view or questioning... A guy with partial memories of going into the Army that was dropped off by some unknown person just before the shooting Maybe this is all a conspiracy theory and we should just trust the investigation done by the Department of Justice. After all, we can trust them can’t we? Don't forget Valerie Jarrett, with very close ties to William Ayers (domestic terrorist) Bernadine Dohrn, is in the White House and is very open to homeland terror and murder to get what they want. If one of the ATF agents steps forward and says he told Giffords, I have no doubt Obama or one of his lackeys ordered her and that judge assassinated… Now this is "Gangster Government”.
May God have mercy on your dark souls
ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
(Credit: CBS/AP)
At a lengthy hearing on ATF's controversial gunwalking operation today, a key ATF manager told Congress he discussed the case with a White House National Security staffer as early as September 2010. The communications were between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell, and White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O'Reilly. Newell said the two are longtime friends. The content of what Newell shared with O'Reilly is unclear and wasn't fully explored at the hearing.
ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House
July 26, 2011 5:02 PM
- By
- Sharyl Attkisson
- Topics
- Law and Order
It's the first time anyone has publicly stated that a White House official had any familiarity with ATF's operation Fast and Furious, which allowed thousands of weapons to fall into the hands of suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to gain intelligence. It's unknown as to whether O'Reilly shared information with anybody else at the White House.
Congressional investigators obtained an email from Newell to O'Reilly in September of last year in which Newell began with the words: "you didn't get this from me."
"What does that mean," one member of Congress asked Newell, " 'you didn't get this from me?' "
"Obviously he was a friend of mine," Newell replied, "and I shouldn't have been sending that to him."
Newell told Congress that O'Reilly had asked him for information.
"Why do you think he asked for that information," Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked Newell.
"He was asking about the impact of Project Gunrunner to brief people in preparation for a trip to Mexico... what we were doing to combat firearms trafficking and other issues."
Today, a White House spokesman said the email was not about Fast and Furious, but about other gun trafficking efforts. The spokesman also said he didn't know what Newell was referring to when he said he'd spoken to O'Reilly about Fast and Furious.
President Obama has said neither he nor Attorney General Eric Holder authorized or knew about the operation. Holder has asked the Inspector General to investigate.
Sharyl Attkisson
Sharyl Attkisson is a CBS News investigative correspondent based in Washington. All of her stories, videos and blogs are available here.
Obama Administration: Leak Vital Military Secrets, but Conceal Relevant “Fast & Furious” Documents
Obama Administration: Leak Vital Military Secrets, but Conceal Relevant “Fast & Furious” Documents
Obama Administration: Leak Vital Military Secrets, but Conceal Relevant “Fast & Furious” Documents |
“Our son lost his life protecting this nation, and it is very disappointing that we are now faced with an administration that seems more concerned with protecting themselves rather than revealing the truth behind Operation Fast and Furious.” ~Josephine Terry and Kent Terry, Sr.
The question is simple: What is the Obama Administration so desperate to hide?
The White House, after all, asserts that it was uninvolved with Operation Fast and Furious.
But if that’s true, then why has it suddenly decided to claim executive privilege, which the Supreme Court reserves for communications between “high” officials such as the President or senior aides? And why didn’t the White House assert the privilege months ago if its claim was justified, rather than at this late hour?
By way of background, Operation Fast and Furious was a 2009 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) scheme to allow Mexican drug criminals access to approximately 2,000 weapons. The federal government forced domestic firearms dealers to sell guns to people they believed were agents of Mexican drug cartels, but refused to trace them. Its plan, bizarre in retrospect, was that the firearms could subsequently be tracked to high-level cartel leaders.
According to CBS News, however, the motives were even more sinister. Documents it obtained reveal that ATF agents “discussed using their covert operation ‘Fast and Furious’ to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales”:
“ATF officials didn’t intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called ‘Demand Letter 3’. That would require some U.S. gun shops to report the sale of multiple rifles or ‘long guns.’ Demand Letter 3 was so named because it would be the third ATF program demanding gun dealers report tracing information.”
