Monday, August 13, 2012

Cameraman Catches Bill Clinton and Paul Ryan Chatting Like Old Buddies - The Bla.mp4 - YouTube

Cameraman Catches Bill Clinton and Paul Ryan Chatting Like Old Buddies - The Bla.mp4 - YouTube

Bill Clinton says to Paul Ryan - "I'm glad we won this race; I just hope the Democrats don't use it as an excuse to do nothing."

THE Democrat loves Paul Ryan's Plan, but HE doesn't even trust the Democrats to do NOTHING and twist it around on Ryan.  

Well they tried, and they've lied, as usual.  Too late, though, the facts are facts, and Obama already gutted Medicare to the point of being non existent in less than 7 years.  Ryan RESTORES Medicare with his plan. Get it STRAIGHT.  RYAN'S PLAN FIXES MEDICARE.

Demo - Demolish, Demote, Demobilize, Demolition, Democrashers of the Economy.
Rep - Repair, Reparations, Represent, Rejuvenate, Restore, Repudiate Liars with the Truth and American Restoration.