Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why John Roberts is Mitt Romney’s Secret Weapon (“…, it is clear that John Roberts duped the liberal wing of the Supreme Court into agreeing with him on calling out President Obama as legislatively dishonest, while assisting the conservative wing of the court …”)

I would caution my fellow conservatives on the frustration they may be enticed to express at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. It is unwarranted, and it is unwise.
Official 2005 photo of Chief Justice John G. R...
Official 2005 photo of Chief Justice John G. Roberts (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The reason I state such is that it is my firm belief that the Roberts’ decision on the Obamacare mandate will without question bring about ultimate doom to the government control of healthcare, and through the best means possible–notjudicial activism–but through thedemocratic process.
In boxing terminology no one has pulled a “rope-a-dope” this effective sinceMuhammad Ali himself. In doing so, it is clear that John Roberts duped the liberal wing of the Supreme Court into agreeing with him on calling out President Obama as legislatively dishonest, while assisting the conservative wing of the court into dismantling punitive measures against the states, and greatly limiting the ability of the legislature to use the powers of the commerce clause of the constitution to quietly take over people’s lives.
Yes, conservative friends there are many silver linings in Thursday’s odd verdict but let me assert merely four here:
John Roberts - Caricature
John Roberts – Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
1. Obamacare has been outed–by the authoritative voice of the nation’s highest court-as a fraud. Yes the administration pitched it as a “penalty,” as something that would not carry with it the burdensome label and politically repulsive thought of a tax. But Chief Justice Roberts seduced the four Obama supporters on the bench into agreeing that President Obama had in fact lied to the nation all through his 2008 campaign. Promising tax-cuts for 95% of the nation (a promise wrapped in a lie all its own), he has instead raisedtaxes–primarily on middle class families to the tune of $1.7 trillion dollars for the next decade. (And THAT’S just the starting point!) A tax, and nothing but a tax, is the only way the mandate funding could be understood in order forPresident Obama’s only domestic initiative to survive. So a tax it is…
2. The commerce clause has been……….
isdees (Photo credit: GunnyG1345)

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