By December 2010, however, the operation had gone terribly awry. In addition to logistical failures, two weapons from the operation were ultimately involved in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
Justifiably, Congress commenced an investigation into how such a reckless and disastrous operation could have been allowed to occur. In February 2011, the Justice Department denied that the operation even existed, but ten months later was forced to admit that was false. In fact, internal emails obtained by the House Oversight Committee revealed that Justice officials knew all along of the operation, even as it was being denied.
Importantly, Attorney General Eric Holder had claimed that those emails were irrelevant to the matter, and had refused to produce them. Holder also claimed that former Bush era Attorney General Michael Mukasey knew about Operation Fast and Furious, but was later forced to retract that accusation.
Congress ultimately sought 140,000 relevant documents in its investigation, but Holder has produced just 7,600. To put that in perspective, the Justice Department has produced over 80,000 of those documents to its own Inspector General. Moreover, Congress isn’t seeking every Department of Justice document relating to the entire disastrous Fast and Furious operation. Rather, the documents in question are generally limited to dates after the 2009-2010 operation had terminated, and center on whether a coverup occurred to stifle a Congressional investigation as well as which officials were aware of the operation. In other words, the documents do not relate to some vital national security interest deliberations involving the President, which is the typical justification for a claim of executive privilege.
After more than one year of stonewalling by Eric Holder, the House Oversight Committee finally voted to hold him in contempt this week.
Now, compare the White House’s ultra-secretive behavior on Operation Fast and Furious with its nonchalant disclosure of sensitive military secrets.
Upon taking office in 2009, the Obama Administration immediately began releasing classified interrogation techniques that allowed foreign terrorists to understand how to resist if captured. And in recent weeks alone, the Administration has liberally leaked details about the Osama bin Laden raid, the cooperation of a Pakistani physician who was immediately imprisoned, the identity of Navy SEALs, our drone operations, the joint U.S./Israeli computer virus used to corrupt Iranian nuclear operations and Obama’s “kill list.”
Recognizing its untenable position, the Obama Administration then retreated to its habitual “Bush did it” alibi. But even assuming that comparison for purposes of argument, didn’t Obama rest his entire campaign for the presidency on the promise that he would bring “Hope” and “Change” to American politics? In 2007, in fact, he unequivocally told CNN that, “There’s been a tendency on the part of this administration to try to hide behind executive privilege, every time that there’s something a little shaky that’s taking place, and the Administration would be best served by coming clean on this, there doesn’t seem to be any national security issues involved.”
Obama added, “The American people deserve to know what was going on there.”
Indeed we do. As November approaches, American voters deserve to know why this Administration carelessly leaks sensitive military secrets, but fiercely conceals potentially embarrassing documents relevant to a coverup investigation.
U.S. family jailed for Holder’s gun crimes
U.S. family jailed for Holder’s gun crimes
Eighteen months after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in Arizona by Mexican bandits using guns purchased through a U.S. government program called Fast and Furious, we still don’t know who within the Department of Justice knew about the program, much less who authorized it.
Certainly there has been no serious talk about prosecuting any of the people responsible for assisting in the illegal sales of over 2,000 guns to Mexican arms traffickers – guns that were subsequently involved in the murders of BPA Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata, as well as possibly hundreds of Mexican citizens.
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But while that investigation has dragged on, with Attorney General Eric Holder denying knowledge of the program, denying knowledge of who was involved and denying congressional investigators access to tens of thousands of documents that might answer those questions, New Mexico gun dealer Rick Reese and his two sons Ryin and Remington have sat rotting in separate detention centers, jails and prisons around the state accused of a similar crime involving some 30 guns.
The Reese family, including Rick’s wife Terri, ran a gun shop in Deming, N.M., and was arrested in late August of 2011 on charges of knowingly selling guns to Mexican smugglers and various other related charges.
After spending 6 months in jail, Terri Reese was finally granted bail in March of this year, but Rick and the boys have been repeatedly denied bail on the pretext that they are flight risks or might try to engage in a Ruby Ridge-type standoff.
The rationale for denying the Reeses’ constitutional rights is that Rick knows some people in Mexico, his home has a well and solar power and there were guns and ammunition in their homes and businesses when they were arrested. That’s right: Guns and ammo in the home and business of a federally licensed firearms dealer (all of which were seized a year ago and have never been returned) is being offered as evidence that they can’t be trusted – and a judge bought it.
Well, there’s also the fact that Rick and Terri were involved with a local tea-party group. That’s probably reason enough right there.
The Reeses are scheduled to finally get their day in court in late July, almost a full year after they were arrested and incarcerated. The first of several pre-trial motion hearings was held last week in which the judge heard arguments as to whether the charge of criminal conspiracy should be dropped. The prosecution contends that the Reese family members were all in cahoots in a conspiracy to sell guns to illegal buyers, falsify purchase paperwork, smuggle guns to Mexico and launder the illegal proceeds. The defense contends that the family operated a business buying and selling firearms, ammunition and accessories, and that they made every effort to ensure that every sale they made was legal and properly documented.
During this first hearing, we learned several things about the prosecution’s case. For instance, we learned that prosecutors acknowledge that every gun the Reeses sold was properly logged into and out of their store inventory, and that FBI background checks were conducted, and approvals received, for each purchaser. They also agree that all taxes were paid and no money was exchanged “under the table,” nor did any of the family members receive compensation above their normal company paycheck.
We learned that Rick Reese also employed retired and off-duty law enforcement officers as part-time help in the shop, and that a substantial portion of the company’s business came from law enforcement officers and agencies.
We learned that prosecutors consider three family members standing close to each other and quietly talking to be evidence of conspiracy and that the lead investigator in the case has a very low opinion of fellow law enforcement officers. When asked if he considered the fact that the Reeses employed LEOs in the shop to be contraindicative of a criminal conspiracy, he replied that he did not because “a lot of them [cops and former cops] are dirty.”
Probably the most important fact we learned at this hearing was that the entire investigation was instigated based on a tip that a woman named Penny Torres was making suspicious purchases of guns and ammunition, and might be illegally buying for someone else. That tip led to Torres’ arrest and her subsequent grand jury testimony against the Reese family and another gun shop where she had made some purchases. The presumption is that her cooperation garnered her leniency in the charges and sentence she was facing for her criminal activity.
What is most significant about the arrest of Penny Torres is that the original tip identifying her as a potential “straw buyer” came from Terri Reese.
Torres had claimed that her purchases were in preparation for a large family reunion at an area ranch where her relatives wanted to do a lot of shooting. At some point after the sales, Terri Reese became suspicious of Torres’ story and contacted a friend in the Luna County Sheriff’s office, who acted as the shop’s go-to guy in law enforcement. He assured Terri that he would make a report to ATF and get back to her.
Torres testimony against the Reese family led to a months-long sting operation conducted against the Reeses by a federal agency called Homeland Security Investigations, or HSI. That investigation involved a confidential informant named Roman, who was trying to earn a reduced sentence for drug and human smuggling. His job was to make purchases of firearms and ammunition from the Reeses while dropping hints that his intent was to illegally take the guns to Mexico. The trick was to drop those hints in such a way that they wouldn’t alarm the Reeses, but that someone listening to a recording of the tape and reading a transcript would conclude that the Reeses knew, or should have known, his intentions.
Roman, by the way, speaks only broken English, and his conversations with the Reeses included a lot of Spanish, a language that no one in the Reese family speaks, but which has been transcribed for the court in English.
Who would believe that a gun dealer’s report of a suspicious purchaser would lead to a federal investigation of the dealer herself, culminating in a raid with armored vehicles, helicopters and heavily armed officers and agents from multiple jurisdictions?
Or that a few firearms and ammunition sales in a high-volume gun store, including the sales that Terri Reese had reported as suspicious, would result in confiscation of virtually everything the family had accumulated over a 25-year marriage and 17 years in business – bank accounts, gun and coin collections, store inventory, vehicles, real estate, just about everything the family had?
Or that the same Justice Department that had instructed dealers to sell over 2,000 guns to known straw buyers for Mexican drug cartels while making no attempt to track or interdict them – with a few arrests and minor charges against the straw purchasers, but no charges against the ATF and DOJ employees who masterminded the criminal operation – would effectively destroy a family for not being quite diligent enough in their efforts to screen their customers?
It is worth noting that as HSI progressed in their investigation against the Reese family, they were briefing and receiving guidance from Phoenix ATF Bureau Chief Bill Newell – the man responsible for directly overseeing Operation Fast and Furious.
For the Reese family, who have already served 10 months behind bars and have had all of their worldly possessions taken from them, the July trial is an opportunity to prove their innocence and try to reassemble what’s left of their lives.
For the prosecution, it is imperative that they prove that the Reeses were intentionally engaging in the criminal activity they have already been being punished for. Failure to get a conviction would leave egg on the face of a relatively new federal law enforcement agency trying to establish itself, and would mean that the various agencies involved wouldn’t get to divvy up the spoils already pillaged.
Once again though, we see a case where those inside the government and law enforcement are handled with kid gloves and given the benefit of every doubt, while those outside of government and law enforcement are presumed guilty until they can prove their innocence – even after the government has taken away the resources they need to make their case.
If you would like to help the Reese family in their struggle, a defense fund has been set up at:
ATTENTION Patricia Arias
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Holder to Issa: 'Have You No Shame?'
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Issa pushes ahead with Holder contempt vote despite Obama intervention | Fox News
Issa pushes ahead with Holder contempt vote despite Obama intervention | Fox News
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Issa pushes ahead with Holder contempt vote despite Obama intervention
Published June 20, 2012
A House panel voted Wednesday in favor of holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, a move that inflamed partisan rancor on Capitol Hill and sets up the possibility of legal action against the attorney general himself.
Holder has not yet been formally held in contempt of Congress. The full House would still need to approve the resolution in order for that to happen -- Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., afterward told Fox News that such a floor vote can still be avoided.
But the 23-17 party-line vote on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee marked a significant turn in lawmakers' 16-month investigation into the botched anti-gunrunning operation Fast and Furious. With the vote, Republicans on the committee signaled they had exhausted all other means to extract sought-after documents from the Justice Department -- though Democrats had insisted there was still an opportunity to sort out the mess without a contempt vote.
"We and the American people need answers sooner, not later," said Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the committee.
Issa pressed ahead with the vote Wednesday despite an eleventh-hour move by President Obama to assert executive privilege over the Fast and Furious documents at the heart of the dispute.
Preceding the vote late Wednesday afternoon was a caustic debate before the committee that spanned six hours, as Democrats accused Issa of prosecuting a "political witch hunt" and Republicans stepped up their criticism of Holder's "stonewalling" over the Fast and Furious probe. Even for Washington, the tone at the hearing was decidedly bitter and accusatory.
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., shouted while rattling off his complaints against the Justice Department.
On the other side, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., ranking Democrat of the committee, offered an impassioned defense of the attorney general even as he and other Democrats acknowledged Fast and Furious was severely flawed.
"I don't think he's hiding a damn thing," Cummings said of Holder shortly before the contempt vote.
Democrats roundly voiced disappointment with the proceedings, describing them as politically motivated and avoidable. They pleaded with Issa to seriously consider Obama's executive privilege claim -- the first Obama has asserted -- while some said Holder was being punished for withholding internal documents he shouldn't be turning over anyway.
Republicans praised Issa for pressing ahead, describing the vote as entirely unavoidable considering the department's alleged refusal to cooperate. They frequently invoked the name of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry -- Fast and Furious-linked guns were found at the scene of Terry's murder in 2010. And Issa indicated he was waiting for a more detailed explanation from the White House, and a letter from Obama himself, before even considering changing course based on the executive privilege claim.
Issa also accused the Justice Department of trying to compel the committee to close its investigation in exchange for documents it hasn't yet seen. "I can't accept that deal. No other committee chairman would," he said.
But Cummings fired back that Holder never made such a demand -- a Justice official also refuted Issa's claim -- and said the attorney general had come to the committee in "good faith" to try and work out an agreement.
Cummings said the contempt vote has "diminished" the prestige of the panel. "For the past year, you've been holding the attorney general to an impossible standard," he said, addressing Issa. "Mr. Chairman, it did not have to be this way. It really didn't."
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., added that she was "horrified" by the panel's looming vote, calling it a "political witch hunt" and accusing Republicans of "overruling" the president.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was first informed of the president's decision to assert executive privilege over the disputed Fast and Furious documents in a letter Wednesday morning, shortly before the contempt vote was scheduled.
Issa said committee staff were evaluating the letter but described the move as too little, too late as he and other GOP lawmakers questioned the basis for the assertion.
"This untimely assertion by the Justice Department falls short of any reason to delay today's proceedings," Issa said.
The committee, while voting down several Democratic amendments to the resolution, later approved a GOP amendment designating Obama's executive privilege claim as inappropriate.
The move by Holder and Obama to lock down some requested documents only complicates the fight over the botched anti-gunrunning operation between the legislative and executive branches.
After Holder made the request to Obama via letter on Tuesday, Deputy Attorney General James Cole wrote to Issa, R-Calif., on Wednesday informing him that the president has granted the request.
"We regret that we have arrived at this point, after the many steps we have taken to address the committee's concerns and to accommodate the committee's legitimate oversight interests regarding Operation Fast and Furious," Cole wrote. "Although we are deeply disappointed that the committee appears intent on proceeding with a contempt vote, the department remains willing to work with the committee to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues."
Obama's decision pertains to documents from February 2011 and afterward examining how Justice officials learned about the Fast and Furious probe.
Holder, in his letter to Obama requesting he assert executive privilege, said those documents pertain to the "deliberative process" on how to respond to congressional and media inquiries.
In a statement released late Wednesday, Holder accused Issa of rejecting all efforts to "reach a reasonable accommodation."
"Instead, he has chosen to use his authority to take an extraordinary, unprecedented and entirely unnecessary action, intended to provoke an avoidable conflict between Congress and the Executive Branch. This divisive action does not help us fix the problems that led to this operation or previous ones and it does nothing to make any of our law enforcement agents safer. It's an election-year tactic intended to distract attention -- and, as a result -- has deflected critical resources from fulfilling what remains my top priority at the Department of Justice: Protecting the American people," he said. Holder said claims that his department was unresponsive are "untrue."
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer also called the vote"a politically motivated, taxpayer-funded election-year fishing expedition."
But Issa countered with a statement asserting the vote was "not the outcome I had hoped for." He said it "would not have occurred had Attorney General Eric Holder actually produced the subpoenaed documents he said he could provide."
Wednesday's developments follow a flurry of activity Tuesday, as Holder tried to negotiate a way to avert the contempt proceedings. Issa had earlier indicated a willingness to postpone the vote after Holder indicated a willingness to make compromises and supply some documents in response to House Republicans' subpoena.
But Issa told reporters after a roughly 20-minute meeting with Holder Tuesday that the attorney general instead briefed them on the documents in lieu of delivering them.
Issa told Fox News that Holder didn't provide "anything in writing."
Issa further said during the committee meeting Wednesday that the purpose of the probe "has never been to hold the attorney general in contempt." He said the committee had an aide on Capitol Hill all night in the hope that the Justice Department might send over documents to the panel.
The failed Fast and Furious operation attempted selling thousands of guns to arms dealers along the U.S.-Mexico border to trace them to leaders of drug cartels. However, many of them showed up in crime scenes. Congressional investigators have been trying to determine if and when high-level Justice officials knew about problems with the operation.
After a day in which their son's name was repeatedly invoked, Terry's parents Josephine and Kent Terry also released a statement Wednesday afternoon expressing disappointment with the administration's latest actions.
"Attorney General Eric Holder's refusal to fully disclose the documents associated with Operation Fast and Furious and President Obama's assertion of executive privilege serves to compound this tragedy. It denies the Terry family and the American people the truth," they said.
The Department of Justice has adamantly defended its response. Holder said Issa rejected what he thought was "an extraordinary offer."
GOP House leadership has given Issa the green light to proceed how he sees fit, sources told Fox News, which suggests the vote would reach the House floor.
Issa had demanded to see a trove of documents on the controversial Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation. He also wants to know who prepared a now-retracted letter from Feb. 4, 2011, in which the department claimed the U.S. did not knowingly help smuggle guns to Mexico, including those found where Terry was killed.
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